The Meaning of Life

I'm sorry but this isn't a "conversation". I'm still genuinely curious about your initial question:

I don't see how that applies to my point about nihilism. Would you care to explain what you meant?

Okay, first, there was a typo, I meant "unique understanding of life."
Second, I have no idea what nihilism has to do with this.
Okay, first, there was a typo, I meant "unique understanding of life."
Second, I have no idea what nihilism has to do with this.

Seriously? You don't see the link between "Nihilism" and the "Meaning of life"? OK. I'm not sure what I can do with that. Maybe hit up a philosophy class?

Thanks for not explaining your point or how it relates to my post you were responding to. I like having people demand stuff from me and calling me names.
Oh my! A post finally without an attack! Whew!

I do not believe life has any specific "meaning" per se. As I stated earlier at least twice now, I believe that any point in life is what we provide.

I agree

It’s up to us to make life have meaning

And to help others feel their life is meaningful

Just warms the soul to ponder that
Oh my! A post finally without an attack! Whew!

I do not believe life has any specific "meaning" per se. As I stated earlier at least twice now, I believe that any point in life is what we provide.

I believe that’s what the author was getting at when he changed the wording to “in life” from “of life”.
No. Sorry, but you don't get to call the shots, even if you just finished your tantrum. Why don't you try having a "conversation" for a change?

A conversation is you saying something and me asking you about it, yes? You mentioned nihilism and I asked you to explain what it has to do with anything I said.
No. Sorry, but you don't get to call the shots

You wrote this, "You don't see the link between "Nihilism" and the "Meaning of life"? OK. I'm not sure what I can do with that. Maybe hit up a philosophy class?"

If the link is simple to understand, it should be easy for you to explain it.
You wrote this, "You don't see the link between "Nihilism" and the "Meaning of life"? OK. I'm not sure what I can do with that. Maybe hit up a philosophy class?"

If the link is simple to understand, it should be easy for you to explain it.

As I said: hit up a philosophy class. Learn the language. Or not. It doesn't matter to me.

I am doing exactly what you wanted me to do. When you threw a giant hissy fit over being questioned on your syntax and opaque comment you didn't answer it, so I'm not going to answer YOUR questions.

See how it works?
As I said: hit up a philosophy class. Learn the language. Or not. It doesn't matter to me.

I am doing exactly what you wanted me to do. When you threw a giant hissy fit over being questioned on your syntax and opaque comment you didn't answer it, so I'm not going to answer YOUR questions.

See how it works?

You are a troll and wasted my time on purpose. Ignore.
Life is a "BYOP" proposition (Bring your own point).

The way I raised my kids, the way I was raised, the way my parents were raised (I dont have enough information to go back further) is that our life is our adventure. What has really changed with progressive generations is the weakening of the building into this obligations to God and to the Community and to those in our family.
The way I raised my kids, the way I was raised, the way my parents were raised (I dont have enough information to go back further) is that our life is our adventure. What has really changed with progressive generations is the weakening of the building into this obligations to God and to the Community and to those in our family.

I like that characterization as an "adventure". Being an atheist I don't have the need to ensure obligations to "God" but I think there is something we owe to society at large. But generally I see no reason to assume there is a "meaning" per se. But I am responsible for doing with my life something that allows me to be happy but also keeps me within the bounds of the "Social contract".
You are a troll and wasted my time on purpose. Ignore.

May I remind little lord whine that I asked you a question very early and you refused to answer it. Why do you think I would answer YOUR later questions?

Are you unfamiliar with the "Golden Rule"? If you want me to answer your questions: answer mine. That's how it works, child.
I like that characterization as an "adventure". Being an atheist I don't have the need to ensure obligations to "God" but I think there is something we owe to society at large. But generally I see no reason to assume there is a "meaning" per se. But I am responsible for doing with my life something that allows me to be happy but also keeps me within the bounds of the "Social contract".

Happy tends to be hard to come by and we are really bad at figuring out what will make us happy. Fulfilled is a better metric....we should if we are to have a great adventure make our lives full. You see what happens to those who have empty lives, they tend to die early, they dont have a reason to stick around and so they often dont.
I am reminded of this, which I completely agree with:

Do you buy all these books retail or do you send away
for like a shrink kit that comes with all these volumes

Do you like books?


Did you read any of these books?

I dunno.

How about any of these books?

Probably not.

What about the ones on the top shelf? You read those?

Yeah, I read those.

Good for you. What do you think about 'em?

Hey I'm not here for a fuckin' book report. They're
your books. What don't you read them?

I did. I had to.

That must'a taken you a long time.

Yeah, it did.

The United States of America, A Complete History,
Volume I. Jesus...You wanna read a real History book,
read Howard Zinn's People of the United States, that
book will fuckin' knock you on your ass.

Better than Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent? You
think that's a good book?

You fuckin' people baffle me. Spend all your money on
these fuckin' fancy books you surround yourselves with
'em and they're the wrong fucking books.

Then what're the right fuckin' books, Will?

Hey, whatever blows your hair back.