The main issue with Christianity

That you had to start a thread bashing Christianity (The church that The Son of God Jesus started) speaks as to the quality of your character.

No, you're not smarter or better than God. Deal with it. Atheism has never brought anything beneficial to humanity.

And you are not a spokesman for God.
I'm tired of talking to you. You bore me.

Your surrender is accepted.

You were out of your league from the start.

LOL. You aren't that bright...which I also find boring.

Son, I shit out more IQ points every morning than you ever had.

You of the Moron Right have declared yourselve to be smart when you are dumb as a box of hammers. LOL.

Ad hom works better if there is some semblance of reality.

Just shrieking "ewe dum" doesn't prop you up quite the way you think it does.
Yes, you are a moron.

You're not qualified to make a judgement such as that.

You are now the dumbest poster here since katzgar left/was banned. STFU you simp!

If I want any shit outta you, I'll squeeze your head and pop the zit that it is, k?

Got that, pusbrain?
The notion of a blood-sacrifice is abhorrent to me. We can discuss it at some point in the future.

I want to get to your other post at present.
An understandable feeling, yet I'd argue that the blood-sacrifice was the precise moment in which perfect justice fused together with perfect love.
All this is great, except that you are EVADING my question, which I asked in response to your ill-informed quip.

Evading your question by answering it directly?


You're angry because you have talking points and don't know how to adjust when things go off script.

That I am not a Christian blows your entire premise out of the water.

Are you claiming that you have no theism or that I do?

My words were clear.

Incorrect. A theist simply has theism. Would you care to debate me on that point?

Would I care to debate your nonsensical, circular argument?

A theist adheres to the principle of theism?


Well, DUH.

I know of at least two theists on JPP who neither order, bully, intimidate nor coerce anyone in conjunction with their respective theism(s). They might very well suggest you consider adopting their respective theism(s), and if you pass on the offer, you will not be bullied in any way. They create a great atmosphere for holding discussions with them about their beliefs. I avail myself of such opportunities every so often. It's always productive.

Irrelevant to this conversation.

I state that I am not an Atheist because I lack the faith required to be one.

From that, you declared that I am I christian. I am not - if I had faith in a religion, it would not be Christian.

Incorrect. An atheist simply lacks theism. Would you care to debate me on this point? I am an atheist. I do not believe that there are any gods and I do not believe that there are no gods. I simply do not hold any theistic beliefs. I am theism-free. I lack theism. Guess what, that makes me an atheist.


Words have meanings.

Atheism is the absolute belief that there is nothing beyond the natural realm and that there is no possibility of a supernatural reality.

Agnosticism is the acknowledgment that we don't know whether anything beyond to natural realm exists.

Incorrect. That's a libertarian and describes a fundamental philosophy behind the 1st Amendment. The topic of agnosticism has no place in a discussion of theism. Why did you even bring it up?

An agnostic holds the position that a certain set of beliefs is unknowable. Big deal. Two devout Christians, for example, of the same church, can nonetheless disagree on whether aspects of their faith are knowable, making one agnostic (in that regard) and the other, not. Agnosticism is completely independent of theism and has no place in any discussion of theism.


[FONT=DDG_ProximaNova][FONT=ddg-serp-icons !important]
  1. The doctrine that certainty about first principles or absolute truth is unattainable and that only perceptual phenomena are objects of exact knowledge.
  2. The belief that the existence or nonexistence of a deity or deities cannot be known with certainty.
  3. The doctrines of the agnostics; the doctrine that the ultimate cause and the essential nature of tilings are unknowable, or at least unknown.
Evading your question by answering it directly?


You're angry because you have talking points and don't know how to adjust when things go off script.

That I am not a Christian blows your entire premise out of the water.

My words were clear.

Would I care to debate your nonsensical, circular argument?

A theist adheres to the principle of theism?


Well, DUH.

Irrelevant to this conversation.

I state that I am not an Atheist because I lack the faith required to be one.

From that, you declared that I am I christian. I am not - if I had faith in a religion, it would not be Christian.


Words have meanings.

Atheism is the absolute belief that there is nothing beyond the natural realm and that there is no possibility of a supernatural reality.

Agnosticism is the acknowledgment that we don't know whether anything beyond to natural realm exists.


[FONT=DDG_ProximaNova][FONT=ddg-serp-icons !important]
  1. The doctrine that certainty about first principles or absolute truth is unattainable and that only perceptual phenomena are objects of exact knowledge.
  2. The belief that the existence or nonexistence of a deity or deities cannot be known with certainty.
  3. The doctrines of the agnostics; the doctrine that the ultimate cause and the essential nature of tilings are unknowable, or at least unknown.

Man, I would not go attackin' no agnostics. They're actually OK.

Militant atheists are a pain in the ass. Agnostics are decent people. They just can't say they absolutely know things. As a human being, I can sympathize with that point of view.

Also they are not annoying or preachy or douchebags; To me that's a huge plus! :awesome: