The monster they have spawned

no. trump is the reaction to what globalist neocons fucksticks want also.

you're still a globalist neocon fuckstick aren't you?


the populists took your party. accept that or go be an elitist Dem throwing oil on the poors.
To be real populists you have to have truth on your side

That is something your cult doesn’t possess

So your just a sick assed cult
No sometimes it is but you animals created trump

The leftist wayis to be a weasel
No idiot

His rich parents created Trump

They were trust fund babies too

It’s a long line of pampered idiots who hate mankind in that family

Of course really stupid people watched that stupid show Trump played a character in and were so fucking stupid they thought a reality show was real life

Now they think trump is the chosen one from god

Cults are like that
No idiot

His rich parents created Trump

They were trust fund babies too

It’s a long line of pampered idiots who hate mankind in that family

Of course really stupid people watched that stupid show Trump played a character in and were so fucking stupid they thought a reality show was real life

Now they think trump is the chosen one from god

Cults are like that
Angry baby killer moved over here
Says the guy who's trying to blame the other team for his leadership issues.

Trump is necessary.

I'm reminded of the "7 Samurai." The peaceful village was attacked constantly by robbers and murderers. To fight them, they needed people like the bandits.

So it is with Trump - to fight you Marxists - we need a pit bull who will get in the dirt and fight the way you do. Unfortunately in round one we found that Trump isn't anywhere as dirty as you are.

We are hoping that this time around he stoops all the way down to your level. We trust Trump to relinquish control back to us once you, the evil, are defeated. Because the alternative is the end of Western Civilization and individual liberty. We either defeat you now or fall into the global dictatorship you bring.

Everyone on every side knows this. You know that if you win in November - America is over and you've achieved the socialist world dictatorship you've fought for since 1917.

But we don't intend to lose, we don't intend for America to end. So we send in a fighter.
Trump is necessary.

I'm reminded of the "7 Samurai." The peaceful village was attacked constantly by robbers and murderers. To fight them, they needed people like the bandits.

So it is with Trump - to fight you Marxists - we need a pit bull who will get in the dirt and fight the way you do. Unfortunately in round one we found that Trump isn't anywhere as dirty as you are.

We are hoping that this time around he stoops all the way down to your level. We trust Trump to relinquish control back to us once you, the evil, are defeated. Because the alternative is the end of Western Civilization and individual liberty. We either defeat you now or fall into the global dictatorship you bring.

Everyone on every side knows this. You know that if you win in November - America is over and you've achieved the socialist world dictatorship you've fought for since 1917.

But we don't intend to lose, we don't intend for America to end. So we send in a fighter.
Yes Russia sent a fighter to do putins bidding
Trump is necessary.

I'm reminded of the "7 Samurai." The peaceful village was attacked constantly by robbers and murderers. To fight them, they needed people like the bandits.

So it is with Trump - to fight you Marxists - we need a pit bull who will get in the dirt and fight the way you do. Unfortunately in round one we found that Trump isn't anywhere as dirty as you are.

We are hoping that this time around he stoops all the way down to your level. We trust Trump to relinquish control back to us once you, the evil, are defeated. Because the alternative is the end of Western Civilization and individual liberty. We either defeat you now or fall into the global dictatorship you bring.

Everyone on every side knows this. You know that if you win in November - America is over and you've achieved the socialist world dictatorship you've fought for since 1917.

But we don't intend to lose, we don't intend for America to end. So we send in a fighter.
One that wants to suspend the constitution and be a dictator
Close your skanky legs and there will be no abortion

Dont you know how babies are made? Dipshit
I’m in my sixties you idiot

Do the math

Crossing your legs doesn’t prevent rape you shit loaf brain

Close your skanky legs and there will be no abortion

Dont you know how babies are made? Dipshit
Why do you seek to only police half the issue

Make it fair

If you insist on policing the bodies of female citizens for your religious bullshit you want EVERYONE to conform to

Then police sperm too

Otherwise it’s OBVIOUS you don’t really care about abortions

Trump campaign seeks to head off convention revolt from its right flank

trump is no longer trumpy enough for the far right! They are plotting to overthrow their own nomination process for someone else!

You people have created a monster and you have no control over it. You've got all these crazies running around with their heads fulla propaganda and no circuit breaker.

And now it's starting to blow up in your face. Which would be fine if you weren't standing so close to the rest of us.

PHOENIX — Arizona delegates to the Republican National Convention gathered this month in a Phoenix suburb, showing up to get to know each other and learn about their duties.

Part of the presentation included a secret plan to throw the party’s nomination of Donald Trump for president into chaos.

The instructions did not come from “Never Trumpers” hoping to stop the party from nominating a felon when delegates gather in Milwaukee next month. They instead came from avowed
“America First” believers hatching a challenge from the far right — a plot to release the delegates from their pledge to support Trump, according to people present and briefed on the meeting, slides from the presentation and private messages obtained by The Washington Post.
"America First" is code for white supremacist.

I’m in my sixties you idiot

Do the math

Crossing your legs doesn’t prevent rape you shit loaf brain

I dont give a shit! Understand? I doubt it. Keep your skanky legs closed and tell all your skanky friends the same.
Why do you seek to only police half the issue

Make it fair

If you insist on policing the bodies of female citizens for your religious bullshit you want EVERYONE to conform to

Then police sperm too

Otherwise it’s OBVIOUS you don’t really care about abortions
Make it fair, if she wants to keep the baby but he doesnt then hes off the hook for child support. Deal?