The Lincoln Myth

Go back and read the is explained in detail. In a nutshell a religious crusade by radical yankee do gooders....who wanted to create a perfect world.

If you believe wars are caused by stuff like that, you live in a world different from mine. Slavery is an offense to humanity. Some of my wife's family, physical force chartists, went over specially to fight the filth, since they'd been stymied here.
No it wasnt but your anti jew theory aint it either.

Look you irrational piece of shit, just because an evil person happens to be Jewish and I mention it doesn't mean I am anti-Jew. I am about 1" from ignoring your retarded ass.
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If you really believe that the Civil War was orchestrated to give us big government, then you are waging a losing proposition, because you cannot make the argument without saying that the South was incapable of governing itself (petulant children) and that limited government could no longer function in the US.
Wow, so many falsehood, errors and logical fallacies of such breath taking scope one hardly knows where to begin other than to just start by laughing at such complete nonsense and utter tripe.


Hey buddy, walk the talk! If you truly believe in this anti-government, libertarian cum anarchy screed go to Somalia and go live in your libertarian paradise and send us some trip reports on how great life is over there. LOL LOL LOL LOL!

That is just your opinion and you are entitled to it but it is not enough. Aka....opinions are like assholes everyone has one.
If you really believe that the Civil War was orchestrated to give us big government, then you are waging a losing proposition, because you cannot make the argument without saying that the South was incapable of governing itself (petulant children) and that limited government could no longer function in the US.

When claiming someone said something you should use the quote function...if you do not you make it look like you are just making up something and accusing that someone of saying something they did not.

Irregardless, in your case you are probably just mistaken...I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

Anyhow....that is not what I said....what I said was that was the result of the War Between The States...a more powerful centralized government. No one can deny that...States Rights suffered a huge blow at the hands of that war.

However, in regards to who or what orchestrated that war...was made clear in the link on that again and you will see it was the radical religious yankees who motivated Mr. Lincoln to go to war with the South.

From The Link:

"Thus, the Northern "war against slavery" was not so much motivated by the injustice of slavery and the plight of the slaves, but the desire to use the military force of government to create a perfect society, a Kingdom of God on Earth. That’s why peaceful emancipation, which is what occurred in all the Northern states that ended slavery, was out of the question. (There were still slaves in New York City as late as 1853, and in parts of New England into the early 1860s). Instead, explains Rothbard:

The Northern war against slavery partook of fanatical millennialist fervor, of a cheerful willingness to uproot institutions, to commit mayhem and mass murder, to plunder and loot and destroy, all in the name of high moral principle and the birth of a perfect world.

This is why the quintessential Yankee religious fanatic, Julia Ward Howe, referred to all the mass murder, burning and plundering of cities, and destruction of the war as "the glory of the coming of the Lord" in her "Battle Hymn of the Republic." To Julia Ward Howe, the death of more than 600,000 Americans was "glorious."

Julia Ward Howe>>>>>
If you really believe that the Civil War was orchestrated to give us big government, then you are waging a losing proposition, because you cannot make the argument without saying that the South was incapable of governing itself (petulant children) and that limited government could no longer function in the US.

Orchastrated as such or not, that is one of the take aways from the Civil War.
If you believe wars are caused by stuff like that, you live in a world different from mine. Slavery is an offense to humanity. Some of my wife's family, physical force chartists, went over specially to fight the filth, since they'd been stymied here.

Care to explain why the Holy Bible did not condemn slavery?

Here is something that might interest you>>>>
If God were on a side, it would have been the side that ended the evil of slavery. The facts are that slavery never should have existed in a nation where our very own Declaration emphatically states that "all men are created equal and as such have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

How can anyone dare care what the fallout was from fighting to abolish such evil? The Southern states are the responsible party for disrupting the Union. A Union that needed disrupting in the face of such an abominable practice. There never should have existed a right to own another-NEVER!

To have allowed it to continue to die its own death is an ugly sickening idea. Yes too many died in that war. But not too many if the outcome meant abolishing the idea that one man could own another merely because he had dark skin.
What the Hell are you talking about - what movie?

You think I'm going to let a bunch of Hollywood faggots try to convince me that King Abraham was a great president? Slavery was used as an excuse to destroy the southern people and any and all influence they had in congress in order to completely eradicate states rights. Lincoln's proclamation was designed to spark a slave insurrection in the south and it failed to do that. But what it did do was turn Lincoln's unconstitutional war on the southern states into a phony, holy righteous crusade to free the slaves and it turned up the total war killing machine on everyone and all things southern setting the stage through reconstruction to tear the country in half and send the south into an era of backwardness and ignorance for over a century.

Actually, the Southern attack on Fort Sumter was the excuse for laying waste to your pathetic and degenerate homeland.
Slavery Has Existed for thousands of years and still exists in Africa

If God were on a side, it would have been the side that ended the evil of slavery. The facts are that slavery never should have existed in a nation where our very own Declaration emphatically states that "all men are created equal and as such have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

How can anyone dare care what the fallout was from fighting to abolish such evil? The Southern states are the responsible party for disrupting the Union. A Union that needed disrupting in the face of such an abominable practice. There never should have existed a right to own another-NEVER!

To have allowed it to continue to die its own death is an ugly sickening idea. Yes too many died in that war. But not too many if the outcome meant abolishing the idea that one man could own another merely because he had dark skin.

Slavery has existed for thousands of years and still exists in Africa and other places....any time a people lack freedom they are slaves....and that certainly encompasses totolitarian regimes of which the left wingers seem especially fond...having a fatal attraction for totolitarian regimes.

Now you may believe God is on your side and that you can even speak for are entitled to your beliefs and opinions. The fanatical abolitionist and radical religious yankees also believed God was on their side....despite the fact the Holy Bible...their guidebook does not condemn slavery.

Slavery in fact developed as a humane method to deal with prisoners of war...before slavery POWS were simply disposed of as in slaughtered.

When the Declaration of Independence was written, the term "men" referred only to those who were able to be land owners which, at that time, meant only white men. In fact Africans were not considered fully human.

There are many things worse than slavery in this world...the fact that you do not understand this only demonstrates a public school education wherein you were thoroughly indoctrinated into political correctness.

In fact you know little about slavery and certainly even less about that peculiar institution as it existed in The American South.

Also it is obvious you know next to nothing about essence you are a bigoted and ignorant sort who probably went and saw some movie about slavery and your infantile mind was so impressed that you were instantly converted into a passionate hater of slavery.....almost fact it is laughable bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

If you were a little better educated you would understand that bringing some Africans to America as slaves was in fact a huge improvement in their lives.....they were well treated down south for the most part...had good shelter, decent clothes(unlike running around nekid in the jungles of Afreeka) if they got sick they were taken care fact most of them lived to a good old age...and produced many offspring.

Very different from how their lives would have been in Afreeka aka..... of very short duration in Africa, not to mention constantly being hungry and enduring constant threats of tribal warfare and rampant disease....Africa was and still is a hell hole. That is why there has never been a movement amongst Negroes of wanting to go they whine and cry that they are victims of racism...but they vote with their feet ...they stay here....even though as stupid as many of these racial agitators are...they damn well know other nation would treat them as good as we do.

If you do not want to end up a slave yourself...I suggest you get an education or at least a skill...depending on the Feds for your livliehood is a tragedy waiting to happen...the pendulum is swinging the other way...more and more people are getting tired of supporting a huge parasitic minority that wants to bite the hands of those who feed them.

As has been said...the worse thing about slavery was the way it was planning, no logistics in place to offer sustenance to the freed slaves who had nowhere to go, no job, no food...all they had were the clothes on their backs....thus they graduated from farm workers to vagabonds, thieves,homeless people, unable to provide for themselves....having to return to their former masters to beg for food and eventually most of them wound up doing the same kind of work under worse conditions...they got paid enough to sustain them for work but their former masters were not as beneovlent as they had been in the past. Many of them gradually made it to Washington D.C. where they thought the Feds would take care of them...after all that was the place where the Feds were in control and eventually they did wind up as wards of the state...and did not have to work anymore...which only created more problems for them.

In fact the conditions that exist now in the black communities were brought about by the Federal Government and misguided charities treating black people as if they were children...making them dependent instead of teaching them how to take care of themselves. This paternalism exists now mainly in the democratic order to keep the minority vote they need to keep them dependent and thus the huge,huge black unempoloyment rate and the crime rate that goes along with that miserable condition.
Slavery in the US in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries was evil. Any attempt to mitigate that as humane is absurd. We deserved the Civil War as justice for the practice. States Rights would have remained intact had slavery never been allowed to exist.
If God were on a side, it would have been the side that ended the evil of slavery. The facts are that slavery never should have existed in a nation where our very own Declaration emphatically states that "all men are created equal and as such have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

How can anyone dare care what the fallout was from fighting to abolish such evil? The Southern states are the responsible party for disrupting the Union. A Union that needed disrupting in the face of such an abominable practice. There never should have existed a right to own another-NEVER!

To have allowed it to continue to die its own death is an ugly sickening idea. Yes too many died in that war. But not too many if the outcome meant abolishing the idea that one man could own another merely because he had dark skin.

You love that big gubmint don't ya? Sounds so noble saying slavery was bad. Thanks Captain Obvious

Barely 1% of the South owned slaves and you think it was worth killing 500,000 over it when it would have ended on its own?

Why did no other country have to murder it's own people to end it?

The race hustlers have done a good job on you

We should celebrate John Wilkes Booth birthday for sparing the country by more of Lincoln's treachery
Slavery in the US in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries was evil. Any attempt to mitigate that as humane is absurd. We deserved the Civil War as justice for the practice. States Rights would have remained intact had slavery never been allowed to exist.

Slavery was evil? You are on a roll Captain Obvious