The Politics of Diversion!

Lets see....SHIT....I did it...

Now...UN no-fly zones ???..In your world maybe ...

Iraqi aircraft were forbidden from flying inside the zones. The policy was enforced by US, UK and French aircraft patrols until France withdrew in 1998.

While the enforcing powers had cited United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 as authorising the operations, the resolution contains no explicit authorization.

The Secretary-General of the UN at the time the resolution was passed, Boutros Boutros-Ghali called the no-fly zones "illegal" in a later interview with John Pilger

Those no-fly zones ?

we cite UNSCR 688 as our rationale for the no-fly zones. But regardless of who authorized them, suggesting that patroling those no-fly zones was EXACTLY the same thing as Bush invading, conquering, and occupying the entire country of Iraq with 150K troops was, and is, ridiculous, and, if you weren't such a hack, you'd admit that.
We booted the sunni leadership out of power and allowed the shiite majority to take control of the government. I thought you KNEW this stuff.

You get from A to 6 pretty fast....see if you can focus on what your own posts are saying.....

"....invaded Iraq and overthrew its existing government and then provided military support while the shiite majority created a shiite-friendly theocratic constitution."

I gather you mean we (Bush) provided military protection in support of Shiites....
Simple question

What the Shiites were doing is irrelevant.....
You get from A to 6 pretty fast....see if you can focus on what your own posts are saying.....

"....invaded Iraq and overthrew its existing government and then provided military support while the shiite majority created a shiite-friendly theocratic constitution."

I gather you mean we (Bush) provided military protection in support of Shiites....
Simple question

What the Shiites were doing is irrelevant.....

I said again what I mean. Tough time reading, eh?

what part of "We booted the sunni leadership out of power and allowed the shiite majority to take control of the government" do you not understand?

More on point, what part of it is inaccurate?