The monster they have spawned


Hand made?

You mean blow up dolls your hated mother constructed?
What do you mean why? Are you stupid? Look who I'm asking. You used the word "fair" you dimwitted bat. Why should women have a choice but not men? That's actually fair if men have a choice as well. And save the bullshit about they made their choice. So did you skanks but you want more choices.
What do you mean why? Are you stupid? Look who I'm asking. You used the word "fair" you dimwitted bat. Why should women have a choice but not men? That's actually fair if men have a choice as well. And save the bullshit about they made their choice. So did you skanks but you want more choices.
Because you gave your sperm to her

You want it fucking back now?
Don’t give your sperm to anyone

See how much these evil fucks care about fetuses?

It’s called level zero of care