The main issue with Christianity

The problem is that the issue is highly political.

The problem IS highly political, but that is an artificial creation of people who want it to be.

I've already said that I have no faith - I am not moved by that which requires me to believe that which there is no evidence for. I cannot be Christian, I cannot be Atheist. Both require faith in the unproven.

I agree...and share that position.

Abortion is not a religious question

Yes it is. is the killing of humans who are very real.

Eating an egg is not killing a chicken.

Squashing an acorn is not cutting down an oak tree.

But if you have needs that must be met by considering an abortion to be the killing of a have that choice and right.

That abortion stops a beating heart - snuffs out a life - is scientific fact.

An abortion ends a pregnancy taking place in a woman's body...and the decision/choice whether to carry the pregnancy to term or to end it should be solely the woman's.
Your dancing is amusing.

It changes nothing, the hatred the left has for Christians is bourn of the concept that there is a greater authority than the dictators of the all powerful state.

And THAT, you will NOT tolerate.

You don't even seem to know much about the Bible, so I'm curious why YOU think YOU are somehow a defender of the faith here.

Seems to me someone who doesn't know their own Bible shouldn't be casting stones at people who DO.
You are free to be a hypocrite, a freedom you exercise fully while seeking to deny the same freedom to others.

Your commentary is exactly VALUELESS since you don't even know the Bible.

That hatred you carry is your own to deal with.

You are, of course, wrong, but you wouldn't understand if I tried to explain it to you.

I find leftists - particularly the green whack-jobs and the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ1++++ to the most judgemental, intolerant, and insipid fascists on the planet - by a HUGE margin.

LOL. Your points are meaningless. You haven't even read the Bible. LOLOLOLOLOL.
You don't even seem to know much about the Bible, so I'm curious why YOU think YOU are somehow a defender of the faith here.

Seems to me someone who doesn't know their own Bible shouldn't be casting stones at people who DO.

Look at the self professed Christians on this forum. They are the least knowledgeable and most hateful.
The problem IS highly political, but that is an artificial creation of people who want it to be.


There is nothing "artificial" about ending the life of another.

I agree...and share that position.

Yes it is.

No, it's just that religious people tend to have more respect for life than Atheists do.

Eating an egg is not killing a chicken.

Humans don't lay eggs, we have live births. The operative term being "live."

Squashing an acorn is not cutting down an oak tree.

But if you have needs that must be met by considering an abortion to be the killing of a have that choice and right.

An abortion ends a pregnancy taking place in a woman's body...and the decision/choice whether to carry the pregnancy to term or to end it should be solely the woman's.

Anti-science platitudes are a cop out.

There is nothing "artificial" about ending the life of another.

No, it's just that religious people tend to have more respect for life than Atheists do.

Humans don't lay eggs, we have live births. The operative term being "live."

Anti-science platitudes are a cop out.

You seem to be in a snit. When the snit is over...we can talk.

Let me know when that happens.
You don't even seem to know much about the Bible, so I'm curious why YOU think YOU are somehow a defender of the faith here.

Seems to me someone who doesn't know their own Bible shouldn't be casting stones at people who DO.

You speak from a position of prejudice rather than one from knowledge.

It remains a fact that the objection the left has to the Christian faith is that of authority - the idea that a Christian has their ultimate loyalty to their god, rather than to the dictators or kings that the left sees as the ultimate power on earth.

You have declared that "men are women" and in fact superior women to actual women. For the left - the Reich has spoken - end of discussion - reality will conform to the declarations of the rulers of the left.

But Christians claim their is a higher authority that the kings and dictators cannot override. That makes them a danger to the democrat party and the left in general - they do not bend the knee to the rulers of the state.
You speak from a position of prejudice rather than one from knowledge.

I clearly know more about the Bible than you do. That's all that matters here.

You have declared that "men are women" and in fact superior women to actual women. For the left - the Reich has spoken - end of discussion - reality will conform to the declarations of the rulers of the left.

Fuck off. You don't know me. You talk out of your ass. That's all you do.

But Christians claim their is a higher authority that the kings and dictators cannot override. That makes them a danger to the democrat party and the left in general - they do not bend the knee to the rulers of the state.

HOW WOULD YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT? You don't even know the Bible! LOLOL. You might be surprised that it is a sin to bear false witness but here you are. :)
Your commentary is exactly VALUELESS since you don't even know the Bible.


What did I say regarding the Bible that is incorrect?

Be specific.

You are, of course, wrong, but you wouldn't understand if I tried to explain it to you.

LOL. Your points are meaningless. You haven't even read the Bible. LOLOLOLOLOL.

I'm far from wrong.

You of the fascist left have declared yourselves to be god - you will not tolerate those who do not bow before you.

What did I say regarding the Bible that is incorrect?

Be specific.

I'm tired of talking to you. You bore me.

I'm far from wrong.

LOL. You aren't that bright...which I also find boring.

You of the fascist left have declared yourselves to be god - you will not tolerate those who do not bow before you.

You of the Moron Right have declared yourselve to be smart when you are dumb as a box of hammers. LOL.
God defined what is good because he's good?
So you solve the dilemma by simply decreeing one horn to be superior. Got it.
You've been completely whipped, so now you're acting out by becoming an all out moron, completely forgoing any pretense of intelligence.

Anyone with basic English compression skills (and any rudimentary understanding of logic) can clearly see that I have outright rejected both horns as false and have provided a valid third alternative.

(I don't think you understand dilemmas)
I don't think you understand basic English nor rudimentary logic.

See above. You don't really understand the dilemma.
See above. You don't really understand basic English nor rudimentary logic.

Ironic that you can effectively tell us what the dilemma is while not understanding it.

Simply saying it doesn't exist doesn't make it less of a dilemma. It does, however, show that you don't necessarily understand the dilemma.
Keep preachin' it, dude! Keep acting out!! You got this!! Maybe one more time for good measure??

So God has to be good. Who defined what is good so that God would have an essence?

In your theology God seems limited. In my theology God is that being than which none greater can be conceived and as such is not as limited as your "demi-god".
In your theology there seems to be no logic.

So God is limited.
So you deny logic.
You've been completely whipped,

You're a moron.

so now you're acting out by becoming an all out moron, completely forgoing any pretense of intelligence.

I understand special needs students like you don't fully understand what is said to them, so I'll just remind you that your are an idiot.

Anyone with basic English compression skills (and any rudimentary understanding of logic) can clearly see that I have outright rejected both horns as false and have provided a valid third alternative.

Let us know when you've taken a philosophy class. (Which, of course, you wouldn't understand.)

See above. You don't really understand basic English nor rudimentary logic.

Your version of God is not all powerful. YOU set it up. That's what you got. Too bad you aren't smart enough to understand that point.

So you deny logic.

You wouldn't know logic if it bit you in the ass. Just stick to trading cards on the short bus.
Here's a question for you: is genocide ever a "good" thing?

Because 1Sam 15:3 shows God commanding a genocide (via Samuel) and when the genocide is not carried out sufficiently by Saul God turns away from Saul.

So that means genocide can sometimes be a "good" thing per God's immutable nature.
Who is the provider of life (according to Christianity/The Bible)?
I clearly know more about the Bible than you do. That's all that matters here.

How would that be "clear?"

I've said nothing of the Bible. You have no clue what my knowledge level is.

Fuck off. You don't know me. You talk out of your ass. That's all you do.

I know that you're an angry little bigot.

HOW WOULD YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT? You don't even know the Bible! LOLOL. You might be surprised that it is a sin to bear false witness but here you are. :)

It appears you have no knowledge at all, only bigotry.

Acts 5:

27 And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them, 28 saying, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man's blood upon us.” 29 But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. 30 The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on a tree. 31 God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. 32 And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.”
I've seen nothing that proves there is a god or higher power. I've seen nothing the precludes a god or higher power. There is zero evidence to support OR REFUTE the idea of a god or power greater than man.
All this is great, except that you are EVADING my question, which I asked in response to your ill-informed quip.

Are you claiming that you have no theism or that I do?

Theists: You must believe in our god - though we have no evidence, and obey the rulers of our faith
Incorrect. A theist simply has theism. Would you care to debate me on that point? I know of at least two theists on JPP who neither order, bully, intimidate nor coerce anyone in conjunction with their respective theism(s). They might very well suggest you consider adopting their respective theism(s), and if you pass on the offer, you will not be bullied in any way. They create a great atmosphere for holding discussions with them about their beliefs. I avail myself of such opportunities every so often. It's always productive.

Atheists: You must believe there is no god - though we have no evidence, and obey the rulers of our faith
Incorrect. An atheist simply lacks theism. Would you care to debate me on this point? I am an atheist. I do not believe that there are any gods and I do not believe that there are no gods. I simply do not hold any theistic beliefs. I am theism-free. I lack theism. Guess what, that makes me an atheist.

Agnostic: Believe what you want, your faith is your own business.
Incorrect. That's a libertarian and describes a fundamental philosophy behind the 1st Amendment. The topic of agnosticism has no place in a discussion of theism. Why did you even bring it up?

An agnostic holds the position that a certain set of beliefs is unknowable. Big deal. Two devout Christians, for example, of the same church, can nonetheless disagree on whether aspects of their faith are knowable, making one agnostic (in that regard) and the other, not. Agnosticism is completely independent of theism and has no place in any discussion of theism.
Is that it's not aptly named.

A good portion - and I'd say most - of the religion are practices, rituals, rules and philosophies that were never spoken by Christ, or endorsed by Christ.

I think there are some sects that are strictly about the teachings of Christ, who I feel was an ascended being and someone whose words matter, but they're not mainstream Christianity.

That you had to start a thread bashing Christianity (The church that The Son of God Jesus started) speaks as to the quality of your character.

No, you're not smarter or better than God. Deal with it. Atheism has never brought anything beneficial to humanity.