The most important numbers in the universe


Well-known member
6.67430 x 10 exponent negative 11 (SI units)

6.62607004 x 10 exponent negative 34 (SI units)

3.14159 (unitless irrational number)

2.718281828459 (unitless irrational number)

299,792,458 (SI units, in meters)

4.6692016091029 (unitless irrational number)

1.61803398875 (unitless irrational number)

I watched NOVA last night. It said Stars (like our Sun) die out. The last Stars will be 'Red Dwarfs'. After that, the Universe becomes a very cold and dark place. Somewhat of a bleak scenario. :(
6.67430 x 10 exponent negative 11 (SI units)

6.62607004 x 10 exponent negative 34 (SI units)

3.14159 (unitless irrational number)

2.718281828459 (unitless irrational number)

299,792,458 (SI units, in meters)

4.6692016091029 (unitless irrational number)

1.61803398875 (unitless irrational number)


You forgot 79, one of the most important numbers in the universe..

Carding a 79 pretty much makes my whole summer.
Never did better than 81 [at least never without cheating at all] this year, and at my age, I don't exactly get better year to year.
In 2019, I did it four times. 2020 season was lost to covid.

May have to change the magic number to something a little bigger next year.
Not that I'm of any age to be making plans for "next year."
'69'. No one mentioned 69. Isn't 69 an important number? How did that get left out? (APL has really dropped the ball on this one) :|
'69'. No one mentioned 69. Isn't 69 an important number? How did that get left out? (APL has really dropped the ball on this one) :|

6 + 9 = 15
6 * 9 = 54

Hmm nothing particularly interesting with that number except for the Astrologers and Numerologists.

HOLY SHIT!!!! W-w-wait a minute!!!!

15 + 54 = 69! :eek:
You forgot 79, one of the most important numbers in the universe..

Carding a 79 pretty much makes my whole summer.
Never did better than 81 [at least never without cheating at all] this year, and at my age, I don't exactly get better year to year.
In 2019, I did it four times. 2020 season was lost to covid.

May have to change the magic number to something a little bigger next year.
Not that I'm of any age to be making plans for "next year."

As a guy, I have 214 committed to memory, because I would never hear the end of it if I forget valentine's day
Once I've memorized many digits in pi. Now as an oldfart I've forgotten. LOL.

I have no clue how he does this.
