The Olympics

I'm not even to mention where my mind went when you mentioned his shoe size hours ago.

Mine too.

This is kind of a touchy subject, but why not talk about it here. Am I like the only woman in the world whose motto isn't "the bigger the better"? Do you know, that i made the mistake of dissenting from that consensus one day, and that every time I am with my friends, they bring that up. Like this weekend at float day, sure enough, again, they wanted to talk about it. It's always "well, let's get back to Darla and her small penises". And I'm just like, would you leave me the f alone please! And then they all laugh at me.
Well, I've never had a miniature one, so I can't cosign your small-p theory. Maybe Tops wife can give us some insight to that question.

But I can definitely say that too big is no no.
Well, I've never had a miniature one, so I can't cosign your small-p theory. Maybe Tops wife can give us some insight to that question.

But I can definitely say that too big is no no.

No not a minature one! I think we are on the same page. I think that my friends just like to make fun of me. Plus, they're pretty much all pervs, so it gives them the opportunity to talk about penises and trade penis stories. Which is how I always end up choking on my drink, and almost falling in. I bet women put men to shame when they start talking like that. I bet men wouldn't even believe it.

Not me of course.
No not a minature one! I think we are on the same page. I think that my friends just like to make fun of me. Plus, they're pretty much all pervs, so it gives them the opportunity to talk about penises and trade penis stories. Which is how I always end up choking on my drink, and almost falling in. I bet women put men to shame when they start talking like that. I bet men wouldn't even believe it.

Not me of course.

Oh yeah around here girls learn at an early age how to do the talking and comparing. In highschool there was a click that used to compare them to the size of different remote had your television, stereo and then all out entertainment system remote.

I, of course, was not a part of such click :cool:
LOL that reminds me. This guy in our high school was extremely tiny according reports. He became the talk of the gossip circles at one point. A girl he'd been with was talking about him at lunch one day, and she did basically made a sideways "U" with her pointer and thumb. He went ballistic and really wanted to fight her.
I think its fascinating watching the culmination of years of artistry training and dedication.

The funny thing is, he was ripping on the gymnasts who are probably pound for pound the best athletes in the world.

Midcan.. if you cannot appreciate what they do, then you really should not like any sport as the rest do not require the combination of athleticism, strength, flexibility and agility that is necessary for gymnastics.
LOL that reminds me. This guy in our high school was extremely tiny according reports. He became the talk of the gossip circles at one point. A girl he'd been with was talking about him at lunch one day, and she did basically made a sideways "U" with her pointer and thumb. He went ballistic and really wanted to fight her.

LOL. god that's mean.
The funny thing is, he was ripping on the gymnasts who are probably pound for pound the best athletes in the world.

Midcan.. if you cannot appreciate what they do, then you really should not like any sport as the rest do not require the combination of athleticism, strength, flexibility and agility that is necessary for gymnastics.

The funny thing is, he was ripping on the gymnasts who are probably pound for pound the best athletes in the world.

Midcan.. if you cannot appreciate what they do, then you really should not like any sport as the rest do not require the combination of athleticism, strength, flexibility and agility that is necessary for gymnastics.

Watch out, Top's going to call you a fanny pac.
LOL. god that's mean.

I know. There was no reason to get violent over it. Til this day I still have no idea how he knew we were talking about him. I didn't think we were that loud and he was pretty far from us. I guess the laughter and hand motions were enough. when you're that unequipped, I guess you know.
Watch out, Top's going to call you a fanny pac.

I think I can handle toppys "wit".

I doubt though that any athlete would argue with what I said. Hell, even toppy might be smart enough to agree. Anyone ever tried some of the stuff they do? I damn near killed myself trying....damn ego cashing checks my body couldn't handle.
I think its fascinating watching the culmination of years of artistry training and dedication.

The Olympics for City kids

I'm sorry but for those of us who grew up in the city high diving just wasn't a possibility. So maybe we need an Olympics for kids who grew up in the city. I offer all these great games as a start. I'm sure others can name their favorites.

Number one, down hill go cart racing, any park or industrial park hill or even hilly street will do, gravity is only requirement. Our go cart parts were picked from the trash and made up of broken baby carriages or old wagons. The frame was lumber from old doors or discarded 2 by 4's from construction sites. This was great fun, no motor, only guts and friction brakes. Our feet often served as that friction and rolling off was sometimes a good idea.

Why isn't this in the Olympics is the question? Rowing is there but geez we were way ahead of them, we used car tubes to navigate the polluted city creeks, sometimes old doors worked, so ask yourself, why isn't inner tube racing in polluted water in the Olympics?

And how about stick ball with pimple balls, they were white rubber balls and mom's old broom stick was the bat. To this day I cannot pick up a rounded stick and not get a sense for how it would work in our summer school yard games. When the pimple ball lost too much air we cut it in half and played half ball. I wonder if any still rest on high roofs.

Sometimes we drew strike zones on school walls, sometimes not, one swing was an out that made for quick skill, a sharp eye, and quick turnover of innings. Indoor outdoor doesn't matter. Judges at the Olympics could easily comment on such an uncomplicated and quick moving game. Half ball, folks, you haven't lived till you have played half ball. Cut a rubber hollow ball in half and start practicing now.

Oh and the rules! Great rules. That window is in bounds that street line is out and over that wire is a home run. Boy, how I miss the simplicity. The corporate world would hate a return to this sort of game.

Well anyway I am hoping maybe someday some of these great games will be included, I look forward to whistle sound of the cut hose spinning through space destined for a sharp eye and a quick stick bat. Home run, one nutt-in.

Hose ball, who hasn't played hose play? Blow on the top of a soda bottle and you know that sound.

And did I mention step ball or that other great game requiring perfect aim and dexterity, wire ball. Those were the days. It hit the wire, no, it didn't, take overs. As for high diving, boring. :)

re-edit of:
I know. There was no reason to get violent over it. Til this day I still have no idea how he knew we were talking about him. I didn't think we were that loud and he was pretty far from us. I guess the laughter and hand motions were enough. when you're that unequipped, I guess you know.

I saw this on a bumper sticker long ago: "It's not the length, it's not the wide, it's how long you can keep it stiff." But it could have referenced something else.
Wow, people think gymanstics is easy? They must be non athletes. Anyone with even a modicum of ability comprehends the extreme talent required in gymnastics.

These kind of people must be ice skating fans
Wow, people think gymanstics is easy? They must be non athletes. Anyone with even a modicum of ability comprehends the extreme talent required in gymnastics.

These kind of people must be ice skating fans

That's my other favorite sport.