The physics of God

Answer the question

"How do you know who your real father is?"

Because I am the image of my DNA. Then again living as timed apart occupying space directly relative to the numbers present, don't play doubt with me because I understand more than you wished nobody else finds out because you are just manipulating emotions verbally here.

Our conversation is why and how it is so important for each person to realize eternity isn't a myth, because one's position as proportionately here is a natural sequence not controlled by vocabulary in any tongue or human narrative as all lines of communications do is govern interpretation by group factions pretending life is more than reproducitons occupying space now, naturally positioned in an adapt or become extinct existence, equally applied per lifetime regardless plant, animal, predator, prey, asexual, male, female reproduction and homo sapiens are not exempt.

Know life's limitations as equally as your own and since eternally separated in reproductive order, defying it only manifests eternal hell for those alive now.
Wrong. It's about the source of your sense of knowledge.

Answer the question

"How do you know who your real father is?"

If it is emotionally crippling, that is your issue

Answer the question

The source for my sense of proportionment is adapting to life as timed apart occupying space in a body that never remains the same total sum achieved so far. What don't you comprehend about that in real time as spontaneously alive like ever other reproduction supporting the intellectual numbers here.

Stop projecting the notion there is an intellectual being over seeing kinetic perpetual motion sustained by perpetual balancing between contracting combinations eroding and combined into organic contracting results of each whole reproduciton is what sicuence calls a half life courier to reproducting the next generation or not. hence adapt or become extinct time separates each being ever changing tpotal sum details taking place from now on.

Mob rule in spirit or physical conquest of controlling outcomes from now on is the end game of your vernacular imprisonment of dedicated to syllables as all you want to know about socially.
Answer the question

"How do you know who your real father is?"

Who's your daddy? Most people know the answer.

Quantum theory arguably led to the most famous philisophical debate in science, between Einstein and Niels Bohr. Which came down to the question of whether the universe is deterministic or not. Einstein's contention was that God does not play dice with the universe.

These are questions worth asking about quantum theory:

What is the real meaning of quantum mechanics?
What does it tell us about the nature of our world?
Do our choices and observations help to bring. reality into being?
Does the randomness of the quantum realm disguise a
deeper, universe-spanning order? Or are the myriad possibilities of quantum physics all part of a complex “multiverse” beyond our imagining?
Who's your daddy? Most people know the answer.


The precise question is

HOW DO YOU KNOW who your real father is?

Is is HOW you learn.

You learnt from a reliable source...ergo,
who your real father is?

Is a question that points to the source of specific knowledge.

All specific knowledge is received from others who know.

[Pardon my question if you were orphaned]

The precise question is

HOW DO YOU KNOW who your real father is?

Is is HOW you learn.

You learnt from a reliable source...ergo,
who your real father is?

Is a question that points to the source of specific knowledge.

All specific knowledge is received from others who know.

[Pardon my question if you were orphaned]

You just won't stop pretending all you work with is socially constructed realities done ancestrally to build ideologies through contextual colonialism and insert franchise of who you think you are in the blank _____________________. now add geographical areas your body is located all the time you move around as one of a kind simultaneously here in this atmosphere wishing life weren't physically self evident as spontaneously never the same details twice like everything else outside your skin. Your brain cannot keep up so you rationalize away your sole time hoping for a better life tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the fool's paradise since the past end here and the future is always developing from now on.
You just won't stop pretending all you work with is socially constructed realities done ancestrally to build ideologies through contextual colonialism and insert franchise of who you think you are in the blank _____________________. now add geographical areas your body is located all the time you move around as one of a kind simultaneously here in this atmosphere wishing life weren't physically self evident as spontaneously never the same details twice like everything else outside your skin. Your brain cannot keep up so you rationalize away your sole time hoping for a better life tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the fool's paradise since the past end here and the future is always developing from now on.

Qui mon ami,

This reminds me how Jerry asked Elaine if she ever Yada yada'd sex.