The Meaning of Life

Wow, you seem to have some anger management issues. Mighty thin skinned to be on the internet aren't you?

Also: would you mind NOT making this about me and actually stick to the topic of the thread?


This was first post. Where did you actually respond to the content?

A philosophy professor writes:

“I assume you’re here for The Meaning of Life?” I asked on the first day of classes a few falls ago.

Sixteen heads bobbed over a regiment of crisp new notebooks and pens cocked for action.

“That phrase is a bit misleading,” I said. “When most people hear it, they think of large-scale questions like ‘What does it all mean?,’ ‘Why are we here?,’ ‘Why is there something rather than nothing?’ The assumption is that there’s some deep order built into the universe that we might uncover and comprehend.”
...annnnd your point is to be a dumbass troll posting from your living facility? Living a fantasy life online because your real life sucks ass?


Because he rationally believes we were not created for some imagined destiny assigned by a higher being?

There is no higher being

We evolved to a point that we have emotions and a high functioning brain

To breath is the only real meaning to attribute to that

To exist

The real meaning has to be created by the individual
It's been a pleasure talking to you. You might want to try improving your "people skills" (along with learning how to write in English) on the next go 'round.


Don’t be a English teacher

It’s dumb on a chat site

This is not a college dissertation

It’s chat

Go with it dude

Oh and I get your point on this subject and agree
Don’t be a English teacher

I HONESTLY could not understand his point. He addressed my post but I could not figure out what it was he was trying to say.

Then he lost his sh*t and started screeching about trolls and hurling insults. I even tried to address a point I thought MAYBE was his point. But sadly he was still too overly emotional.

This is not a college dissertation

But you have to understand what people are saying.
I wonder if people then quit his class because they thought it was a study of a Monty python film?
I HONESTLY could not understand his point. He addressed my post but I could not figure out what it was he was trying to say.

Then he lost his sh*t and started screeching about trolls and hurling insults. I even tried to address a point I thought MAYBE was his point. But sadly he was still too overly emotional.

But you have to understand what people are saying.

He’s a good poster

He’s bright

But alas he does have a bit of thin skin

Hang in this joint for me

So far I totally dig your posts
Where did you comment on the topic of the thread?

I addressed it in the post you initially replied to but then you got into a snit over someone questioning your syntax.

Then I went on to further explain my point in Post 14.

You are spending too much time calling people names and not enough time actually reading.
Look on Post #14. I attempted to address your point.

I suggest you improve your READING skills as well.

He gets angry quick

And then he tends to make mistakes

He a good guy though

I can’t remember all the times he got pissed at me

Cut him some slack

I think he’s kinda young
I wonder if people then quit his class because they thought it was a study of a Monty python film?

The fun part of the article he talks about why he labeled the class after a Monty python film

Ok I added the after a Monty python film bit

But he labeled the class that to get people to take the class
"If, then, there is some end of the things we do, which we desire for its own sake (everything else being desired for the sake of this), and if we do not choose everything for the sake of something else (for at that rate the process would go on to infinity, so that our desire would be empty and vain), clearly this must be the good and the chief good." --Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
So you are unwilling to discuss the point unless you can call me names?

I understand. If you have no ability to discuss things rationally or even calmly you are free to bid me adieu. I would recommend you calm down just a smidge, though.

I knew you were a troll in your first post. You are not clever, it is obvious. Is wasting other people's time the only joy you get out of life?
I knew you were a troll in your first post. You are not clever, it is obvious. Is wasting other people's time the only joy you get out of life?

I apologize for addressing the post and angering you so much. I can't help that you clearly have some "issues".

If you would like to discuss the concept of nihilism and/or the meaning of life (or lack thereof) I'll be glad to do so, but I really have to ask you to stop being so angry and unhinged.

Perhaps for you the meaning of life is to take offense?
I apologize for addressing the post and angering you so much. I can't help that you clearly have some "issues".

If you would like to discuss the concept of nihilism and/or the meaning of life (or lack thereof) I'll be glad to do so, but I really have to ask you to stop being so angry and unhinged.

Perhaps for you the meaning of life is to take offense?

What about nihilism?