The left hates the Kamala pick

Then why was she so lame in the dem primaries? Early drop out. You lose.......:cool:

Because under the TRUMP REGIME, Democrats were united behind replacing him with JOE BIDEN- We wanted someone who had true White House proven experience! Someone who all the other World Leaders around the world already know and is comfortable with. We will now have to restore the faith our allies once had in America. Biden is not just the Democrat's choice- HE IS ALSO THE CHOICE OF OUR CLOSEST ALLIES!

None of the other candidates had a chance- even though all of them are great leaders- they just didn't have the White House experience or proven leadership experience in the entire world like Biden has.

And ask around the water cooler, but even the Republicans feel more comfortable with Biden- than any of the other Democrat candidates- as Biden is a centrist and not looking to take the country farther left- THAN WHAT MIGHT JUST BE NECESSARY!

The Vocal Majority and Joe Biden want to bring this country back together again after Trump Chopped it up into little bitty bits for his own personal gain!
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Because under the TRUMP REGIME, Democrats were united behind replacing him with JOE BIDEN- We wanted someone who had true White House proven experience!

None of the other candidates had a chance- even though all of them are great leaders- they just didn't have the White House experience Biden had.

At this point, getting Trump out is my only concern.
The choice was fait accompli. Almost all Dems expected it. So did rightys. She is a great choice.

We'll know soon enough. It is funny to watch the far right shit their pants over this. The fuckers deserve getting creamed for destroying the Republican party.

We'll know soon enough. It is funny to watch the far right shit their pants over this. The fuckers deserve getting creamed for destroying the Republican party.


Trump was able to walk over the Republican Old Guard because they had failed, the people got to "ENOUGH!" with their lies and refusal to stand up to the abusive Left.
Trump was able to walk over the Republican Old Guard because they had failed, the people got to "ENOUGH!" with their lies and refusal to stand up to the abusive Left.

...and now the "abusive Left" is going to take over because ignorant science-denying fuckwads destroyed the "Republican Old Guard".
Because under the TRUMP REGIME, Democrats were united behind replacing him with JOE BIDEN- We wanted someone who had true White House proven experience! Someone who all the other World Leaders around the world already know and is comfortable with. We will now have to restore the faith our allies once had in America. Biden is not just the Democrat's choice- HE IS ALSO THE CHOICE OF OUR CLOSEST ALLIES!

None of the other candidates had a chance- even though all of them are great leaders- they just didn't have the White House experience or proven leadership experience in the entire world like Biden has.

And ask around the water cooler, but even the Republicans feel more comfortable with Biden- than any of the other Democrat candidates- as Biden is a centrist and not looking to take the country farther left- THAN WHAT MIGHT JUST BE NECESSARY!

The Vocal Majority and Joe Biden want to bring this country back together again after Trump Chopped it up into little bitty bits for his own personal gain!


It is the Left that denies science much more so than the you should know.

Three examples please.

You know, something like believing Noah's arc and denying standard pandemic protocols.

Throwback Thursday to 2011:
The culture war
In the United States there is now a deep divide between liberal and conservative voters in their beliefs about global warming. As is now well documented, the opening of this gulf was due to the fact that from the mid-1990s Republican Party activists, in collaboration with fossil fuel interests and conservative think tanks, had successfully associated acceptance of global warming science with “liberal” views.

That global warming has been made a battleground in the wider culture war is most apparent from the political and social views of those who reject climate science outright. Among those who dismiss climate science, 76 per cent describe themselves as “conservative” and only three per cent as “liberal” (with the rest “moderate”). They overwhelmingly oppose redistributive policies, programs to reduce poverty and regulation of business. They prefer to watch Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh.

Like those whose opinions they value — shock jocks and television demagogues — climate deniers are disproportionately older, white, male and conservative — those who feel their cultural identity most threatened by the implications of climate change. While the debate is superficially about the science, in truth it is about deep-rooted feelings of cultural identity. This makes deniers immune to argument, and their influence will wane only as they grow old and die.
We'll know soon enough. It is funny to watch the far right shit their pants over this. The fuckers deserve getting creamed for destroying the Republican party.

The meltdowns are epic... Epic! "The Left" doesn't hate Harris as VP in the least. Poor Stonehead though -- he'll believe anything his puppet-masters tell him.
Especially the young left. Kamala and her White husband are STILL sipping wine and laughing their asses off at the poor suckers she sent to jail by the thousand. Gotta LOVE IT! :cool:
