The perfect candidate.

Who orgionally pays those "built in taxes".. Coporations I think (set me straight if I am wrong). They pass the cost of their taxes to us in the retail cost of the product or service--if I am not mistaken. So with that, it is said that coporations really don't pay taxes. Now, I don't see anything in the fair tax that tells me that coporations are going to be able to lower the retail priice--so we can pay 23% sales tax (which the government will have control of the percentage--sales tax is mandidtory--and replacing a tax that really is not mandatory). I think the retail price would have to go down over 23%, for it to be a benifit to the people, and I don't understand how that happens. Do you understnad what I mean?--what am I missing?
The built in tax is all the payroll and income taxes that corporations pay. This artificially raises the end cost of a product.
The built in tax is all the payroll and income taxes that corporations pay. This artificially raises the end cost of a product.

What is going to make the coporations lower the wholesale cost of the product? Competition? Well, that makes sense--but we can't compete with China to provide fair competition--without us turning to slaves--I think. If they don't lower the wholesale--we get double wammied? Wolesale in china can go way up, and we still could not compete on our shores. Our jobs still go overboard. Those corps in china have no competition world wide--I smell something bad. I really need to get mor knowledgable with economics (but I think a lot is common sense and math--big deal), and more with the fair tax also. I don't think I will buy the fair tax though--because it will give the government absolute power. They have absolute power of sales tax now---which is constitutional.
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meold fashioned and retired carry a classic S&W model66...357mag yeah baby...

Para Ordanance companion single stack Light Double Action (4.5" barrel I think) 45 with hollow points cocked and locked and a few extra clips. But no liberial will come over and try to steal my money on their own--to distribute it the way they see fit. It sits dormant now, but it can wake up real quick if needed to protect myself.
As long as they go "bang" when you squeeze the trigger. The thing I like about the Glock is that the safety is built into the trigger. Nothing worse than lining up a shot, squeezing and having nothing happen.
As long as they go "bang" when you squeeze the trigger. The thing I like about the Glock is that the safety is built into the trigger. Nothing worse than lining up a shot, squeezing and having nothing happen.

But the S&Wmodel66 double action never has that problemo...tested and reliable over the years!
andit has a really big bang...even if ya miss the intended target he/she will die from a heart attack...:cof1:
What is going to make the coporations lower the wholesale cost of the product? Competition? Well, that makes sense--but we can't compete with China to provide fair competition--without us turning to slaves--I think. If they don't lower the wholesale--we get double wammied? Wolesale in china can go way up, and we still could not compete on our shores. Our jobs still go overboard. Those corps in china have no competition world wide--I smell something bad.

How do you compete with slaves?
The free market. Oh ye of little faith.

But we are in a uneven global equalization process. I think thet may be a problem. if we truly closed our borders to trade with those countries--and business partnerships with them--may be it would work. we would have to start a shit load of business to make our pown products--and banks would be giving away loans, because they know the people will get paid more and afford those products they need made direcly by the company that asked for th loan. The loan will be paid off, because we will need the products--that sounds like almost the instant growth of a free market and a uprising of the American peoples lifestyles--and can only be done is there is no huge advantage. I feel th unfair advantage china has, and the partnerships with our own companies that exist may thorow a monkey wrench in the works--and I throughly believe we don't need income taxes if we have no income tax and much less coporate tax. Making the market more free, and dumping the thrid world countries, unless they want to pick it up, should generate as much or more revenue for the government for social programs--but there won't be as many people needing social assistance. It should be a win win situation.
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But the S&Wmodel66 double action never has that problemo...tested and reliable over the years!
andit has a really big bang...even if ya miss the intended target he/she will die from a heart attack...:cof1:
I'm sure its a reliable and loud weapon. Honestly I don't know anything about it. I just chose the Glock 27because of the type of safety, small size, light weight, as well as reputation. Being of the absent minded type I have squeezed against a saftey many times in practice situations, and in a life or death situation would probably do the same thing.
But we are in a uneven global equalization process. I think thet may be a problem. if we truly closed our borders to trade with those countries--and business partnerships with them--may be it would work. w would have to start a shit load of business to make our pown products--and banks would be giving away oand, becaus they know the people will get paid more and afford those products they need. But I feel that is a monkey wrench in the works--and I throughly believe we don't need income taxes.
The Fair Tax would help to level the playing field. You should read up on it. By itself its revenue nuetral. My ideal candiadte would drastcally cut spending, so after the deficit is paid down the rate would be reduced further. The US economy would take off like a rocket.
Taking income tax is really unconstitutional, and more and more people are being dismissed in real court (the courts dismiss the case so as not to find the free human not guilty--but a little knowledge is very dangerous--and most do fail and go to jail)

Look, I hate our medieval tax system as much as the next sane, freedom loving person, but that is a flat out lie. Grab your Constitution and look up the Sixteenth Amendment :readit:
How do you compete with slaves?

Become slaves yourself---there is no other way. For me--it is not a option. as far as I am concerned--these thrid world countries can make their own products and trade with themself freely. Us established countries could deal with eachother freely. If the third world countries ever want to play with the big boys (any you bet their population will want to), all they have to do is increase their people way of life closer to ours and wholesale price to equal everythting, and they are more than welcome to join us--making profit and being fairly competitive while maikng btter products instread of shitty ones----AND HAVE A HEALTHY, SELF SUPPORTING, POPULATION FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!. Then they will have to work at quality and innovation to compete--as it should be. I am sure they can make a great profit either way, but I think their people will want a better way of living--and they deserve it. They are the reason they are getting filthy rich at peoples expence--theirs peoples and ours expense. I would be happy to have the competition of fair competition---but now--we are hurting our own people to try to be competitive with them. We should not have to give up our way of life we all worked so hard and smart for. All industrialized nations that have a citizenery that has built themself a good life has to be on board--or most of them anyway. All would be with that right now, if the people havce a say--they are the ones going poor trying to equal out with China slaves.

Think of irresponsible globalization as a equalization process between countries.--Now realize that China has no intntion of paying their people any kind of good wage or benfits. Who is going to move more during the equilization process. US! We need no taxes on income or coporations, and it still would not be enough to not lower our standard of living over time. we still have more regulation (which I think is needed to insure good treatment of you citizens) and higher wages and no subsities just for operation costs that China companies get to try to corner the manufacturing sector. This irresponsibe globalization may turn out to be the biggest mistake any of the established countries allowed their coporations to do. why did it happen? In a nut shel--money is power--and we are forced to elect rich cock sucking eliet that care more about money than their own people who elected them. if we did not have to elect the elite--we would not have this problem--or many other problems we have.

Rich coporations that jump ship are killing us--wall street or washington will not admitt it---so watch us drop IMO. it took a decade to gain momentum--I think momentum has just started.
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Become slaves yourself---there is no other way. For me--it is not a option. as far as I am concerned--these thrid world countries can make their own products and trade with themself freely. Us established countries could deal with eachother freely. If the third world countries ever want to play with the big boys (any you bet their population will want to), all they have to do is increase their people way of life closer to ours, and they are more than welcome to join us--making profit and being fairly competitive while maikng btter products instread of shitty ones----AND HAVE A HEALTHY, SELF SUPPORTING, POPULATION FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!. I am sure they can make a great profit either way, but I think their people will want a better way of living--and they deserve it. They are the reason they are getting filthy rich at peoples expence--theirs peoples and ours expense. I would be happy to have the competition of fair competition---but now--we are hurting our own people to try to be competitive with them. We should not have to give up our way of life we all worked so hard and smart for. All industrialized nations that have a citizenery that has built themself a good life has to be on board--or most of them anyway. All would be with that right now, if the people havce a say--they are the ones going poor trying to equal out with China slaves.

Think of irresponsible globalization as a equalization process between countries.--Now realize that China has no intntion of paying their people any kind of good wage or benfits. Who is going to move more during the equilization process. US! We need no taxes on income or coporations, and it still would not be enough to not lower our standard of living over time. we still have more regulation (which I think is needed to insure good treatment of you citizens) and higher wages and no subsities just ofr operation that China companies get to try to corner the manufacturing sector.

Rich coporations that jump ship are killing us--wall street or washington will not admitt it---so watch us drop IMO. it took a decade to gain momentum--I think momentum has just started.

Like I said for the people that theink we can be a service nation. Service is not a base for a healthy economy for the people--service is something we can afford when whe have a good economic base like manufacutring. we have a potential to make a lot of new green products, but they are not off the ground yet, and we are going down now.

Add a antional health care system--and thats it folks--it will be done.
Look, I hate our medieval tax system as much as the next sane, freedom loving person, but that is a flat out lie. Grab your Constitution and look up the Sixteenth Amendment :readit:

I have a buddy of mine that has not paid taxes in almost ten years that can explain exactly what the 16th admendment says better than any of us. If he goes to real court--they will dismiss his case also. he offered to go to real court (not tax court) years ago, and they deny him. They know he knows his stuff. Evidently--the sixteenth admendment do not mean a mandiory tax on income of citizens. It can't--we would technically be a socialist nation if income tax on citizens was manditory--and we are not--technically a socialist country. There is also evidence that the sixteenth admendment was not legally ratified. You need 75% of the startes to agree--and three look like they were fudged by the federal government. Without those trhee questionable states--the ratification would have fallen 1 state shor of legal ratification. hey--whos gonna argue? US? well--some of us that have balls for freedom do.

I am sure you have heard of "voluntary compliance" as the basis of our income tax system. The words are almost redundant that it is not manditory. They know we realize that and questioned it--and I think they dropped the term to hide the facts by avoiding questions, a short few years ago.

At a parallel of government tactics

I also understand that it is a right for us to be able to use public roads as a citizen going from point A to pojnt B. A driver had more responsibility because they were transporting property or product to a town, so they paid a bit of a tax (I beleive) to keep up the roads. If you notice--your newer dirvers licenses now say 'operatores license" A driver hauled property--a operator just hauled himself and people going his direction. We operators have been treated ike Drivers for a long time. They just reciently changed our citizen licenses from "Drivers" to "operaters"----for no explained reason.
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Become slaves yourself---there is no other way. For me--it is not a option. as far as I am concerned--these thrid world countries can make their own products and trade with themself freely. Us established countries could deal with eachother freely. If the third world countries ever want to play with the big boys (any you bet their population will want to), all they have to do is increase their people way of life closer to ours and wholesale price to equal everythting, and they are more than welcome to join us--making profit and being fairly competitive while maikng btter products instread of shitty ones----AND HAVE A HEALTHY, SELF SUPPORTING, POPULATION FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!. Then they will have to work at quality and innovation to compete--as it should be. I am sure they can make a great profit either way, but I think their people will want a better way of living--and they deserve it. They are the reason they are getting filthy rich at peoples expence--theirs peoples and ours expense. I would be happy to have the competition of fair competition---but now--we are hurting our own people to try to be competitive with them. We should not have to give up our way of life we all worked so hard and smart for. All industrialized nations that have a citizenery that has built themself a good life has to be on board--or most of them anyway. All would be with that right now, if the people havce a say--they are the ones going poor trying to equal out with China slaves.

Think of irresponsible globalization as a equalization process between countries.--Now realize that China has no intntion of paying their people any kind of good wage or benfits. Who is going to move more during the equilization process. US! We need no taxes on income or coporations, and it still would not be enough to not lower our standard of living over time. we still have more regulation (which I think is needed to insure good treatment of you citizens) and higher wages and no subsities just for operation costs that China companies get to try to corner the manufacturing sector. This irresponsibe globalization may turn out to be the biggest mistake any of the established countries allowed their coporations to do. why did it happen? In a nut shel--money is power--and we are forced to elect rich cock sucking eliet that care more about money than their own people who elected them. if we did not have to elect the elite--we would not have this problem--or many other problems we have.

Rich coporations that jump ship are killing us--wall street or washington will not admitt it---so watch us drop IMO. it took a decade to gain momentum--I think momentum has just started.

Do you have to make your posts so short and to the point? Stretch them out a little bit man! Stick some nonsensical filler in there.
The Fair Tax would help to level the playing field. You should read up on it. By itself its revenue nuetral. My ideal candiadte would drastcally cut spending, so after the deficit is paid down the rate would be reduced further. The US economy would take off like a rocket.

May be--but I think China still kicking our ass with slave labor will still keep us not competitive. The fair tax has no ties internationally as far as I know.
Majority does write novels, but I like him because he's one of the few people I can beat easily in debate.

You must be from California. There are a lot of people there that live in a falsehood about how smart they are in California. It is hippy liberial central, still messed up from the heroin days. :)