The Majority Of Black Americans Should Get Smart And Informed.

Repubs can't sell their policies to blacks so instead they criticize the ones who can.

Republicans were too late to the scam of convincing the blacks that they're victims and giving them other people's money. Lincoln just freed them and most of them didn't want to be free. They wanted their Democrat owners to give them stuff and keep them in the public housing ghetto slave quarters. Some blacks saw the scam and made it on their own. They don't vote Democrat. They're the 2% of blacks that don't vote for task master Democrats.
If blacks think that high illegitimacy rates, high unemployment rates, high abortion rates, high incarceration rates and high drop out rates are in their best interests then I encourage them to keep voting for democrats because it is what they will keep getting
First thing you need to do (your party already knows there is a big problem) is admit there is a problem, your party provides all the stimulus any group needs not to support it.. You can blame the democrats or the stars but until your party can entice ppl to support it, things will continue to get worse, more desperate measures etc..

If your party does not change, they will go the way of their predecessor, the Whigs....... Just my opinion..

Always funny when a 'rat gives "advice" to the GOP
If blacks think that high illegitimacy rates, high unemployment rates, high abortion rates, high incarceration rates and high drop out rates are in their best interests then I encourage them to keep voting for democrats because it is what they will keep getting

they help write the dem platform you fucking asshole

you guys don't let them help write yours
Always funny when a 'rat gives "advice" to the GOP

No :palm:

I am not giving advice to the GOP, the real GOP is part of the 20% of the party that wants him out..

I am talking to the trumpfsonians like you that have turned your liberal back on the grand Old party & joined the democrat light usurper that is trying to make that party about him, a one man show, a one man savior........ :king:
No :palm:

I am not giving advice to the GOP, the real GOP is part of the 20% of the party that wants him out..

I am talking to the trumpfsonians like you that have turned your liberal back on the grand Old party & joined the democrat light usurper that is trying to make that party about him, a one man show, a one man savior........ :king:

I don't believe your version of the truth. I voted for Cruz in the primary but he lost to Trump. So now I support Trump. Screw the GOP establishment.
I don't believe your version of the truth. I voted for Cruz in the primary but he lost to Trump. So now I support Trump. Screw the GOP establishment.

How do you feel about the way he treated Cruz?? His wife?? His dad??
Badly. But politics has always been a dirty game.

True, but IMHO that is way beyond what we have seen in our life times-that is out of the gutter & beneath an American president..

What Cruz brought to the table is a lot different than what done is proposing, & some things are 180 degrees different??
True, but IMHO that is way beyond what we have seen in our life times-that is out of the gutter & beneath an American president..

What Cruz brought to the table is a lot different than what done is proposing, & some things are 180 degrees different??

Look at the alternative for your "beneath" theory.

A Trump Presidency would be far better than Clinton...
they help write the dem platform you fucking asshole

you guys don't let them help write yours

Are you saying that the blacks want all those things I listed? Well then by all means they should keep voting for the democrat party.

I personally think they are bad but if that is what they want then I can see why they wouldn't want to vote any other way

Of course you are a crack head and don't believe in economic liberty so...........
Hillary Clinton belongs in jail. Donald Trump should be arrested and tried for bribing public officials as he confessed to, on the stage in the Republican debates. Either is a Presidential disaster. I predicted years ago that the duopoly would eventually offer up two presidential candidates worthy only of a jail cell, and it's come to pass.

Voting in the duopoly's rigged elections is for suckers and fools, Clinton and Trump are the proof of it.
Hillary Clinton belongs in jail. Donald Trump should be arrested and tried for bribing public officials as he confessed to, on the stage in the Republican debates. Either is a Presidential disaster. I predicted years ago that the duopoly would eventually offer up two presidential candidates worthy only of a jail cell, and it's come to pass.

Voting in the duopoly's rigged elections is for suckers and fools, Clinton and Trump are the proof of it.

Poor Bobo
What "political party" have I promoted for the blacks to support as being in their best interest?

I'll wait for your post with my quote therewith.

Your wrath directed at my OP is duly noted. Now try to make a rational argument in opposition to it, debunking it. Any honest person should know every word of it is truth. I understand why brainwashed Democrats don't like that truth.
So what the hell are they supposed to do? Wait a few million years for the Greens to evolve into a polity party or a few million years more in the hope Libertarians might get off their asses and actually do something? Do you even have the foggiest notion about coalition building that our first past the post system requires?
So what the hell are they supposed to do? Wait a few million years for the Greens to evolve into a polity party or a few million years more in the hope Libertarians might get off their asses and actually do something? Do you even have the foggiest notion about coalition building that our first past the post system requires?

Well, for openers, they could take their protest over black killings to the Black Democrat controlled BIG city City Halls since that's where any resolution to the real "majority" of black murders should be addressed. They should be demanding more, not less police protection from the black gangbangers that are murdering their black youth.

If you're placing your hopes and dreams in the hands of a political party, (especially the duopoly parties), you'll get what you deserve and you deserve the corruption you've got today. Unless and or until the election system is ever reformed in this country with uniform nationwide fair ballot access, a fair national debate and the money taken out of the process, there will be no returning to constitutional righteousness. The only other option is national bankruptcy and revolution, and the end result of that has no guarantee of a restoration of the Constitution.