The most important numbers in the universe

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...


I never heard about this being shitty at math

I love it

Applications of Fibonacci numbers include computer algorithms such as the Fibonacci search technique and the Fibonacci heap data structure, and graphs called Fibonacci cubes used for interconnecting parallel and distributed systems.

They also appear in biological settings, such as branching in trees, the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the fruit sprouts of a pineapple, the flowering of an artichoke, an uncurling fern, and the arrangement of a pine cone's bracts.
Once I've memorized many digits in pi. Now as an oldfart I've forgotten. LOL.

I have no clue how he does this.

Imagine if we can some day enhance brain wiring

Learn to enhance the growth and efficiency of the forming brain

Listening to classical music as an infant improves brain growth

Learning more than one language as child improves brain growth
Answer key

6.67430 x 10 exponent negative 11 (SI units). Newtonian constant of gravitation

6.62607004 x 10 exponent negative 34 (SI units). Planck constant

3.14159 (unitless irrational number) Pi

2.718281828459 (unitless irrational number) Euler's number

299,792,458 (SI units, in meters) c, speed of light in a vacuum

4.6692016091029 (unitless irrational number) Feigenbaum constant

1.61803398875 (unitless irrational number) Golden Ratio

42 The answer to life, the universe, and everything
Benjamin Peirce, a 19th-century American philosopher, mathematician, and professor at Harvard University, after proving Euler's identity during a lecture, stated that the identity "is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it, and we don't know what it means, but we have proved it, and therefore we know it must be the truth".'s_identity

Numbers are more mysterious than most people realize.

Phycisist Don Lincoln of Fermi lab states that there are 20 physical constants that we cannot derive from first principles and are only aware of them through experimental measurement.

Yet the universe would not be able to exist in its present state without these constants: the universal gravitational constant, constants for the strengths of the Higgs field, the constants for the electromagnetic field, the masses of the six quarks, etc.
The English system is really dumb. Why are there 5,280 feet in a mile?

Because a mile comes from the Roman mille passus or a thousand paces. A Roman military pace was five feet, thus a mille, or as it later became mile, was 5,000 feet. The additional 280 feet came about because of differences in the the length of a foot in Britain versus the Roman foot. The British one was slightly shorter so the standard mile came out 280 feet longer.
Because a mile comes from the Roman mille passus or a thousand paces. A Roman military pace was five feet, thus a mille, or as it later became mile, was 5,000 feet. The additional 280 feet came about because of differences in the the length of a foot in Britain versus the Roman foot. The British one was slightly shorter so the standard mile came out 280 feet longer.


The SI system is so much better suited to scientific and engineering applications, and is just more intuitive in everyday life.

The only exception I would allow for are Kelvin units. I could never become accustomed to saying a warm sunny day is 300 degrees Kelvin.

The SI system is so much better suited to scientific and engineering applications, and is just more intuitive in everyday life.

The only exception I would allow for are Kelvin units. I could never become accustomed to saying a warm sunny day is 300 degrees Kelvin.

It made sense at the time it was instituted.
(2 exponent 82,589,933 minus 1)

Is the largest prime number known to date as of September 2021.

If printed in 12 point font, this number would require about 5,000 pages.