The N-Word

I'm sorry you felt I said you were a racist. I don't know you enough to make that determination.
Where did I write that?

Oh, that's right. I didn't.

That said, you cannot make any 'determination' of what someone is over the Internetz. Any attempt to do so is just race-baiting bullshit. But, if you want to call me one, by all means, do so. I have a couple of clever retorts fer ya. ;)
I believe my in first post on this forum I stated I wanted to educate the uninformed.

And you call that trolling?

btw...I've repeatedly said I don't believe in the Ignore function. It's for cowards.

How ironic.....instead, its YOU getting an you badly need...
Excuse me. I was under the understanding you requested a history of the N-word. You did, didn't you?

The only time I would look to you for understanding is if there is some deviant homo behavior with an animal that has been heretofore undefined. Which means fucking never douchenozzle
Yeah,but you can have fun with it like I do

I have no doubt you have fun drinking from a brown paper bag and throwing stones at passing buses.
I wonder, have you ever strayed beyond your pleasant shores (millie dairy service not included)?
Please explain.

I would be happy to as you are in sore need of some knowledge. '

The very premise of your questions are racist because at their core you are treating blacks as if they are some homogenous group. You don't treat them as individuals. That in and of itself is racist. The premise of your question makes it seem like blacks have a collective intelligence, collective skill sets. The questions are designed to force someone into a corner with a blanket statement of an entire group.

The truth of the matter is that blacks aren't smarter than whites and whites aren't smarter than blacks. I know blacks that are dumber than dog shit. I know blacks that are the scum of the earth and I wouldn't spend two seconds of my time with. I also know whites that are dumber than dog shit (you for instance). I know whites that are the scum of the earth and I wouldn't spend two seconds of my time with (you for instance). There are blacks that are infinitely smarter than you or I; Clarence Thomas being one.

You are the racist because you treat them as a group. But, I understand why you do it. Your entire political party is centered around group politics. That is why you trash accomplished black conservatives like Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, JC Watt, Clarence Thomas etc. They don't fit the mold for democrats, so they must be destroyed with names like "Uncle Tom" and "House Nigger".

You may not have liked what I called BAC, but I treated him as an individual. You won't find instances of me lumping all blacks into a single group. I call out individuals because I believe people should be treated as individuals.

You want them lumped in a group. That is racist and bigoted.
Well? Why should I? There is plenty right here. All of my needs are met right here. What does your country have to offer me that I can't get here?
Well I have a Tsing Tao in front of me and Spurs have just made it 2:1 against Sunderland with plenty of time for more goals, so you'll excuse me if I simply say,
Well? Why should I? There is plenty right here. All of my needs are met right here. What does your country have to offer me that I can't get here?

I agree.

We've got the best President in a century, gays are marrying, women are able to decide for themselves what to do with their bodies, the economy is doing better, people are hiring, unemployment's going down, we're out of Iraq and soon Afghanistan, gas prices are going down, gays in the military are treated equal...

I agree.

We've got the best President in a century, gays are marrying, women are able to decide for themselves what to do with their bodies, the economy is doing better, people are hiring, unemployment's going down, we're out of Iraq and soon Afghanistan, gas prices are going down, gays in the military are treated equal...


If that is what floats your boat. Wasn't what I was talking about. But to each their own.

What is funny is that you think all of this is great yet you are still a miserable fuck. Go figure.

As for the economy, only an illiterate or Obama sycophant would think the economy is "doing better". By no measurable standard is it doing better. But, if it keeps you warm and cozy thinking that it is, far be it from me to dissuade you otherwise
Excuse me. I was under the understanding you requested a history of the N-word. You did, didn't you?

I'm sorry you felt I said you were a racist. I don't know you enough to make that determination.

Would you allow your daughter to marry a black man?

Do you believe blacks deserve equal rights with whites?

Are blacks of equal intelligence with whites?

Are blacks better at sports than whites?

Do blacks receive more welfare than whites?

How do explain why that so many sprint champions come from Jamaica and indeed one parish called Trelawny?
How do explain why that so many sprint champions come from Jamaica and indeed one parish called Trelawny?

Your link has the answer. It's not because they're black, it's because they worked and studied hard to compete. And with inspiration.

Campbell-Brown went to the same high school in Jamaica as Ottey -- Vere Technical -- and both earned their trade in the ferociously competitive track and field schools competition on the island.

Bolt is convinced the key to Jamaican success is the intense rivalry of grassroots athletics from an early age.

"I feel we push our young athletes," he said. "There is this thing called the Boys and Girls Championships in Jamaica, which showcases the talent.

"The level of competition is really high because it pushes you every day to be the best in your event, in your class."

And even now as Bolt gets down on the blocks at a major championships, that early experience gained is invaluable.

"I think it helped me to get past my fear of running in front of thousands and millions of people because I'm front of a home crowd and we are under a lot of pressure."

The four-day championships play to crowds of up to 30,000 at the national stadium in Kingston, while a TV audience of over a million watch the live coverage. Many of the top stars go back to hand out medals and inspire the next generation.

As a 16-year-old, Bolt thrived in this mini-Olympics in 2003, winning the 200/400 double in 20.23 and 45.30 seconds -- times which would have been good enough to qualify for most Olympic finals.
Yep, still don't give a fuck. Stop talking gibberish

You STILL dont get it. You must be the dumbest yank certainly on this forum and, quite possibly, in America.
Now go back and re-read what I said and what you said and TRY, just TRY to understand.