The Left and One Party Rule

If I may play devil's advocate what would be the benefit of a one world government over the way the world governs itself now?

I'm not sure...I hear panicky Righties on these boards bemoaning how it's the end of the world if a One World Government comes into power, and I just would like someone to explain to me why precisely they believe a one world government means the end of the world...and merely claiming that the Bible foretells of the end doesn't count.
Except that isn't a guarenteed right. The preamble is just that.

Using your definition there is no limit to government power.

Why do you trust the government so much? Why do you have so much faith?

"endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men".

It is guaranteed...we are "endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights" if that statement is true then it matters not where it's is fact and therefore it's our Governments job to secure those rights.
History tells us.

It isn't government that is corrupt. It is man. You seem to want to ignore all of human history and human nature.

So what you're saying is, no matter which form of Government the founding fathers chose to implement to govern over this nation, it was inevitably doomed to failure due to man's inherent corruption.
apple, my apologies if you have answered this and I missed it. What would be the benefit in your opinion to having a one world government?
We are all constitutionally guaranteed the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If the government must give some people free healthcare in order for them to go on enjoying the right to life, then so be it.

You’re not guaranteed a right to life that’s being financed by somebody else, you’re only guaranteed a right to the life you’re financing for yourself. You’re not guaranteed a right of happiness you’re only guaranteed a right to pursue happiness for yourself. You’re only guaranteed liberty as long as you’re willing to elect politicians who will preserve, protect and defend your Constitution as they are sworn to do and you’re willing to hold their feet to the fire of constitutional liberty.
Well if Government is by it's very nature "corruption", then George Washington must have known what would ultimately happen to the great experiment in Democracy he and the other founding fathers was doomed to be corrupted from the very start.

I get it by the way...BIG GOVERNMENT BAD!

World Government "insanity" just can't explain precisely WHY it's "insanity".

I’m sure Washington knew that governments historically always fail sooner or later and are replaced by other governments. We don’t need to be rocket scientist to know that.

To begin with our founders did not create a democracy they created a constitutional republic the difference of course being that a democracy is majority rule while a constitutional republic is constitutional rule that guarantees the same rights to minorities as it does majorities.

Secondly, our founders devised our government purposely into three separate and equally powered branches because they knew and feared the insanity of majority rule. The President can veto Congressional legislation, the Congress can override a Presidential veto and the Courts can declare Presidential actions and Congressional legislation unconstitutional and void.

No system is perfect and the founders knew it but they gave us the best system humanly possible to protect against dictatorship and or the mob rule of a majority.

Sadly the system has become so bloated and corrupted with bribery by both left and right our constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms are near gone and our future generations are only guaranteed endless war and ungodly debt.
I'm not sure...I hear panicky Righties on these boards bemoaning how it's the end of the world if a One World Government comes into power, and I just would like someone to explain to me why precisely they believe a one world government means the end of the world...and merely claiming that the Bible foretells of the end doesn't count.

Government is inherently corrupt because it is inherently authoritarian and the BIGGER the government the BIGGER the authoritarianism and corruption. A One World Government would be the BIGGEST government possible and thereby the MOST corrupt and authoritarian government possible.

Promoting BIG government and especially a One World Government is insanity beyond stupidity.
"endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men".

It is guaranteed...we are "endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights" if that statement is true then it matters not where it's is fact and therefore it's our Governments job to secure those rights.

No! It’s up to you to secure those rights it’s the government’s job to protect your right to secure those rights because the government can’t GIVE you an INALIENABLE RIGHT inalienable rights are ENDOWED by whoever you consider to be your CREATOR. Therefore government can only protect your rights, it can’t GIVE you your rights because your rights are not government’s to GIVE!
You’re not guaranteed a right to life that’s being financed by somebody else, you’re only guaranteed a right to the life you’re financing for yourself. You’re not guaranteed a right of happiness you’re only guaranteed a right to pursue happiness for yourself. You’re only guaranteed liberty as long as you’re willing to elect politicians who will preserve, protect and defend your Constitution as they are sworn to do and you’re willing to hold their feet to the fire of constitutional liberty.

Funny, but I don't remember seeing the words "you're financing for yourself" after the phrase "right to Life" in the constitution...I am guaranteed the right to L-I-F-E...PERIOD.
No! It’s up to you to secure those rights it’s the government’s job to protect your right to secure those rights because the government can’t GIVE you an INALIENABLE RIGHT inalienable rights are ENDOWED by whoever you consider to be your CREATOR. Therefore government can only protect your rights, it can’t GIVE you your rights because your rights are not government’s to GIVE!

Well if I am endowed by my Creator with the unalienable right to Life, then who do our elected officials think they are to presume they could arbitrarily alter an unalienable RIGHT given to us by our Creator?
You also ignore the fact that America has been anointed by the rest of the western world to be the world’s protector and police force, bearer of arms and military and minding other country’s business costing 1/3 of the national budget and the fact that America is on the edge of bankruptcy with a 16 trillion $ national debt. Germany and Canada have no such economic issues to contend with.

That's the point of ObamaCare. There will be no more clowns saying war is an option we can afford. Do the citizens want social programs or to be the world's Police force?
But there is a rational argument opposed to government healthcare and I’ve been making it.

America once had the best healthcare system in the world before the federal government mandated Medicare & Medicaid and the mountains of paperwork that went with it and its waste fraud and abuse.

Oh, please. Why did the government get involved? Any "for profit" scheme is not going to service the people wthout money. It's a contradiction. Surely that doesn't need to be explained.

And even for those like you who favor a single payer system you present no rational argument WHY you oppose or ignore the constitutional element of the issue whereby the federal government is forbidden by the Constitution from being involved in the healthcare system and if you favor a single payer system WHY wouldn’t State operated systems be better and at least constitutional. I understand your willful ignorance of that question and it’s surely because you have no rational argument in opposition to it.

I ignore the constitutional issue for two reasons. First, there was no medical care when the Constitution was finally ratified. Second, Medicare and Medicaid have been proven beneficial to the citizens. How many people eligible for either program refuse or try to eliminate them? How many elderly would be suffering or die if those programs were eliminated? As to the States running the entire operation there would be too much disparity between them. Also, like any "group insurance" the more poeple covered the less expensive per person.

Take LA for example. One bet if it had state medical it would have been cut after Katrina. Not long ago there was an article about a southern state trying to cut mental health care. A Federal system can handle those bumps.
Foreign doctors are incentivized to immigrate to America now and in the past because they were and are more financially rewarded for their services in America. If America goes to a single payer system doctor fees will be capped and the incentive for foreign doctors to come to America will be lost.

More nonsense. Do you think doctors in those foreign countries make anywhere near what doctors make in the US? The same can be said of Canada. Frequently nurses will go to the US after graduation because of the considerably higher pay but guess what. We still have nurses in Canada. And many do return after saving a few dollars to buy a home.
If you and the left believe that healthcare should be a constitutional right, then why haven’t you and the left worked for a constitutional amendment for same as required by the Constitution?

OK. That was funny. It did get a laugh. Congress working together to change the Constitution? They can't even agree on a general budget!
Does Massachusetts have its own STATE healthcare system that Obama-care was modeled after?

Yes, it does and definitely an exception. Out of 50 states how many have implemented a state health care plan? And what would happen if a major catastrophe struck Mass? You can bet those in charge of governemnt would be going over benefits like vultures looking at what to chop. A federal plan is more stable.
They don’t have a job because socialist government has diminished all incentive for them to look for a job. Mexicans come here and go to work almost immediately because they’re willing to work where so many Americans think particular jobs are beneath their dignity and they don’t find better paying jobs when they do look because most have ignored their education and or training and they don’t find jobs when they look for them because socialist government has taxed and regulated American businesses off shore.

Do you have any idea what welfare pays? To say someone doesn't have an incentive to work is more nonsense unless they're mentally or physically ill. Or an addict. Or was home schooled in Appalachia. :)
People who get kicked off of welfare because they’re working a minimum wage job are the same people that ignored their education and or training for better jobs. They’re high school dropouts, teenage unwed mothers and bastards so lazy nobody will hire them for any length of time for any job.

Ah, yes. Those darn unwed mothers. And the Repub/Conservative solution is to ensure we have more of them by outlawing abortion. And those who lived in unfit homes with bums as parents, let's make sure they don't sneak off to school while receiving government assistance. They can stay home and have more kids.