The making of Trump

tonight on the History channel.
Who will watch it? What are your expectations? Shall we have a discussion about it?
Are we on Trump overload? :)

For the record, I am no Trump supporter, but I am curious.
the right wing money people bought them a news station

that news station has for over a decade now lied to really really stupid people to get them to vote for really evil shit.

Now those idiots they courted have gone rouge.

they are really fucking stupid so they went with a reality TV show star who knows fucking nothing.

its what happens when a party turns into a fucking cheating machine
I am curious to know what makes him tick and why so many think he is relevant. I am really perplexed about his poll numbers.

Trump’s power is based on the unconditional allegiance of an uneducated, aging white population. The conservatives put their trust in Trump. And that is how he will be able to make his worldview, his politics and his hate those of an entire nation.

Niccolò Machiavelli said that love or fear were the most effective tools in securing power. But "perhaps it is best," the Florentine political theorist said, "to wish to be both loved and feared." It is that amalgamate of feelings that binds the conservatives to Trump.

But why? What does this man from New York convey so effectively to racist, uneducated white people?

Trump's appeal has always been, and continues to be, attributed to his charisma. Trump himself uses the term, as if there is a mythical bond between the Führer and his people. But there is nothing heavenly about the conservatives' entanglement with Trump.

As in every lasting relationship, it began with a spontaneous connection, which emerged from shared cultural and mythological legacy.

But there are also tangible elements. His charisma was a pretext, masking the joint interests of the conservatives and Trump. What connects the Führer and his people is fear of the modern age, or in other words, the future.

Modernism meant the endeavor to subject all thought and action to reason, thereby making decisions and actions comprehensible and verifiable. This is an attitude that requires the rejection of any metaphysical rationalization.

Modern thought was never able to develop as fully in conservative white America as it did elsewhere. The baby of individual freedom, epitomized by Washington, Jefferson and many others, was thrown out with the bathwater of September 11.

The vast majority of the American bourgeoisie was more interested in aligning itself with the nationalist idealism of conservative philosophers Bush, or Karl Roves’ newly invented world of neo-conservative myths. Indeed, they veritably fled to those comforts, instead of subjecting their political, social and cultural awareness to objectively verifiable criteria.

That attitude gained currency following the trauma of defeat in Iraq and the socio-economic crisis the Bush economy brought in its wake.

Instead of rationally tackling and overcoming the difficulties that loomed at the beginning of the 21st century, the conservatives sought escape in an intoxication of chauvinism - the same jingoism that had already contributed so much to their misery during Vietnam and thereafter.

The conservatives felt, and indeed were, threatened by modernism, since they had, to a great degree, closed their eyes to the principles of lucid reason. Trump also considered himself a victim of modernism and blamed it for Americas’ failures. Trump and his Make America Great movement gave true voice to the fears of the white conservative class. He told the conservatives that Muslims and Hispanics were the only cause of all their misery.

But Trump was not satisfied just to denounce the Muslims and Hispanics. His goal is to lead a war of “liberation” from all non-whites, activating the racism in conservative white America.

The Republicans fueled those racist beliefs until they escalated into a war against minorities, which found its ultimate expression in coldly executed mass hysteria.
when you break down the republican vote into educated an uneducated the thread is clear.

people who know nothing back trump
Ive been studying his numbers.

Its interesting that he is leading in the Republican polls, yet he also has the highest negatives among the Republicans.

While almost 30% say they will vote for him, some 57% have a negative opinion of him. It will be interesting to see if the primary system is able to produce a winner who has negatives about 50%. I suspect the party is putting serious pressure on the mid-level candidates to drop out.
the right wing money people bought them a news station

that news station has for over a decade now lied to really really stupid people to get them to vote for really evil shit.

Now those idiots they courted have gone rouge.

they are really fucking stupid so they went with a reality TV show star who knows fucking nothing.

its what happens when a party turns into a fucking cheating machine

You know, you can basically encapsulate what you said and be completely right.

Donald Trump is sort of a political "reality star" for under-educated White Trash. People confuse lower-middle class Americans without a college degree with the "Silent Majority", but they are no longer that - and White Trash is no longer confined to Appalachia or Trailer parks. 21st Century demographics are finally catching up to a GOP party based on the electorate of 1980.

Increasingly in America, you are worth your economic output, and nothing more. That is a tough pill for many people to swallow, and a quick but fleeting palliative is the idea that somehow, people of recent arrival to America or those who speak in a less than classic Southern accent are responsible for the fact they are becoming essentially working poor. As recently as the 1990s, if you were born white and had a High School education, you had the keys to two cars, a few trips to Disney World or Branson, and a life of Middle Class security. That era is almost gone, but the transition hurts, and it has taken a painfully long time to accomplish. And of course, any person loud enough to blame convenient people will get the support of at least 1/3 of the modern GOP electorate. White trash flocks together - we just have some new entrants to the club. You can quite easily interpret this from any number of 2008 & 2012 exit polls, to say nothing of the brewing 2016 election disaster the GOP is sitting on.

America is still segregated - but whereas in the past it was based on race and culture, today it is increasingly based on education and income. The sons and daughters of middle America will make less than their parents, and "Wall Street" or "The Establishment" will continue to value raw economic output more than Lee Greenwood-inspired values of yesteryear. Interestingly, the poor and the very wealthy and well educated will continue to inch leftward for somewhat different reasons, but the result is pretty clear - the Democrats have a pretty strong lock on Presidential politics, and it is getting stronger every election.

As America's income inequality continues to grow wider (while our country actually grows richer), the middle class will diminish accordingly, and the GOP has become the resting place for many of these have-nots that can remember what it was like to be a "have". It is a form of poetic justice that the party so big on "personal responsibility" and "free market economics" is becoming the resting point for the people who are failing in such a system.
I am curious to know what makes him tick and why so many think he is relevant. I am really perplexed about his poll numbers.

His popularity is confined to 30% of the 39% of the electorate who identify as republican.
So in reality we know of about 12% of eligible voters who support a Trump Presidency.
Not quite as impressive when viewed in perspective, is it.
His popularity is confined to 30% of the 39% of the electorate who identify as republican.
So in reality we know of about 12% of eligible voters who support a Trump Presidency.
Not quite as impressive when viewed in perspective, is it.

True... Until he is the nominee and then 47. % of the voting public says they will support him.
Desh, we know you didn't go to college. Did you even graduate high school? I mean you are correct that a majority of Trump supporters are white and not college educated but you are white and not college educated as well. We can also throw in you are mentally unstable.
Some people desperately love money, and anyone with it. The more flashy the better. They don't care how the money was attained they simply love anyone who has it.
Some people desperately love money, and anyone with it. The more flashy the better. They don't care how the money was attained they simply love anyone who has it.

You mean the way you lefties get all orgasmic over the Kennedys?

You don't care that their daddy was a bootlegger and dodged taxes

You don't care that they were serial philanderers

You don't care that Teddy was a murderer and complicit in a sexual assault
You mean the way you lefties get all orgasmic over the Kennedys?

You don't care that their daddy was a bootlegger and dodged taxes

You don't care that they were serial philanderers

You don't care that Teddy was a murderer and complicit in a sexual assault

Nope. I don't care. You are worth your output and your performance - in business as in politics. I could give a shit if you get teary-eyed during the Lee Greenwood anthem of a monster truck rally or get a blowjob from an intern. Maybe part of the reason I liked that crazy SOB Nixon so much.....