The Lincoln Myth

Is a mans freedom worth fighting for? As stated, I think the basic liberty of a man is much more worthy of rebellion, than those other intrusions of his liberty that I read so many willing to arm themselves for. The slave could not vote, own a firearm, protect his family from harm, buy a home, send his children to school- and you ask this question?
Considering they had forced conscription, irish right off one boat onto another with a uniform as they didnt have $200 buy their way out the seniment you express was not shared with contemporaries. Had riots so bad the navy turned its cannon on NYC.
Is a mans freedom worth fighting for? As stated, I think the basic liberty of a man is much more worthy of rebellion, than those other intrusions of his liberty that I read so many willing to arm themselves for. The slave could not vote, own a firearm, protect his family from harm, buy a home, send his children to school- and you ask this question?
Considering they had forced conscription, irish right off one boat onto another with a uniform as they didnt have $200 buy their way out the seniment you express was not shared with contemporaries. Had riots so bad the navy turned its cannon on NYC.
Considering they had forced conscription, irish right off one boat onto another with a uniform as they didnt have $200 buy their way out the seniment you express was not shared with contemporaries. Had riots so bad the navy turned its cannon on NYC.

What does this even mean? Again I ask you, is a mans basic liberty worth taking up arms for?
So why then did Southern politicians try to enforce the expansion of slavery into the western territories?

Why did the Yankees block it?

1. I'll tell you why. Because the government wanted the western territories to populate with white settlers and to keep blacks out so the whites wouldn't have to associate with them.

2. So the settlers wouldn't have to compete for higher wages against slaves.
Your people were fucking degenerates who got off on raping their slaves (frequently committing the almost equally Christian act of adultary at the same time). How messed up is that, Wabbit?

Fort Sumter was sovereign US soil. You cannot claim ownership of it, because it is not yours. You can bargain for it, and offer to make some sort of payment, but America is not obligated to sell off it's possessions, merely because they are surrounded by your own. The fact that Lincoln assumed you would be stupid enough to attack it, and thus postured the fleet in a ready state does not change the fact that he gave the option for war to you, and you took it.

Fort Sumter, 1861; Pearl Harbour, 1941. Sometimes our enemies just overreach, and give us the moral high-ground to begin a protracted war by attacking our military installations.

Listen to this PC faggot coward with a yellow streak running down the middle of his back. If my people were any other race except white, he'd never dare talk this way about my people in such a derogatory fashion.

You are a faggot coward - you little punk you, hiding behind a phony protective curtain of political correctness.
Lincoln's bullying and extra-constitutional style of Government was not something that would be acceptable by todays standards. The media would have exposed him early.

He accomplished great things, almost by accident, because I don't think they were his intent.

He was the first of many Republicans to be President.

Bush did everything Lincoln did and more, as did FDR.
What does this even mean? Again I ask you, is a mans basic liberty worth taking up arms for?

Africans at that time were not considered fully human and there is still considerable doubt about it.

Modern Genetical research has shown that there is more differences between the Negroid Race and all other races than any other race.

If the radical religious abolitionist yankees that were behind the push to invade the South had known the troubles their descendants would have with these Savages from Afreeka....instead of advocating War on The South they would have taken up a collection to send these Jungle Critters back to Afreeka.

U.S. FBI crime statistics,
1.More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by blacks each year, which means that blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate that Whites murder blacks. 2.About 1 million Whites were murdered robbed, raped, or assaulted by blacks in 1992 alone. 3.In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and non-violent crimes were committed by blacks against Whites in the U.S. 4.In crimes of Racial bias, otherwise known as "hate-crimes," over 90% of the victims are Whites. 5.Although they only comprise one-seventh of the population, blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites. 6.On a per-capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crimes than Whites. 7.In the past 20 years, violent crimes increased four times faster than the population. 8.Between 1964 and 1994, more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders (of which blacks commit 18 times more than Whites - see item #1.) Compare this to the death toll of the Vietnam War (58,000 Americans killed) and the Korean War (38,000 Americans killed).
Mr. Lincoln could have prevented that war as has been shown....Slavery would have died a natural death very shortly and the Negroes would have been spared the trauma of the negligent manner in which Mr. Lincoln ended it for no other reason than his own political benefit.

Tragically the way Mr. Lincoln terminated Slavery set the Negroes up for hundreds of years of mal-admustment, no family structure and a transformtion into a socio-pathic parasitical community dependent on others for their very survival.

In a nutshell....beware of do gooders>>>>>

I do not believe the war made things any worse for the African Americans.

It made things bad for the South for almost 100 years, they are still suffering.
A completely untrue and false premise. It was not the North or Lincoln who started the war and Lincoln tried desperately to prevent war. The Civil war was started by the South and was solely their responsibility for doing so.

So please spare us your racist mutterings as it was the failure of reconstruction and the implementation by southern conservatives of Jim Crow laws that indentured Blacks for another hundred years until the civil rights era of the 50's and 60's. Please try to stick with the facts instead of espousing fantasies that never happened.

The South started the war, was insistent upon the war and the people of the south paid dearly for it for almost 100 years, even though the Union did not punish them any further once the peace was made.
The people of the South were much like the thankfully small faction of Americans who currently are desperate to find an excuse to "take up arms".
The South started the war, was insistent upon the war and the people of the south paid dearly for it for almost 100 years, even though the Union did not punish them any further once the peace was made.


12 years of military occupation and reconstruction .. no suffrage .. no due process .. taxation without representation .. carpetbaggers stealing private property .. union leagues made up of negro soldiers terrorizing whites. An educational system featuring private academies deliberately wiped out.
The South started the war, was insistent upon the war and the people of the south paid dearly for it for almost 100 years, even though the Union did not punish them any further once the peace was made.

Why was almost the entire war fought in the south if they started it?

If you invade my property and you threaten me with menacing moves, and I shoot you, how can I be convicted of invading your space and threatening you?
I do not believe the war made things any worse for the African Americans.

It made things bad for the South for almost 100 years, they are still suffering.

Well crops were destroyed so hunger was rampent. Herds stolen or killed more of the same. Slaves "freed" with no resouces so there was little changed except for the dying of hunger part. They were predictably unwelcome up north (main reason average joe yankee wanted no parts kf the war as they knew it would worsen an already tight job market irish hated for the same reason). Nah all rainbows and unicorns for black folks.
Why was almost the entire war fought in the south if they started it?

If you invade my property and you threaten me with menacing moves, and I shoot you, how can I be convicted of invading your space and threatening you?

heh heh Jarod never even heard of the Reconstruction period...not suprising ...they probably no longer talk about that in the Federal Classrooms.
Why was almost the entire war fought in the south if they started it?

If you invade my property and you threaten me with menacing moves, and I shoot you, how can I be convicted of invading your space and threatening you?

The South was part of the Nation. It was not the South's property, it was the shared property of the individual states and the United States. The war started at Ft. Sumter, UNION LAND!