The Obama is Cancer to the US

The title of the story is "Obama Panel Warns Governors: Debt Will Destroy US Like a Cancer" so you fucked that up.

The debt and situation this country is in is a direct result of 30 yrs of conservative greed ideology. you fucked that up too.

The cancer was growing when Perot mentioned that big sucking sound back in 1992. It blossomed under Clinton and your hero GW. You fucked that one up too.

Strike 3. Go back to the dugout.
The title of the story is "Obama Panel Warns Governors: Debt Will Destroy US Like a Cancer" so you fucked that up.

The debt and situation this country is in is a direct result of 30 yrs of conservative greed ideology. you fucked that up too.

The cancer was growing when Perot mentioned that big sucking sound back in 1992. It blossomed under Clinton and your hero GW. You fucked that one up too.

Strike 3. Go back to the dugout.

Bush doubled his budget deficit in his last year, letting the Democrat House have its way. The Obama re-doubled it after that. Now its a runaway train. Nice fucking try though, liberal.
So you think our fucked up economic situation took a little over 3 years to develop? Do you know how stupid that is? Don't you remember your buddy Cheney saying debt doesn't matter?

"Reagan Policies Gave Green Light to Red Ink

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, June 9, 2004; Page A11

The line is not likely to make this week's eulogies to Ronald Reagan, but when Vice President Cheney allegedly declared, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he summed up an enduring argument from the former president's economic legacy.

In late 2002, Cheney had summoned the Bush administration's economic team to his office to discuss another round of tax cuts to stimulate the economy. Then-Treasury Secretary Paul H. O'Neill pleaded that the government -- already running a $158 billion deficit -- was careering toward a fiscal crisis. But by O'Neill's account of the meeting, Cheney silenced him by invoking his take on Reagan's legacy."

This was in 2002, 10 yrs after Perot warned us about the big sucking sound. Sorry SM the cancer is conservative greed and the Republicon party seeing this country as a cash cow.
So you think our fucked up economic situation took a little over 3 years to develop? Do you know how stupid that is? ...
How much has The Obama increased the annual debt?

Yes, bailing out big business for the good of the country is an expensive thing. The reason Americans had to bail them out is a direct result of your conservative greed ideology. Your party of NO! has proven they don't care about this country and want to run it into a bigger ditch than we are already in.
Notice on you chart how the debt goes up when Republicons are in office and down when Dems are in office. If the trend continues the debt will go down. If not then your dreams will come true and there will be a major depression and this country will die of conservative cancer.
Yes, bailing out big business for the good of the country is an expensive thing. The reason Americans had to bail them out is a direct result of your conservative greed ideology. Your party of NO! has proven they don't care about this country and want to run it into a bigger ditch than we are already in.
Notice on you chart how the debt goes up when Republicons are in office and down when Dems are in office. If the trend continues the debt will go down. If not then your dreams will come true and there will be a major depression and this country will die of conservative cancer.

Conservatives didn't support bail outs.

The chart goes down when 'Rats are in office because they increase taxes (raising revenues short term but decreases them long term) and steal out of the military budget. Then a Republican gets in and has to make repairs to the military, which are expensive, and sometimes they lower taxes (lowering revenues in the short term but increasing economic growth in the long run).

You liberals just don't see the dynamics of the economy and taxation. I guess you're just too stupid.
Yea, we all see how you neocons have 'fixed' the economy. For Bush's Base things are fine but they enjoy their prosperity on the blood and sweat of the rest of the population. The last 2 elections should have taught you this lesson.
Yea, we all see how you neocons have 'fixed' the economy. For Bush's Base things are fine but they enjoy their prosperity on the blood and sweat of the rest of the population. The last 2 elections should have taught you this lesson.

Your argument destroyed, you resort to the neocon ad-hom and fail to respond to the points made. :)
The title of the story is "Obama Panel Warns Governors: Debt Will Destroy US Like a Cancer" so you fucked that up.

The debt and situation this country is in is a direct result of 30 yrs of conservative greed ideology. you fucked that up too.

The cancer was growing when Perot mentioned that big sucking sound back in 1992. It blossomed under Clinton and your hero GW. You fucked that one up too.

Strike 3. Go back to the dugout.

Did you vote for the Perot? LOLOLOLOL
Your argument destroyed, you resort to the neocon ad-hom and fail to respond to the points made. :)

Hey if you vote for neocons, if you agree with neocons, if you take the neocon position then you are a neocon. Neocon.

Funny, I respond to your points and prove to you that Republicon/Reagan/trickle down economy doesn't work and that our current situation is a direct result of it. You are the one with his hands over his eyes.
I'm not here to 'win'. I know that your mind is closed to any political ideas that are to the left of Mussolini and there is no compromise with you.
Hey if you vote for neocons, if you agree with neocons, if you take the neocon position then you are a neocon. Neocon.

Funny, I respond to your points and prove to you that Republicon/Reagan/trickle down economy doesn't work and that our current situation is a direct result of it. You are the one with his hands over his eyes.
I'm not here to 'win'. I know that your mind is closed to any political ideas that are to the left of Mussolini and there is no compromise with you.

I vote for conservatives, agree with them and take the conservative position.

Reagan's economy did work; it resulted in the longest peace time expansion in history. Things were going well until Bush 43 completely lost control of Congress in 2006 and compromised with Democrats.
He won't answer. He's crash'k and burn'k.

Business is slow. But at times during the day I do have to tcb, someone's got to pay for your wars.

There's no agreement between you and me on any subject or any point of history. We see 2 totally different worlds and there is no compromise.

Fight On Corporate Soldier.
I vote for conservatives, agree with them and take the conservative position.

Reagan's economy did work; it resulted in the longest peace time expansion in history. Things were going well until Bush 43 completely lost control of Congress in 2006 and compromised with Democrats.

Reagan's #1 objective was to break up labor unions in order to began the decline of the middle class. This alone made him my enemy. Our situation today is a direct result of his voodoo economics.
Bush lost the Congress because the American people said enough of this shit.

No points, no agreement, no compromise, pretty much pointless.
Reagan's #1 objective was to break up labor unions in order to began the decline of the middle class. This alone made him my enemy. Our situation today is a direct result of his voodoo economics.
Bush lost the Congress because the American people said enough of this shit.

No points, no agreement, no compromise, pretty much pointless.

None of your arguments have any basis of fact. Reagan's #1 goal was destroying the Soviet Union. Even main stream liberals acknowledge his fiscal policies were stellar.
First, we have to realize that Conservative philosophy is similar to religious philosophy and that is "hard times". Conservatives want government programs to fail. Conservatives spend money on war so there won't be any money for social programs. The "Terror color chart" that was implemented had but one purpose and that was to instill the idea of struggle, of causing people to continually have a worry on their mind.

Similar to the Christian religion where people are constantly reminded they are sinners, that they are not good and deserving. The Conservative philosophy works on the same principal. Struggle. Life is tough. If/when one hits hard times don't expect any help from the Government. That's just another take on the old religious idea of "it's God's will" and people are to endure, to struggle.

It is a sick philosophy. It causes people to become selfish because they know no one will help them if hardship strikes. People become private, closed, skeptical of others.

The best thing Obama has done is implement the medical plan. Rather than being an option, rather than discussing if the country can afford it, the topic now changes to the government being obliged to afford it. Now other things fall into the option category.

Recall Cheney commenting about the Iraq war saying we had the option. We could afford it.

It's time things changed. It is no longer a question of the government being able to afford medical care. It is now their obligation. The conversations switch to whether the government can afford a war or afford to cut taxes.

From individuals having to chop down trees with an ax to being able to manufacture homes in a factory, from digging a garden with a shovel to having machinery that can plow, plant and harvest crops while the operator sits in a air-conditioned cab it is an abomination in this day of technological advancement there are people without a home or sufficient food.

Change? It's barely started!
Reagan's #1 objective was to break up labor unions in order to began the decline of the middle class. This alone made him my enemy. Our situation today is a direct result of his voodoo economics.
Bush lost the Congress because the American people said enough of this shit.

No points, no agreement, no compromise, pretty much pointless.

Labor unions make up the middle class in certain states, and become a cancer to the rest of the country. Not to mention their own.

Our problems are a result of more than a hundred years of a gradual pull towards Marxism. Which runs hand to hand with labor unions.

The American voter has said a lot of things. I think they have about had it with the democratic-republican party though.

What makes you favor one over the other?

Bush lost congress because the republicans were a bunch of whores. Just like the democrats.