The more I see the more I believe!

Which is a computer if you can text and web browse on it.
A smartphone.
Is a car a bus, or a tank?
An idiot who argues idiotically about semantics is idiotic.
However using the logic you are following here.
Obama is a fascist.
He is attempting on many fronts to restrict freedom.
A politician who does that is called a fascist, right?
A smartphone.
Is a car a bus, or a tank?
An idiot who argues idiotically about semantics is idiotic.
However using the logic you are following here.
Obama is a fascist.
He is attempting on many fronts to restrict freedom.
A politician who does that is called a fascist, right?

HOw are you not able to see your illogic bordering on idiocy?

We do have a congress. Remember them? They pass laws for Obama to sign. And one house is controlled by your fellow nutters.
Why I asked if he was trying to get included with the nutters.
If he joins in with them is he any different?
Why I asked if he was trying to get included with the nutters.
If he joins in with them is he any different?

It depends upon where you draw the line between a nutters and everyone else. But if he crosses that line - and I don't think he will - no, he'll be no different from the rest.
we are the reasonable people you friggin idiots, you are the people who blamed bush for a slow response to Katrina, it was faster than the Sandy response, the flu vaccine shortage in 04 was Bush's fault, now the shortage is no problem, but it may slow the great economic recovery (that doesn't exist). Obama is never to blame for anything that goes wrong, you people gravel at his feet and call us unreasonable, he is going to bypass the congress to get gun control, I hope he does because that is a breach of oath, to uphold the constitution, which is an impeachable offense. As for Crashk people love the free stuff they get from democrats not to work. Nancy pelosi just said unemployment benefits not only inject money into the economy it is a job creator, that political whore should be pitied.

Nothing unconstitutional

If Obama Took 'Executive Action' On Guns, What Might He Do?

by Mark Memmott
January 10, 2013 9:48 AM

Vice President Biden and President Obama at the White House on Dec. 19. Biden has been charged with drawing up "concrete proposals" on how to reduce gun violence.

After Vice President Biden said Wednesday that the Obama administration might take some executive actions on the issues of guns and gun-related violence, questions naturally arose:

What kinds of things was he talking about? What might the administration do that doesn't require Congressional action?

Our colleague Ari Shapiro is looking to answer those questions on All Things Considered later today. Meanwhile, here's some reporting from elsewhere:

— Obama might "strengthen the database that the FBI uses to perform background checks on gun buyers. Many federal agencies that don't currently contribute to the database, such as the Social Security Administration, have access to mental competence information about prospective buyers, or details about failed drug tests and other issues that might prevent a sale to the wrong person. ... The president could also demand that the states share more information from their crime and mental-health databases." (The New York Times)

— "It is unclear what specific executive orders Obama is contemplating, though one Democratic aide with insight into the talks said Obama could sidestep Congress and bolster federally funded mental-health programs." (The Hill)

— "The coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, led by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has called for Obama to consider several measures that they said could be implemented without congressional approval: Step up prosecution by the Justice Department of felons and others prohibited from buying weapons when they attempt to buy them. ... Require federal agencies to report records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check Systems. ... Appoint an ATF director. The federal agency charged with enforcing gun laws has gone without a confirmed director for six years." (USA Today)

The Times adds, by the way, that "most changes to the current system, which allows easy access to weapons with hugely destructive power, has to come through legislation."
Then don't read it! Carpathia, came out of nowhere politically, Obama same, preached peace, Obama same, mesmerized people with his appearance, and flair for speech, Obama same! was the end of the world as we know it Obama the Same.

I can't believe I post on the same forum as you. :facepalm:
HOw are you not able to see your illogic bordering on idiocy?

We do have a congress. Remember them? They pass laws for Obama to sign. And one house is controlled by your fellow nutters.
Executive orders?

The fiscal cliff bullshit, conservatives should have voted present, letting the fascists, I mean liberals take responsibility for their tax everyone plan.
They even used the sandy hook shootings to force conservatives to bow to their will.

America is too traumatized by the shooting!
Going over the cliff will make it worse!

Wait until they take your pension!!
Nothing unconstitutional

If Obama Took 'Executive Action' On Guns, What Might He Do?

by Mark Memmott
January 10, 2013 9:48 AM

Vice President Biden and President Obama at the White House on Dec. 19. Biden has been charged with drawing up "concrete proposals" on how to reduce gun violence.

After Vice President Biden said Wednesday that the Obama administration might take some executive actions on the issues of guns and gun-related violence, questions naturally arose:

What kinds of things was he talking about? What might the administration do that doesn't require Congressional action?

Our colleague Ari Shapiro is looking to answer those questions on All Things Considered later today. Meanwhile, here's some reporting from elsewhere:

— Obama might "strengthen the database that the FBI uses to perform background checks on gun buyers. Many federal agencies that don't currently contribute to the database, such as the Social Security Administration, have access to mental competence information about prospective buyers, or details about failed drug tests and other issues that might prevent a sale to the wrong person. ... The president could also demand that the states share more information from their crime and mental-health databases." (The New York Times)

— "It is unclear what specific executive orders Obama is contemplating, though one Democratic aide with insight into the talks said Obama could sidestep Congress and bolster federally funded mental-health programs." (The Hill)

— "The coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, led by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has called for Obama to consider several measures that they said could be implemented without congressional approval: Step up prosecution by the Justice Department of felons and others prohibited from buying weapons when they attempt to buy them. ... Require federal agencies to report records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check Systems. ... Appoint an ATF director. The federal agency charged with enforcing gun laws has gone without a confirmed director for six years." (USA Today)

The Times adds, by the way, that "most changes to the current system, which allows easy access to weapons with hugely destructive power, has to come through legislation."

Gun violence has been reduced immensely in the past 20 years.
As gun ownership increased.

Mass shootings have been in decline since they peaked in 1929.

But keep ignoring reality to force your dogma!

Crime, mass shootings and murder rates will increase to epidemic levels when liberals disarm the law abiding enduring that their beloved criminals have unarmed victims!

Look at what happened in Australia and the UK when gun control was implemented.
Just as I predicted.
It is pointless to show you cult members the facts!!
You are fanatical about your leader and your blind dogma!
Ok lets go your route considering my post you were replying to.

So all those democratic presidents were so bad that a common right wing talking point about them was "the worst president in history"?

Some of them were not even running for re-election so how could they be the worst presidents in history.
Yep seems you are wanting to join in the right wing nutter territory.

We've had a lot of shitty presidents throughout history. You were referring specifically to Republicans, otherwise I would have included Whig losses, such as Scott losing to Pierce, Harrison losing to Van Buren, and Clay and Quincy Adams losing to Jackson. Sometimes shitty presidents appeal to the masses. Demagoguery has existed within American presidential politics, and throughout the history of world politics. Julius Caesar was a Roman demagogue. The French Revolution offered many demagogues to history, such as Robespierre and Napolean. Hitler was a demagogue.

In America, we've had demagogues such as Jackson. Not all of them have even been bad presidents. Jefferson and TR were supreme demagogues and even appear on Rushmore. Their personalities still captivate, and consequently, still drag the American public down, as it was their bizarre and often wrongheaded politics that have survived (i.e. nullification) more so than the policies they pursued while in power.
You are wrong, great writing, yes I do believe Obama is in league with Satan, he is to stupid to realize it of course. The Catholic Church is sending many people to hell based on the works based theology, I have nothing against jews they just do not realize who Jesus was.

Yeah great writing. :facepalm:
Oh I know it's fiction, never said it wasn't, but the parallels between Carpathia, and Obama, are striking. Even if you aren't a Christian, you would see the parallels between the two.

Isn't it eery how vague and generalized descriptions can seem to fit any person or situation? lol
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Then don't read it! Carpathia, came out of nowhere politically, Obama same, preached peace, Obama same, mesmerized people with his appearance, and flair for speech, Obama same! was the end of the world as we know it Obama the Same.

Obama didn't come out of nowhere, he was in the senate. And politicians don't generally get elected if they're hideous, preach violence and can't speak. :rolleyes:
Obama didn't come out of nowhere, he was in the senate. And politicians don't generally get elected if they're hideous, preach violence and can't speak. :rolleyes:

There are those who would say he "came out of nowhere" from his "riveting" speech at the D&C convention in 2004.

I don't agree. I think his political career has been carefully orchestrated. Nobody comes out of nowhere. It only appears that way to those who aren't paying sufficient attention