The 'Natural Selection' Thread

Best comment on her FB page when her death was announced:

[FONT=&quot]Another person posted a meme that said, "Why argue with an Anti-Vaxer when you could just wait."[/FONT]
Yet another unvaccinated Republican who died young. The beauty is that she was a vocal anti vax mandate loon.

Thankfully, she has been silenced by natural selection. least she was 'free'. LOL.

[h=1]California Deputy DA Who Fought Vaccine Mandate Dies Abruptly After Falling Ill With COVID at Age 46[/h]

Dead within a couple weeks? Wow, that's fast. She looked healthy.
'Getting Covid', and dying from Covid are two very different things.

Agreed. Too many Trumpers look at themselves and only themselves. When thinking that way, even unvaxxed, IIRC, they have a 98.5% chance of surviving COVID albeit a 25% chance of Long Haul from 30-180 days. Some longer. The odds of them or someone in their immediate family dying are small. Once they expand outward to more family and friends, then the odds increase they'll know someone who dies of COVID. Nowadays, that often means an unvaxxed Trump supporter.

I'm good with freedom of choice. I also support businesses who want to keep disease-infected assholes off their property.
Agreed. Too many Trumpers look at themselves and only themselves. When thinking that way, even unvaxxed, IIRC, they have a 98.5% chance of surviving COVID albeit a 25% chance of Long Haul from 30-180 days. Some longer. The odds of them or someone in their immediate family dying are small. Once they expand outward to more family and friends, then the odds increase they'll know someone who dies of COVID. Nowadays, that often means an unvaxxed Trump supporter.

I'm good with freedom of choice. I also support businesses who want to keep disease-infected assholes off their property.
Add to that the fact that this demographic is more apt to attend a large gathering where nobody is vaxed or masked.
Add to that the fact that this demographic is more apt to attend a large gathering where nobody is vaxed or masked.

Superspreaders are great for speeding evolution along. Sad that innocents get taken out too.
Actually it says she probably had it when she did an anti vax mandate rally on Dec. 4.

Delta will do that to people who are a high risk.

She made a choice as did all those who attended the rallies. The sad part is when those idiots spread their disease to innocents.
yes you need underlying conditions for it to whack you. but there is hope, she's not better yet !

Incorrect. What's true is that those with underlying conditions are more susceptible to being whacked by COVID...not that the antivax idiots give a shit.
You have bad information. Are you trying to justify not being vaccinated? Whistling through the graveyard while you claim ghosts don't exist? LOL

no, I have accurate information. you think I'm unvaxed ?

I am medically high risk but behaviorally low risk. But I have a new granddaughter so to reassure my protective daughter the RN I got the J&J.

I dont expect it to do anything but give me the little card to shut people like you up. But daughter gets to call the shots for her baby and I'm ok with that. got a T-DAP too. And I get to rock the sweet little girl.
no, I have accurate information. you think I'm unvaxed ?

I am medically high risk but behaviorally low risk. But I have a new granddaughter so to reassure my protective daughter the RN I got the J&J.

I dont expect it to do anything but give me the little card to shut people like you up. But daughter gets to call the shots for her baby and I'm ok with that. got a T-DAP too. And I get to rock the sweet little girl.

I have no idea if you are vaxxed, lying, belong to a white supremacist militia, support terrorism, overthrow of the nation, etc. You strike me as a Trump supporter which means it's likely you are all those things just like all the other Trump terrorists supporters on JPP.