The perfect candidate.


No matter what the era. Just because we have cell phones and internet, does not mean we had to change the winning strategy that made this country great in the first place---heads and shoulders above all others that ever existed. Better than all of those socialistic countries. They all rode on our backs, we were kicking their asses so bad. They hated us (and many still do) because our people were earning great lifestyles. It is not the different time we live in that is the difference---it is different people. People that strayed from their oaths, incrimentally--a little bit at a time, until we forgot what worked and made the country the best---in unbeatable record time. Greed and power took over, and money started ruling the government, instead of the people. The people were cut off from happenings within washignton--we wern't getting the whole story on issues that effect us directly-and decisions are made behind closed doors--or jammed through as quickly as possible, in hopes nobody will notice. Ear marks can be in massive numbers--attached to one bill, instead of dealing with one issue at a time. It is not that the times have changed---It is the fact that the people we elect have changed. The old proven philosophy of being a constitutionalist has worked exponentionally better than any other form of government----yet that winning philosophy keeps changing along with the people we elect, by the people we elect.

In my opinion--the perfect candidate today, would be the same person as the perfect candidate from the late 1700's. A person that knows it is not about the party, it is about the people. A person that remembers when it was considered a responsibility of our employeers to keep their home based American workers employed. (ya never hear any Cathy Lee Gifford fights about China) A person with the integrity to not take what he himself has not earned. A person that allows a nation of laws, and a free population at the same time. A person that friggen remembers the governments that were fled from to form THE GREATIST NATION ON EARTH! A person that truly knows that all men are created equal, and should be treated as such. No other country can beat such a mass population of perfection. Every citizen in the world wanted to live like Americans, yet we assimilate to them.

I select Ron Paul with Dwight D. Eisonhowers (sp of course) military knowlege. (the last militarially responsible predident we probably had--he knew when to hold, and when to fold--and he had the balls to warn us about the military industrial congressional complex and the possiblity of imperialism)

Anybody got any DNA? Wierd Science for the perfect politician?

Ya gotta admitt--a liberial can't tell a story like that --touching the heart of real free Americans--without wanting to gain power over the people--for the good of the socialist all---- whos ass we used to kick--and still and always will be able to.

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Good stuff, the majority. Keep fighting the good fight. A single match can light up one dark room, and rid it of a foul odor simultaneously.
I like it. I'd like Paul too, if he wasn't such a loonie, especially about foreign policy.

I will keep my gun loaded and take my chances with Paul. If he pulls the troups, and knocks down the US buildings like he said he would--he would actually give peace a chance by witdrawing bully tactics we are well known all over the world for, which I think is good. If some radical takes advantage of that--I am sure Paul will kick their azzes, and not waste time and money and lives doing it. When is the last time we had a war like that?

I would bet money if Paul were elected, he would at least show America what freedom is again. The inependants can gain a lot of credibility if that happens, if it works (and it will--we know that), and it would no longer be a two party system. It might be a one party system in the future. :) who knows?

I am a bit of a visionary. The free thinking people like us will not be held down much longer-we have more back bone than any other party. Most people want to be free--but forgot there is a responsibility to actually keep it. Many don't vote, and they just go with the flow of whatever is happening. They need to be waken up, and Paul is doing his job pretty well.

How about we give freedom a shot again--and if the economy does not improve--I will personally sign on for communisum. I am that confident that when people get a taste of freedom, they will accept the responsibilities that go with it, and they won't want to go back. We will run into the same problem of national freedom deterioration again unless we can select others than the elite for office.

It is nothing more than natural progression.
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I'm more of a pragmatist. The Mid-east is in our sphere of influence if we like it or not. We created Israel after WW2 and we are stuck with her. No. 2 reason is that until we tell the environmental whackos in our country to SHUT UP, then exploit our own natural resources and build several hundred more nuclear plants, we are dependent on OPEC oil.

With that said we should have a long term presence in Iraq, just like we do in Germany, Japan and Korea.

If not for our having to be there I would let Europe slug it out themselves with radical Islam. At least we wouldn't be financing the Islamists like we are today.

Goals for my ideal candidate:

1. Energy independence in ten years with nukes, domestic oil, gas, clean coal, wind, ocean currents, geothermal.
2. Seal the borders.
3. Reduce spending; abolish federal agencies that are not required by the mandates specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
4. Fair Tax or Flat Tax, reduced rates.
5. Privatize Social Security.
I'm more of a pragmatist. The Mid-east is in our sphere of influence if we like it or not. We created Israel after WW2 and we are stuck with her. No. 2 reason is that until we tell the environmental whackos in our country to SHUT UP, then exploit our own natural resources and build several hundred more nuclear plants, we are dependent on OPEC oil.

With that said we should have a long term presence in Iraq, just like we do in Germany, Japan and Korea.

If not for our having to be there I would let Europe slug it out themselves with radical Islam. At least we wouldn't be financing the Islamists like we are today.

Goals for my ideal candidate:

1. Energy independence in ten years with nukes, domestic oil, gas, clean coal, wind, ocean currents, geothermal.
2. Seal the borders.
3. Reduce spending; abolish federal agencies that are not required by the mandates specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
4. Fair Tax or Flat Tax, reduced rates.
5. Privatize Social Security.

paul talked about that on Glen Beck a bit. He said Israel has lost their sovernty to us. I understand that. Paul want to give Israel back their soverenty, just like he wants to keep and improve our own. Some people want a one world governemtn--Paul does not. Neither do I. It makes sence--sovernty is sovernty weather it be a country that lost it, or a citizen.

#1--I agree with--but I want a free market, so we can develope new types of energy while building the ecomny. We may be close to that without subsities and taxing existing energy just to make it marketable--while we go broke.

#2--Seal? Nppe--but definatly the control of a air port--and laws will be be enforced.

#3--agreed, but I am not sure what all that entails. definatly the goal though.

#4--Not in agreement. paul says if we abolished the IRS and income tax entirely, that we would stil have enough money to run the government we had ten years ago. Taking income tax is really unconstitutional, and more and more people are being dismissed in real court (the courts dismiss the case so as not to find the free human not guilty--but a little knowledge is very dangerous--and most do fail and go to jail) A fair tax is a replacement for a tax we are not suppoe se to have in the first place. Fred Thompson mentioned on hannity to a caller about the free tax--Freds answer "It has some good qualities, but we would have to add a amendment to th constitution so the fed government sould not add another income tax down the road, like some other countries did" Now--that is truth from the gut man! I personally don't think th free tax will work, because I don't think coporations will take the tax they are saving out of the cost of the product. It could end up bad--but i don't know it well. The freedom is taken away through the pay check, and our founding fathers did not agree. I believe paul that we could have enough money with no income tax (mostly 40 grand wage earners paying the most perrcentage of disposable income above food shelter clothing and medical care mostly paid for by the enployeer right now), to run the govrnment we had a short 10 years ago.

No income tax----live with it congress! we wil, make more money for you in the sales tax and business tax we now have--becausw we will have more mone to buy things (good things--not China junk) and start companines making good things that Chaina can't make (our only edge)

#5--Pirvatized social security will suck if we don't have as free a market as possible, and give slave countires too much of our power with irresponsibe globalization. As the stock go down from irresponsible globalization, your money will be gone also. I am not investing shit right now. In fact, I am thinking of pulling it soon. I would be happy to donate a percentage of my interest in a well managed SS privateized company to go to the government. May be even 25% with American companies, and 15% with international companies. That would be incentive for our government to do the best things for our business and people on our land. The more success our business have here in USA, the more money our government will have for things like wheapons. We will need them because we will be so stinking successfull--all other commies will envy us. :)
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Holy Jesus...the Blaaaabbbbermouths have moved in!

Get out commie--freedom does not want you in this country. you are freedoms enemy, and I don't have any problem fighting for freedom. There are really more of us. we are theMAJORITY and we will kick your asses---again--just like last time--you commies never learn!! :)
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paul ...said Israel has lost their sovernty to us....
I don't agree with Paul on this. I think he's off his rocker when it comes to foreign policy. Again the key word is pragmatism. He's an idealist.

Energy production should of course be by private corporations. But they need government own land to lease as well as permits. In other worlds the government, as usual, is in the way and needs to get out of the way.

Any incentives that the government should apply on this should be free market based. I would not oppose a large tax on OPEC oil to offset the true cost of it, including fighting the War on Terror.

I'm intrigued by the small VAWT units discussed the other day. Small units attached to the corners of buldings should be common place. The main problem with them right now is that electic utilities have so many burdensome requirements for a vendor to sell the unused electricity back to. Government can step in and streamline that process. If that happens millions will install these things, and mass production will drive the unit costs down to the point where you can't afford not to own one or several.

I'm not that concerned with trade with China or any trade deficit with non-hostile countries. If they can make widgets cheaper than we can then we should make something else.
I don't agree with Paul on this. I think he's off his rocker when it comes to foreign policy. Again the key word is pragmatism. He's an idealist.

Energy production should of course be by private corporations. But they need government own land to lease as well as permits. In other worlds the government, as usual, is in the way and needs to get out of the way.

Any incentives that the government should apply on this should be free market based. I would not oppose a large tax on OPEC oil to offset the true cost of it, including fighting the War on Terror.

I'm intrigued by the small VAWT units discussed the other day. Small units attached to the corners of buldings should be common place. The main problem with them right now is that electic utilities have so many burdensome requirements for a vendor to sell the unused electricity back to. Government can step in and streamline that process. If that happens millions will install these things, and mass production will drive the unit costs down to the point where you can't afford not to own one or several.

I'm not that concerned with trade with China or any trade deficit with non-hostile countries. If they can make widgets cheaper than we can then we should make something else.

Yea---about that. The friggen word "pragmatism" is not in my G$D Damned Fu%#@ng crappy little M$@#&r F&$@@n dictionary. :)

What is a VAWT also--a fuel cell?

It is not the trade with China that is hurting us. not exactly any way, in my opinion. it is the fact that they are using slave labor, more business subsities than taxes, and virtually no regulation. Most otehr governements tax our companies a lot (espically us) and have regulations that China does not. We are going to have more regulation lke workmans comp, disability and the such. we take responsiblity for our work force (save leaving them jobless like we do now)--China does not. They have ZERO responsibility for their work force--their own people. We can't compete with that, and not lose our quality of life for the majority of our people. There are forces that want to even it out, and China is not budging from slavery. I believe one of the stipulations we had with japan, before we helped rebuild them was--They will pay their employees a comparable wage as ours." As a result, we have very very little problem dealing with Japan and our companies are not jumping the borders to go there.

this is new, and washington and wall street will not admitt they fucked up..---we never had this many companies leave this country before. I am convienced that becaus if it, and other established countries allowing ti to hapen at the same time, is the prime reason why the world economy has everybody on their ear. How well is China doing? Not to many countries growing like china right now. Their people are not getting any of the money---who is? this is new, and I think a lot we learned in the past dos not apply as well as it was intended to. Not only us--but every nation that grew under the industrial revolution are selling out their base. "Service is not a base like manufacturing is--Service is what we enjoy when we have a base like manufacturing." I just found another T-shirt.
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Yea---about that. The friggen word "pragmatism" is not in my G$D Damned Fu%#@ng crappy little M$@#&r F&$@@n dictionary. :)

What is a VAWT also--a fuel cell?

It is not the trade with China that is hurting us. not exactly any way, in my opinion. it is the fact that they are using slave labor, and most otehr governements tax our companies a lot (espically us) and regulations we have. We are going to have more regulation lkke workmans comp, disability and the such. we take responsiblity for our work force (save leaving them jobless like we do now)--China does not. we can't compete with that, and not lose our quality of life for the majority of our people. There are forces that want to even it out, and China is not budging from slavery. I believe one of the stipulations we had with japan, before we helped rebuild them was--They will pay their employees a comparable wage as ours." As a result, we have very very little problem dealing with Japan and our companies are not jumping the borders to go there.

this is new---we never had this many companies leave this country before. I am convienced that becaus if it, and other established countries allowing ti to hapen at the same time, is the prime reason why the world economy has everybody on their ear. How well is China doing? Not to many countries growing like china right now. Their people are not getting any of the money---who is? this is new, and I think a lot we learned in the past dos not apply as well as it was intended to.

Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. Google it.

The Fair tax would go a long way on making trade more fair, as it would eliminate the built in taxes that are in every product that we manufacture. Add in massive tax reductions and reductions in regulations that unecessarily tie our hands and we can compete with anyone.
Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. Google it.

The Fair tax would go a long way on making trade more fair, as it would eliminate the built in taxes that are in every product that we manufacture. Add in massive tax reductions and reductions in regulations that unecessarily tie our hands and we can compete with anyone.

Who orgionally pays those "built in taxes".. Coporations I think (set me straight if I am wrong). They pass the cost of their taxes to us in the retail cost of the product or service--if I am not mistaken. So with that, it is said that coporations really don't pay taxes. Now, I don't see anything in the fair tax that tells me that coporations are going to be able to lower the retail priice--so we can pay 23% sales tax (which the government will have control of the percentage--sales tax is mandidtory--and replacing a tax that really is not mandatory). I think the retail price would have to go down over 23%, for it to be a benifit to the people, and I don't understand how that happens. Do you understnad what I mean?--what am I missing?
I carry one, and will use it when necessary!

Para Ordanance companion single stack Light Double Action (4.5" barrel I think) 45 with hollow points cocked and locked and a few extra clips. But no liberial will come over and try to steal my money on their own--to distribute it the way they see fit. It sits dormant now, but it can wake up real quick if needed to protect myself.
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