The McCain Straddle

McCain has stated he will extend the Bush tax cuts and not raise the capital gains rate. Obama has said he will let most of the Bush tax cuts expire and will raise capital gains taxes. McCain's fuck up was on SSI. Obama has already said he will raise it. They are not even close on taxes and that's the biggest issue.

Maybe a week ago I could have agreed to that point, but clearly his commitment to even that is wavering. Feel free to ignore it though and pretend he's being completley upfront.

The reason I question the schol issue is with a Democratic dominated Congress it might be hard to pass. That won't stop me from supporting the idea though.

Which idea was that? I thought yo udidn't understand how he was going to accomplish whatever his great speech was about.
The left has been so closeminded lately. I am probably voting for Obama, but I can admit that McCain would be a decent President as well. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to vote for McCain over Obama, just like there are vice versa.

Acting like it is a non-choice just shows how truly stupid and closeminded some people can be. I could make a legitimate case for voting either way.

Kind of reminds me of the right wing attitude in 2000 and 2004.
For some of us it is a non choice. I have had enought of the Bush style screwing of our country.
And not realizing what a pathetic candidate he is, shows how idiotic people can be.

What Republican would be a good candidate to you? My guess is there would be none because you a Democrat and a liberal so Republicans don't represent your viewpoints and thus you see none of them in a positive light.
Kind of reminds me of the right wing attitude in 2000 and 2004.
For some of us it is a non choice. I have had enought of the Bush style screwing of our country.

For some of you? You vote for a Democratic President every election. Who do you think you are fooling?
Maybe a week ago I could have agreed to that point, but clearly his commitment to even that is wavering. Feel free to ignore it though and pretend he's being completley upfront.

Which idea was that? I thought yo udidn't understand how he was going to accomplish whatever his great speech was about.

LadyT, as we agree upon Obama has stated the numerous taxes he plans on raising. Because McCain said all options on all the table for negotiations for SSI you now want to say his tax plan may be similar to Obama's?

As far as school I'm referencing school choice; i.e. things like charcter schools and money to families to allow them to get their kids out of failing schools. He was talking about actual change, real change - not just the same old tired rhetoric of we need more money for schools and nothing else.

"He went a step farther Sunday on ABC's "This Week," in response to a question about payroll tax increases.

"There is nothing that's off the table. I have my positions, and I'll articulate them. But nothing's off the table," McCain said. "I don't want tax increases. But that doesn't mean that anything is off the table."


Republican John McCain gave the simplest of answers when asked if he would raise taxes as president.



LOL. Well, which is it pops? Are taxes off the table or not? And if they aren't on the table, what else are you talking about? Cutting benefits? Raising the age even more?

He never really commits to anything in his speeches and they aren't even that good, he flip flops on everything he should be an expert in by now, and I really don't know where he stands. One minute its this the next minute its that.

John McCain is not fit to be president.

To be fair, when one is on the cusp of dementia and alzheimers, one is not likely to make much sense.
To be fair, when one is on the cusp of dementia and alzheimers, one is not likely to make much sense.

I know! Last night all of the pundits were all like “ohhh, the maverick is back”. And I’m sitting there yelling, Hello! Can’t you fools see he doesn’t even know where he is? The maverick? Shit if forgetting who you are and what you said yesterday is a maverick, we got a million of those guys in nursing homes! We should let them out!
I know! Last night all of the pundits were all like “ohhh, the maverick is back”. And I’m sitting there yelling, Hello! Can’t you fools see he doesn’t even know where he is? The maverick? Shit if forgetting who you are and what you said yesterday is a maverick, we got a million of those guys in nursing homes! We should let them out!

HaHa! For real!

Hey, remember those Bush/Gore debates? My jaw hit the floor, when the pundits came on to tell us that Bush "held his own" with Gore in the debate.

What the f*ck planet are these pundits from!