The new conservatives make me want Dano back


Christ, Dano may have been sock full of shit, but at least he was honest.

I just can't see how PorterM, Little Acorn, indisputable, jollie, meme, dilloduck, bravo, and the host of new righties can honestly be serious with themselves. They make no attempts at all to present rational arguments and just fill the board full of angry, ranting slush. It's honestly become no fun to debate politics in here anymore because of them, or do anything besides troll to make the little swarm angry. Our old conservatives had integrity and were interested in rational debate, this is just ridiculous.

I want Dano back. :(

And that's very hard for me to say.
Christ, Dano may have been sock full of shit, but at least he was honest.

I just can't see how PorterM, Little Acorn, indisputable, jollie, meme, dilloduck, bravo, and the host of new righties can honestly be serious with themselves. They make no attempts at all to present rational arguments and just fill the board full of angry, ranting slush. It's honestly become no fun to debate politics in here anymore because of them, or do anything besides troll to make the little swarm angry. Our old conservatives had integrity and were interested in rational debate, this is just ridiculous.

I want Dano back. :(

And that's very hard for me to say.

I am not going to speak for anyone else, but where have I said anything un-American or hateful? I would suggest that you are the one that has spewed forth hate and irrational arguments as is shown in your signature.

I really wish a huge tidal storm would just emerge out of nowhere and completely wipe America off the map.

I fail to see how you not being able to debate your viewpoint without resorting to insults is anyones fault but your own. Where, specifically, have I not offered a rational a argument as opposed to your arguments and hatred of America?
I am not going to speak for anyone else, but where have I said anything un-American or hateful?

I am not going to speak for anyone else, but where have I said you've said anything un-American or hateful? What you have said, my friend, are things that can only be described as "retarded". TY for reposting my signature also.
I am not going to speak for anyone else, but where have I said you've said anything un-American or hateful? What you have said, my friend, are things that can only be described as "retarded". TY for reposting my signature also.

I am sorry, that was you that was posting un-American and hateful responses.

...They make no attempts at all to present rational arguments and just fill the board full of angry, ranting slush.

Where have I posted anything angry?

What have I posted that you consider as a "retarded" reply?
This could qualify.

Absolutely. You have no real ideas. You troll because you are not serious about anything you say. Even to you, by your admission of your trolling, you say that your ideas have no meaning or substance. Congratulations, you have just proved that your ideas are irrelevant, trivial, and unimportant.
Actually I'm glad they're here.

They stand as a vivid reminder of the ignorance that has been in control of this country for the past 8 years .. and the cowardice of the left to allow such astounding ignorance to prevail.

I say, welcome aboard.
Actually I'm glad they're here.

They stand as a vivid reminder of the ignorance that has been in control of this country for the past 8 years .. and the cowardice of the left to allow such astounding ignorance to prevail.

I say, welcome aboard.

Well thanks for the welcome BAC ! Sorry Water but any serious attempt at debate sans insults and name calling is only going to occur if everyone is willing to tone down the rhetoric a bit. I sure as hell am not going to type out a long, thought out POV only to have it ignored, checked for grammatical errors or dismissed because some lib team member doesn't like it.
Sorry Water but any serious attempt at debate sans insults and name calling is only going to occur if everyone is willing to tone down the rhetoric a bit. I sure as hell am not going to type out a long, thought out POV only to have it ignored, checked for grammatical errors or dismissed because some lib team member doesn't like it.

Well thanks for the welcome BAC ! Sorry Water but any serious attempt at debate sans insults and name calling is only going to occur if everyone is willing to tone down the rhetoric a bit. I sure as hell am not going to type out a long, thought out POV only to have it ignored, checked for grammatical errors or dismissed because some lib team member doesn't like it.

That was exactly what I used to get on the other site.

That and every excuse to lock a thread someone could invent.

This is what water was asking for.
" integrity and were interested in rational debate"

The new crop of Rs seem to me to be from the other site and do just the same thing here they did to me there. They ignore facts, retort with personal insults instead of enriching the debate and gang up to make each other feel safe.

This is a different site guys , learn a new trick or two. Use facts from sites people on all sides can have at least a modicum of belief in. Admitt when something you are saying has been pretty much decimated. LEARN to debate for real not just DB style were you scare away the people on the left or chase them out with ever changing and selectively inforced rules.
It is just a sign of the greater deterioration of the so called right since the philosophical core of the movement has been hijacked by neocons and theocrats. The ideological center has moved from Buckley, Goldwater, Will and even Stein, to the neocons who formed the New American Century crap and men like Robertson and Senator Brownback. Now instead of being a political movement in favor of TRULY small government, it is a political movement that believes dissent is treason, that believes things should be illegal even if they don't "pick my pocket or break my leg". They are the party that invented the great cop out from american freedom, "9-11 changed everything". If you watch the pop heros of this new political movement, like Hannity and O'Reilly, you see that the new tactic, and one that was stolen from left wing playbook of not long ago, is to shout people down, or turn off their mic. To the extreme Right wingers like who Savage villify. If you ever get a chance watch the debates that Buckley used to have with leftists. He never shouted at them, hell most of the time his voice was so calm and low that you would have to turn up the volume so you didn't miss anything. That sort of debate is now sorely missing from the right.
If you think calling everybody who doesn't think like you do, knuckledraggers, ignorant, ask what grade in school they finished, accuse them of only getting their news from Rush Limbaugh, etc, etc, intelligent debate, then I laugh my ass off..

If you don't like what someone say, you in the hive swoop down on them like vultures and try to pick them apart with your ugliness..

What you forget, is conservatives are a hearty bunch, they don't turn tail and run, they stay and fight face to face combat..

If you think calling everybody who doesn't think like you do, knuckledraggers, ignorant, ask what grade in school they finished, accuse them of only getting their news from Rush Limbaugh, etc, etc, intelligent debate, then I laugh my ass off..

If you don't like what someone say, you in the hive swoop down on them like vultures and try to pick them apart with your ugliness..

What you forget, is conservatives are a hearty bunch, they don't turn tail and run, they stay and fight face to face combat..


LOL! I was thinking the same thing, though I was left off of WM list.

I've posted some, hoping to get some discussion, but the only ones who've mostly has been civil are BAC, Desh, Care, and Damo.
LOL! I was thinking the same thing, though I was left off of WM list.

I've posted some, hoping to get some discussion, but the only ones who've mostly has been civil are BAC, Desh, Care, and Damo.

Thank you Kathy.

I appreciate the recognition of my attempts to truely get a conversation going.

We are all Americans and deserve to have our voices heard. The more our people truely hash out the facts the better this country will be for all of us.
see meme , you dont want to discuss and all you want to do is half read what people post and then say what amounts to "your wrong" and then get all vaclimpt when people insult you while your insulting them.

I dont think your dumb, I think you need to stop behaving exactly like the peopel here you complain of .

Join the converstaion, research the topics and add the the converstation.

I have come here for years to learn mostly and this is my favorite kind of learning.

You read something someone posts and then look at the comments on it and say to yourself "hey I dotn think that is right" you start a search of the said information and find out that the person was right, they were kinda right, they were lied too or they were flat out lying and you can prove it. Its great fun and you are fully as capable as I am of adding to the discussion.

Come on girl jump into the deep end with us and play.