The 'Natural Selection' Thread

Hello Althea,

Every day there's another one of these stories. Many of them coming out of Florida and Texas, of course.

My nurse GF tells the same story every week:

People who refused to get vaccinated, but have now found religion upon falling ill. Many crying for their families to get vaccinated as they breathe their last gasps.

My own sister in law has been refusing to get vaccinated out of fear of 'what is in it'.

A friend of hers died this week, and now she has condescended to get the jab.

These Texas idiots succumbed to pressure from their neighbors, and refused the vaccination. Now their 19 year old daughter is dead, and they're getting the vaccine.

The mother of a college student who died 'screaming through the mask' wished she had made her get the COVID-19 vaccine

This is a thread where the daily stories about the under educated can be shared. It seems as if they occur every day.

Not the deaths. The fact that it takes a family tragedy to show people the light.

It's probably time for them to turn off the t.v., and go out and get vaccinated.

And then vote their governors out of office.

So sad. It now happens so much that the media doesn't care about it anymore - no more shock value - no more capitalist value to bring in advertising dollars. America has become desensitized to COVID death. Oh, yeah, it happens. We just downplay it like auto deaths.
Hello Althea,

So sad. It now happens so much that the media doesn't care about it anymore - no more shock value - no more capitalist value to bring in advertising dollars. America has become desensitized to COVID death. Oh, yeah, it happens. We just downplay it like auto deaths.

COVID fatigue. Political fatigue. Americans still care but they are exhausted and confused by the conflicting information they see off the magic light box.
Hello Althea,

So sad. It now happens so much that the media doesn't care about it anymore - no more shock value - no more capitalist value to bring in advertising dollars. America has become desensitized to COVID death. Oh, yeah, it happens. We just downplay it like auto deaths.
Those who lost someone to Covid aren't desensitized. They just shake their collective heads at the waste.

Otherwise, I agree. For the masses, it's wash/rinse/repeat. The stories are all similar. Unvaccinated people who enjoy their 'freedom'.

Right up until they are crying in the hospital
If stupidity is an underlying condition, they yes.

Otherwise, people like yourself will infect others who don't have that particular underlying condition

When people get their scientific "research" off Facebook and Twitter, ya gotta know that those people's suitcases aren't packed very tight.
When people get their scientific "research" off Facebook and Twitter, ya gotta know that those people's suitcases aren't packed very tight.
Even so...after two years of being presented with facts and figures that contradict their beliefs, you would think that a % of them would come around?
Hello Althea,

Those who lost someone to Covid aren't desensitized. They just shake their collective heads at the waste.

Otherwise, I agree. For the masses, it's wash/rinse/repeat. The stories are all similar. Unvaccinated people who enjoy their 'freedom'.

Right up until they are crying in the hospital

Spot on.

They all talk a big game until it hits close to home. Then it gets real.
Even so...after two years of being presented with facts and figures that contradict their beliefs, you would think that a % of them would come around?

Which, IMO, points to mental issues. Most of the Insurrectionists had mental issues prior to 1/6.

Re JPP members, note how many Trumpers admit to being vaxxed even while they support the Big Lie, claim Fauci is a Chinese superspy and other Trumpian nonsense.
Which, IMO, points to mental issues. Most of the Insurrectionists had mental issues prior to 1/6.

Re JPP members, note how many Trumpers admit to being vaxxed even while they support the Big Lie, claim Fauci is a Chinese superspy and other Trumpian nonsense.
Because they emulate trump, who enjoys the best treatments available, and is first in line for vaccines, but still incites his base with lies.
Because they emulate trump, who enjoys the best treatments available, and is first in line for vaccines, but still incites his base with lies.

The worst nutjobs booed Trump when he flip-flopped like a dropped goldfish and suggested vaccines.
The worst nutjobs booed Trump when he flip-flopped like a dropped goldfish and suggested vaccines.
Once during a Klan rally last year, and once with O'Leilly.

Of course he always as to qualify his cowardice with the claim about supporting 'individual rights'.

Sitting on the fence, as it were.
Once during a Klan rally last year, and once with O'Leilly.

Of course he always as to qualify his cowardice with the claim about supporting 'individual rights'.

Sitting on the fence, as it were.

Yes, Trump rallies.

Trump wants to remain free of legal liability. For the most part he knows where the lines are drawn, but he may have overplayed his hands in both NY and on 1/6.

Not a lawyer, but even if any rape charges against Trump are past their limitations, if they are part of a continuing conspiracy, then they remain current. Payments and under-the-table deals would be part of a conspiracy.
COVID fatigue. Political fatigue. Americans still care but they are exhausted and confused by the conflicting information they see off the magic light box.
Now there will be just a little less of that.


[h=1]QAnon Star Who Said Only ‘Idiots’ Get Vax Dies of COVID[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Weldon focused on attacking vaccines and other efforts to fight COVID-19, saying in one video that Dr. Anthony Fauci “needs to be hung from a rope.” She claimed the vaccine killed people and even recorded herself yelling at people standing in line to receive vaccines.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“The vaccines kill, don’t get it!” Weldon warned the waiting vaccine recipients in an undated video posted to one of her online accounts. “This is how gullible these idiots are. They’re all getting vaccine!”[/FONT]