The Politics of Diversion!

How much longer will the political game of diversion work for the Democrats? Since the election, through a series of appointment blunders which would have likely caused impeachment rumblings for a republican administration, and a nosediving economy which seems destined to continue its spiral downward in spite of how many trillions the democrats extort from the American taxpayer to buy off their contributors, the political strategy has evolved, to simply divert America's attention to the problems, by focusing on those mean old right wingers! First it's Bush (their favorite target), then it's Rush, then Steele, then Cramer, then Ann Coulter, then Laura Ingrahm, and I guess when they run the gamut, they can start over again at the top of the list.

But how long will America be amused by this consistent bashing of the right? Polls now indicate a shift toward the Republicans for the 2010 elections, and if the dog and pony razzle-dazzle show in Washington continues, it may be a landslide year for Republicans. Clearly, this "new age of change" is not working out as well as promised, and with each passing day, it just gets more and more ridiculous. The Obama administration can't even seem to find a Democrat who's paid his taxes to appoint to the Treasury Department... as Democrats feign outrage over millions blown by AIG on bonuses to the bosses, which the Democrats paved the way for... and oops there goes another trillion.... oops there goes another trillion... tax bucks! You can almost hear the carnival music playing in the background when they speak!

Still, republicans seem to have a contingent of idiots who persist with the nonsense about "moderating" conservatism! Most recently, it's the new 'liberal darling' of the right, Meghan McCain. What will it take for these people to realize, conservatives are never going to 'win over' those on the left? As long as we attempt to appease and appeal to them, we will continue to slide away from conservative principles. Perhaps I could understand, if in the end, it meant some of the more 'moderate' liberals would switch over, but I honestly don't think there are any truly 'moderate' liberals left. Oh, there are certainly some who claim to be, but as we've seen, they are not going to vote for a conservative. So, we are chasing after a voter who doesn't really exist!

It's time for the Republican party to become responsible Conservatives again, and stop playing this stupid game with the Democrats. Let them keep shooting themselves in the foot, let them keep trying to demonize the right, and attacking talk radio, and focus on a clear concise conservative message. The votes are there, everybody in America hasn't lost their minds in the Glow-bama, and the American people are smart enough to see for themselves, what is happening under the leadership of the Democrats.
I read the first sentance and then stopped.

Have you no shame?

The republicans in the last admin did nothing but distract the populace to avert anyone from noticing they were raping the country.

FEAR, FEAR, FEAR for eight fucking years.

You people tried to KILL this country and nearly succeded.
How much longer will the political game of diversion work for the Democrats? Since the election, through a series of appointment blunders which would have likely caused impeachment rumblings for a republican administration, and a nosediving economy which seems destined to continue its spiral downward in spite of how many trillions the democrats extort from the American taxpayer to buy off their contributors, the political strategy has evolved, to simply divert America's attention to the problems, by focusing on those mean old right wingers! First it's Bush (their favorite target), then it's Rush, then Steele, then Cramer, then Ann Coulter, then Laura Ingrahm, and I guess when they run the gamut, they can start over again at the top of the list.

But how long will America be amused by this consistent bashing of the right? Polls now indicate a shift toward the Republicans for the 2010 elections, and if the dog and pony razzle-dazzle show in Washington continues, it may be a landslide year for Republicans. Clearly, this "new age of change" is not working out as well as promised, and with each passing day, it just gets more and more ridiculous. The Obama administration can't even seem to find a Democrat who's paid his taxes to appoint to the Treasury Department... as Democrats feign outrage over millions blown by AIG on bonuses to the bosses, which the Democrats paved the way for... and oops there goes another trillion.... oops there goes another trillion... tax bucks! You can almost hear the carnival music playing in the background when they speak!

Still, republicans seem to have a contingent of idiots who persist with the nonsense about "moderating" conservatism! Most recently, it's the new 'liberal darling' of the right, Meghan McCain. What will it take for these people to realize, conservatives are never going to 'win over' those on the left? As long as we attempt to appease and appeal to them, we will continue to slide away from conservative principles. Perhaps I could understand, if in the end, it meant some of the more 'moderate' liberals would switch over, but I honestly don't think there are any truly 'moderate' liberals left. Oh, there are certainly some who claim to be, but as we've seen, they are not going to vote for a conservative. So, we are chasing after a voter who doesn't really exist!

It's time for the Republican party to become responsible Conservatives again, and stop playing this stupid game with the Democrats. Let them keep shooting themselves in the foot, let them keep trying to demonize the right, and attacking talk radio, and focus on a clear concise conservative message. The votes are there, everybody in America hasn't lost their minds in the Glow-bama, and the American people are smart enough to see for themselves, what is happening under the leadership of the Democrats.

I read the first sentance and then stopped.

Have you no shame?

The republicans in the last admin did nothing but distract the populace to avert anyone from noticing they were raping the country.

FEAR, FEAR, FEAR for eight fucking years.

You people tried to KILL this country and nearly succeded.
Which means it should now be ignored? Jeebus! Start doing what you said people on our side were not, keep watch on your own.
Which means it should now be ignored? Jeebus! Start doing what you said people on our side were not, keep watch on your own.

Haven't you figured it out yet Damo? Whatever the Dems accuse Reps of, is exactly what they would be guilty of themselves under the same conditions. Look for this administration to REALLY get us into an unjust war for oil! Look for them to REALLY be guilty of wiretapping American citizens! Look for them to REALLY be torturing detainees! All the absolute bullshit they accused Republicans of the past 8 years, look for Democrats to actually DO themselves, now that they are in power! It's inevitable!
Haven't you figured it out yet Damo? Whatever the Dems accuse Reps of, is exactly what they would be guilty of themselves under the same conditions. Look for this administration to REALLY get us into an unjust war for oil! Look for them to REALLY be guilty of wiretapping American citizens! Look for them to REALLY be torturing detainees! All the absolute bullshit they accused Republicans of the past 8 years, look for Democrats to actually DO themselves, now that they are in power! It's inevitable!

Right. And you'd be in no position to bitch about it, which is what we've been telling you for quite some time now!

Oh yes, indeed it is hilarious!

While GOP approval ratings are still nothing to write home about, support for Democrats is starting to slip.

Republicans moved ahead of Democrats on Tuesday in a Rasmussen congressional poll for the first time in years.

"Even if it reversed in the next day or two and goes back and forth, the long-term trend here is huge," said Dick Morris, former Bill Clinton adviser, referring to the survey.

The poll, which asks voters whether they would vote for a Democratic or Republican candidate if their congressional election were held today, gave Republicans a 41-to-39 percent advantage.

The latest survey polled 3,500 likely voters and had a margin of error of 1 percentage point. Democrats were holding a 6-to-7 point advantage in the poll for the first several weeks of the year.
Oh yes, indeed it is hilarious!

While GOP approval ratings are still nothing to write home about, support for Democrats is starting to slip.

Republicans moved ahead of Democrats on Tuesday in a Rasmussen congressional poll for the first time in years.

"Even if it reversed in the next day or two and goes back and forth, the long-term trend here is huge," said Dick Morris, former Bill Clinton adviser, referring to the survey.

The poll, which asks voters whether they would vote for a Democratic or Republican candidate if their congressional election were held today, gave Republicans a 41-to-39 percent advantage.

The latest survey polled 3,500 likely voters and had a margin of error of 1 percentage point. Democrats were holding a 6-to-7 point advantage in the poll for the first several weeks of the year.

No, the fact that you cite to poll data all is the hilarious part.
No, the fact that you cite to poll data all is the hilarious part.

Yeah? Well, I did that just for you, since you seem to live by what a fucking poll says. The citing of my source to support what I posted, is common message board etiquette, you idiot! You challenged what I posted, so there is the poll to back it up. Now shut the fuck up and go back to trashing Rush!
Yeah? Well, I did that just for you, since you seem to live by what a fucking poll says. The citing of my source to support what I posted, is common message board etiquette, you idiot! You challenged what I posted, so there is the poll to back it up. Now shut the fuck up and go back to trashing Rush!

Take it easy, hotshot. You're getting snot-bubbles on the old push-broom.
"the politics of diversion"??

political parties who put the country through years of whitewater/filegate/travelgate/troopergate/fostergate/jennifer flowers/monica lewinsky endless investigations and congressional committee impeachment hearings and failed senate kangaroo court show trials have lost ALL right to complain about "the politics of diversion".:rolleyes:
"the politics of diversion"??

political parties who put the country through years of whitewater/filegate/travelgate/troopergate/fostergate/jennifer flowers/monica lewinsky endless investigations and congressional committee impeachment hearings and failed senate kangaroo court show trials have lost ALL right to complain about "the politics of diversion".:rolleyes:

You're right, the Democrats have no right to complain, but what does that have to do with this thread? :)
You're right, the Democrats have no reason to complain, but what does that have to do with this thread? :)

I'd run from the ken starr/henry hyde debacle too, if I were you.

It marked the highwater point for congressional republicans. Americans began to sour on them after that and your party's never been able to regain its luster.
"the politics of diversion"??

political parties who put the country through years of whitewater/filegate/travelgate/troopergate/fostergate/jennifer flowers/monica lewinsky endless investigations and congressional committee impeachment hearings and failed senate kangaroo court show trials have lost ALL right to complain about "the politics of diversion".:rolleyes:
The "They do it too" argument is also a confession, as well as what my five year old would say.
I'd run from the ken starr/henry hyde debacle too, if I were you.

It marked the highwater point for congressional republicans. Americans began to sour on them after that and your party's never been able to regain its luster.

Hey, they were just doing their jobs. When you have unscrupulous land deals, court subpoenaed files gone missing, rampant cronyism, witnesses being suppressed, or worse yet, found dead in the park, and hot and cold bimbo eruptions continuously being lied about, and the instigator is flagrantly violating the law, perjuring himself, and putting himself in contempt of the courts... what do you expect to happen? I guess we were supposed to just yuck it up and look the other way?

And as I recall, AFTER that, Republicans swept Congress, and had a two-term president elected by the largest number of votes in history. It's a wonder you can see anything through those piss-colored glasses!
Hey, they were just doing their jobs. When you have unscrupulous land deals, court subpoenaed files gone missing, rampant cronyism, witnesses being suppressed, or worse yet, found dead in the park, and hot and cold bimbo eruptions continuously being lied about, and the instigator is flagrantly violating the law, perjuring himself, and putting himself in contempt of the courts... what do you expect to happen? I guess we were supposed to just yuck it up and look the other way?

And as I recall, AFTER that, Republicans swept Congress, and had a two-term president elected by the largest number of votes in history. It's a wonder you can see anything through those piss-colored glasses!
Dude, that is when the party jumped the shark. Seriously. There was the Chinese government funding a President's campaign for re-election and what did we do? Well, we went after a man lying about cheating on his wife!

There is nothing funny, and also nothing really serious about the dude sleeping around on his wife. Other than the Chinese getting free reign to poison us at every turn what else do you think we gave them?


There were better things to investigate than cheap fat girls giving BJs to famous people. The party wasted what we had worked so long to gain on ugly fat girls and BJs.
"the politics of diversion"??

political parties who put the country through years of whitewater/filegate/travelgate/troopergate/fostergate/jennifer flowers/monica lewinsky endless investigations and congressional committee impeachment hearings and failed senate kangaroo court show trials have lost ALL right to complain about "the politics of diversion".:rolleyes:

And even now your Messiah is helping by exposing

Rahm Emanuel.....Cheating on TAXES
Charlie Rangle.....Cheating on TAXES
Tom Daschle........Cheating on TAXES
Tim Geithner........Cheating on TAXES
Nancy Killefer.......Cheating on TAXES
Hilda Solis............Cheating on TAXES
Al Franken...........Cheating on TAXES
Ron Kiric..............Cheating on TAXES
Bill Richardson.....and one COMMON CROOK

Of course the R's have no power to bring these crooks to justice and the Dims certainly won't .....
Dude, that is when the party jumped the shark. Seriously. There was the Chinese government funding a President's campaign for re-election and what did we do? Well, we went after a man lying about cheating on his wife!

There is nothing funny, and also nothing really serious about the dude sleeping around on his wife. Other than the Chinese getting free reign to poison us at every turn what else do you think we gave them?


There were better things to investigate than cheap fat girls giving BJs to famous people. The party wasted what we had worked so long to gain on ugly fat girls and BJs.

Well Damo, you apparently had a sip or two of that koolaid, because the way I saw it (I didn't have any of the koolaid), was an investigation revealed the president of the United States was guilty of lying under oath. Regardless of what he lied about... (in this case, another relationship, which effected the sexual harassment lawsuit he was involved in...) it is a serious offense for the main man who is sworn to uphold the law. It was a matter of principle, and it became mired in the rhetoric of what it was over. I don't give a damn if he lied under oath about giving popsicles to orphans! It's the principle of the matter... or do principles not mean anything to you? YES... I know he sold our secrets to the Chi-Coms for campaign donations... unfortunately, there is nothing "illegal" in doing that, or a case couldn't be made! It's kind of like the Al Capone thing... I don't recall people bitching and turning on law enforcement because they put him away for tax evasion, do you?
Well Damo, you apparently had a sip or two of that koolaid, because the way I saw it (I didn't have any of the koolaid), was an investigation revealed the president of the United States was guilty of lying under oath. Regardless of what he lied about... (in this case, another relationship, which effected the sexual harassment lawsuit he was involved in...) it is a serious offense for the main man who is sworn to uphold the law. It was a matter of principle, and it became mired in the rhetoric of what it was over. I don't give a damn if he lied under oath about giving popsicles to orphans! It's the principle of the matter... or do principles not mean anything to you? YES... I know he sold our secrets to the Chi-Coms for campaign donations... unfortunately, there is nothing "illegal" in doing that, or a case couldn't be made! It's kind of like the Al Capone thing... I don't recall people bitching and turning on law enforcement because they put him away for tax evasion, do you?
One more time. Instead of investigating whether he lied about this, we should have investigated the foreign funding of campaigns. It would have made a difference in our lives.

Instead of investigating something we definitely should have, we distracted from that far more important issue to check out the sleazy fat girl.

Now, while I dislike the President lying under oath, don't get me wrong, it was simply imbecilic to assume that it was even possible to remove him from office for that. If all we are doing is spinning our wheels, well then we wasted our time and distracted all media from an important issue. I believe that elected leaders in our own party participated willingly in a wag the dog moment.