The Lincoln Myth

The progressives won't allow anything else to permeate their world view. Lincoln ranks as one of our worst Presidents ever in my book as he was the first to defile our Constitution.
Ending slavery was not worth any sacrifice according to the Don, or the Racist, Smilling Jackoff. Especially since he gave his life for his cause.

Hey Jackoff; watch the movie and learn the real reason the civil war was fought. Just kidding, I know you are incapable of learning.
Ending slavery was not worth any sacrifice according to the Don, or the Racist, Smilling Jackoff. Especially since he gave his life for his cause.

Hey Jackoff; watch the movie and learn the real reason the civil war was fought. Just kidding, I know you are incapable of learning.

Why didn't King Abraham and his Yankee minions pass a constitutional amendment banning slavery when they had the chance to do it with no southern Democrats in congress to oppose it? The great dictator himself had a constitutional proposal called the thirteenth amendment, ( This was his second thirteenth amendment proposal, his first would have made slavery in the states legal indefinitely.) why did he push his phony emancipation proclamation instead that didn't free a single slave and still kept slavery legal in the border states and in Yankee occupied New Orleans and all other Yankee occupied territory in the south?
The great tragedy of the War Between The States was that it set the stage for a all powerful centralized government that is now flexing it's muscles as never real opposition to this destructive movement as there is very little difference between the republicans and democrats.

Bottom Line the America we all knew and love is being systematically taken apart and destroyed.

The tea party had a golden opportunity to turn this Anti-American and defeatist movement around but it did not understand what was really needed and thus has squandered their chance to restore America. Tragic.

Watch what happens in the will be far different from what most tea partiers expect. In fact it will mean their demise...reduced to nothing more than a special interest group.
Comments on the OP.

SOUR GRAPES. Pretty fucking sad 154 years later. Lincoln was a real live politician. Now had any of you racist southern conservative apologist actually ever picked up an objective history book and actually read it you would have known this already. Now to find out that Lincoln had opponents and was criticized and wasn't loved by everyone comes as a surprise to you?

To me that's just a measure of your ignorance.

My rebut to the OP? Thank you Captain Obvious for pointing out what a half witted beagle would have already of known. That Lincoln was not universally loved and had political opponents in hos own time. Wow....imagine that![/sarcasm]
Its a little odd the dems like to claim Lincoln as their own with him being a textbook racist and tje original crony capitalist but then again maybe not as its exactly the way they like it too.
Ending slavery was not worth any sacrifice according to the Don, or the Racist, Smilling Jackoff. Especially since he gave his life for his cause.

Hey Jackoff; watch the movie and learn the real reason the civil war was fought. Just kidding, I know you are incapable of learning.

If not for Mr. Lincoln slavery would have ended peacefully as technology increased and the need for slave labor on the plantations subsided. The worst thing about Slavery was the way it was ended and purely for political reasons.

It essentially left thousands of Negroes homeless place to go, no means to support themselves and thus their dependence on another master(feds) or the charity of white folk developed and has continued for the majority to this day.

If Slavery had been allowed to die a natural death the Negroes would have developed the confidence, ability and skills to sustain themselves without private or federal charity.

Instead ....the culture of dependence grew and created a huge mess which now is maniefesting itself more and more in the form of black youth alienated and blaming White Society for all their problems...made explicit by the youthful(teens as the media refers to them)mob attacks on whites aka...the knockout game, wildings etc. and so on and so forth.

If it had not been for the Charity of the Southern People thousands of negroes would have died that first winter after Mr. Lincoln's impudent action without consideration for the plight the freed negroes would find themselves in.
Its a little odd the dems like to claim Lincoln as their own with him being a textbook racist and tje original crony capitalist but then again maybe not as its exactly the way they like it too.
Strawman argument. Lincoln was one of the greatest political geniuses ever produced by our nation. A truly great man of very humble origins. It's isn't that "Dems" claim him as his own. All true Americans who have the critical thinking skills to rub two sticks together claim Lincoln as one of this nations truly great men.

It's only the ignorant rednecked, bigoted, trailer trash southern conservative, KKK types who reject Lincoln for what he was. A truly great man.
If not for Mr. Lincoln slavery would have ended peacefully as technology increased and the need for slave labor on the plantations subsided. The worst thing about Slavery was the way it was ended and purely for political reasons.

It essentially left thousands of Negroes homeless place to go, no means to support themselves and thus their dependence on another master(feds) or the charity of white folk developed and has continued for the majority to this day.

If Slavery had been allowed to die a natural death the Negroes would have developed the confidence, ability and skills to sustain themselves without private or federal charity.

Instead ....the culture of dependence grew and created a huge mess which now is maniefesting itself more and more in the form of black youth alienated and blaming White Society for all their problems...made explicit by the youthful(teens as the media refers to them)mob attacks on whites aka...the knockout game, wildings etc. and so on and so forth.

If it had not been for the Charity of the Southern People thousands of negroes would have died that first winter after Mr. Lincoln's impudent action without consideration for the plight the freed negroes would find themselves in.
Wow, so many falsehood, errors and logical fallacies of such breath taking scope one hardly knows where to begin other than to just start by laughing at such complete nonsense and utter tripe.


Hey buddy, walk the talk! If you truly believe in this anti-government, libertarian cum anarchy screed go to Somalia and go live in your libertarian paradise and send us some trip reports on how great life is over there. LOL LOL LOL LOL!
Strawman argument. Lincoln was one of the greatest political geniuses ever produced by our nation. A truly great man of very humble origins. It's isn't that "Dems" claim him as his own. All true Americans who have the critical thinking skills to rub two sticks together claim Lincoln as one of this nations truly great men.

It's only the ignorant rednecked, bigoted, trailer trash southern conservative, KKK types who reject Lincoln for what he was. A truly great man.
600000+ dead while the rest if the world addressed slavery with bext to no bloodshed. Yeah what a guy...
Why didn't King Abraham and his Yankee minions pass a constitutional amendment banning slavery when they had the chance to do it with no southern Democrats in congress to oppose it? The great dictator himself had a constitutional proposal called the thirteenth amendment, ( This was his second thirteenth amendment proposal, his first would have made slavery in the states legal indefinitely.) why did he push his phony emancipation proclamation instead that didn't free a single slave and still kept slavery legal in the border states and in Yankee occupied New Orleans and all other Yankee occupied territory in the south?

Watch the movie if your attention span is long enough.
Ending slavery was a happy by-product, not the cause of the war.
Its a little odd the dems like to claim Lincoln as their own with him being a textbook racist and tje original crony capitalist but then again maybe not as its exactly the way they like it too.

This post does two things;
Wins the stupidest post of the year award
and puts makes you the mayor of Idiot Villlage.

Congratulations, you are finaly a winner.
If not for Mr. Lincoln slavery would have ended peacefully as technology increased and the need for slave labor on the plantations subsided. The worst thing about Slavery was the way it was ended and purely for political reasons.

It essentially left thousands of Negroes homeless place to go, no means to support themselves and thus their dependence on another master(feds) or the charity of white folk developed and has continued for the majority to this day.

If Slavery had been allowed to die a natural death the Negroes would have developed the confidence, ability and skills to sustain themselves without private or federal charity.

Instead ....the culture of dependence grew and created a huge mess which now is maniefesting itself more and more in the form of black youth alienated and blaming White Society for all their problems...made explicit by the youthful(teens as the media refers to them)mob attacks on whites aka...the knockout game, wildings etc. and so on and so forth.

If it had not been for the Charity of the Southern People thousands of negroes would have died that first winter after Mr. Lincoln's impudent action without consideration for the plight the freed negroes would find themselves in.

Not even worthy of a reply.
Wow, so many falsehood, errors and logical fallacies of such breath taking scope one hardly knows where to begin other than to just start by laughing at such complete nonsense and utter tripe.


Hey buddy, walk the talk! If you truly believe in this anti-government, libertarian cum anarchy screed go to Somalia and go live in your libertarian paradise and send us some trip reports on how great life is over there. LOL LOL LOL LOL!

Hilarious that you were complaining about strawman a few posts ago.
While I have not been here long.....I have been here long enough to note two things.....1. This board appears to be one of the leaders in free speech...that in and of itself vaults this board to the front row.

2. Unfortunately, and I really hate to say this there are few on here capable of honest debate...most--seem to just want to post their opinion ....which of course they are entitled to but that is not enough.

A good message board is about debate...preferably honest debate but that is a rarity on any of the boards and I have been on a lot of them.

I will linger awhile and see how it goes. At least....apparantly I do not have to worry about getting banned on here....I have been banned on most of the boards I am running out of options.