The N-Word

Your link has the answer. It's not because they're black, it's because they worked and studied hard to compete. And with inspiration.

Are you really saying that sprinters from the US, Russia or Europe don't try as well? There has to be more to it than that. This article from the Telegraph has some of the answers.

Second, Jamaica has few other sporting options. Cricket, once the number-one sport, is not as popular as it was (American sports dominate the television channels). Third is genes: 'I just think we're genetically predisposed to run fast,' Bryan says. Fourth is what he calls Jamaicans' 'irrepressible nature', a determination to keep on going. Fifth is the terrain. Jamaica is a hilly island where the relative lack of transport means that a lot of people have to do a lot of walking. Bryan believes it is
no coincidence that Trelawny, the island's hilliest parish, has spawned the most successful runners, including Bolt, Ben Johnson, the Jamaican-born Canadian sprinter (brought low by a doping scandal), and Veronica Campbell-Brown, the reigning 200m Olympic champion. Bryan introduces me to Campbell-Brown, who lives in Florida but returns to Jamaica each year for Champs. She explains how she used to walk five miles each way to school every day: 'If I was late, I would have to jog. A lot of us have to do that here. The point is, we'd be developing as runners and not even know it.'
Are you really saying that sprinters from the US, Russia or Europe don't try as well? There has to be more to it than that. This article from the Telegraph has some of the answers.

Mo Farah was stopped from entering the US I am told. This sack of cats gets crazier by the minute. They thought he was a terrorist.... well he is not white and most terrorists are not white so there is a sort of logic... isn't there?
Are you really saying that sprinters from the US, Russia or Europe don't try as well? There has to be more to it than that. This article from the Telegraph has some of the answers.

There's a lot more to genetics than skin color, Tom. Evolutionary adaption also plays a part in genetics, there's nothing wrong or racist about that.
There's a lot more to genetics than skin color, Tom. Evolutionary adaption also plays a part in genetics, there's nothing wrong or racist about that.

Yet there are many on the Left that would deny that there are any differences, for political reasons. Sprinting is very much about physiology else why has there been so few white champions since Jesse Owens and the 1936 Olympics? Over the past two decades, the 10 second mark in the 100m has been broken many hundreds of times, but not once by a white athlete. Nor is it just at the 100m that whites are so noticeably absent. Every men's world record at every commonly run track distance from 100m to the marathon now belongs to a runner of African descent. It is also extraordinary considering the advanced level of sports science and medicine in First World compared to places like Jamaica and Ethiopia.
The straight up literal message of this video is that blacks, cursed by the devil, owe all their current problems to a lack of personal responsibility.

Is that what you meant to be edumacating us in?
The straight up literal message of this video is that blacks, cursed by the devil, owe all their current problems to a lack of personal responsibility.

Is that what you meant to be edumacating us in?

Thank God the video's being used in schools and not your racist views.
Thank God the video's being used in schools and not your racist views.

Beg pardon? What could you possibly mean by that?

Did you actually watch the video all the way through??

Do you even care what it says?

Do you know what a 'racist view' is?
