The Politics of Diversion!

Well Damo, you apparently had a sip or two of that koolaid, because the way I saw it (I didn't have any of the koolaid), was an investigation revealed the president of the United States was guilty of lying under oath. Regardless of what he lied about... (in this case, another relationship, which effected the sexual harassment lawsuit he was involved in...) it is a serious offense for the main man who is sworn to uphold the law. It was a matter of principle, and it became mired in the rhetoric of what it was over. I don't give a damn if he lied under oath about giving popsicles to orphans! It's the principle of the matter... or do principles not mean anything to you? YES... I know he sold our secrets to the Chi-Coms for campaign donations... unfortunately, there is nothing "illegal" in doing that, or a case couldn't be made! It's kind of like the Al Capone thing... I don't recall people bitching and turning on law enforcement because they put him away for tax evasion, do you?

you diverted the attention of the nation for years on whitewater and fostergate and filegate and troopergate and travelgate and got ZIP for any of it...except a diverted presidency, of course, which was your intention all along. Like I said, the republicans forfeited their right to any legitimate bitch about democrats using the politics of diversion.
One more time. Instead of investigating whether he lied about this, we should have investigated the foreign funding of campaigns. It would have made a difference in our lives.

Instead of investigating something we definitely should have, we distracted from that far more important issue to check out the sleazy fat girl.

And one more time for slow on the other side.... there is no federal law prohibiting campaign funding from foreigners! Especially when it is done in the clandestine "Slick Willie" way it was done! We would have spent 6 years chasing a phantom! Nothing in our lives would have changed!
And one more time for slow on the other side.... there is no federal law prohibiting campaign funding from foreigners! Especially when it is done in the clandestine "Slick Willie" way it was done! We would have spent 6 years chasing a phantom! Nothing in our lives would have changed!
There is a Federal law, Dixie. And if there wasn't we likely would have been outraged enough to make one. This would have given traction to campaigns for the future rather than having to rely on Steve and Adam.

Again. I believe that elected leaders of our, and the other, party participated willingly in a wag the dog moment to distract from a much more important issue. And the Kool-Aid drinkers of both party's stand by and talk about BJs and un-indicted "perjury" until our heads spin. It was an effective diversion that took away from one of the largest issues that faced us at that time.
you diverted the attention of the nation for years on whitewater and fostergate and filegate and troopergate and travelgate and got ZIP for any of it...except a diverted presidency, of course, which was your intention all along. Like I said, the republicans forfeited their right to any legitimate bitch about democrats using the politics of diversion.

Uhm.... Republicans didn't participate in unscrupulous land deals... Republicans didn't hide subpoenaed documents from the court... Republicans didn't participate in cronyism or try to silence witnesses... It was the Clinton's who did that, NOT Republicans!

Diversion is on full display here! This thread has been diverted into another tired old debate about Clinton/Lewinsky! Our fucking economy is going down like a kamikaze pilot, you can't sling a dead cat on Capitol Hill without hitting a Democrat mired in tax evasion, every day reveals yet another bald-faced lie from some Democrat sleazebag, and Barack and Michelle throw yet another extravagant party at the taxpayer's expense! ...Oh, but let's not pay any attention to that! Let's turn this into a silly pointless debate about a presidential impeachment from more than a decade ago!
There is a Federal law, Dixie. And if there wasn't we likely would have been outraged enough to make one. This would have given traction to campaigns for the future rather than having to rely on Steve and Adam.

Again, I believe that elected leaders of our, and the other, party participated willingly in a wag the dog moment to distract from a much more important issue. And the Kool-Aid drinkers of both party's stand by and talk about BJs and un-indicted "perjury" until our heads spin. It was an effective diversion that took away from one of the largest issues that faced us at that time.

Nope, at the time there was no federal law. Granted, McCain-Feingold did touch on this, but that came much later on down the road. At the time, there was nothing that could be legally done about it, and it would have been completely pointless to attempt to. Bases were covered, Damo! The Clinton's weren't stupid! Starr investigated them, and brought the case he brought because it did have legal merit, and was prosecutable, and it's absurd to claim that "we had no chance of removing him from office" because the law was broken, he was guilty, and he was impeached. In the end, the vote to remove him from office, tilted to his favor because it was deemed that America couldn't stand to go through that ordeal. It was anything BUT a forgone conclusion it would turn out that way!
Uhm.... Republicans didn't participate in unscrupulous land deals... Republicans didn't hide subpoenaed documents from the court... Republicans didn't participate in cronyism or try to silence witnesses... It was the Clinton's who did that, NOT Republicans!

Diversion is on full display here! This thread has been diverted into another tired old debate about Clinton/Lewinsky! Our fucking economy is going down like a kamikaze pilot, you can't sling a dead cat on Capitol Hill without hitting a Democrat mired in tax evasion, every day reveals yet another bald-faced lie from some Democrat sleazebag, and Barack and Michelle throw yet another extravagant party at the taxpayer's expense! ...Oh, but let's not pay any attention to that! Let's turn this into a silly pointless debate about a presidential impeachment from more than a decade ago!

no criminal activity on the part of the president was found in anything until you got a blue dress.

The economy, as nearly all americans acknowledge, is in the tank because of eight years of mismanagement by the Bush administration. You can try to hang that on Obama's neck, but only the koolaid soaked right wingnuts are buyin' it.

Like I said... your party forfeited the right to legitimate outrage over political diversion and you ain't earned it back yet.:rolleyes:
And yet the truth is there for all who take to time to look at it....

[ame=""]YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown[/ame]
Dems warned about Freddie and Fanny....
[ame=""]YouTube - EVIDENCE FOUND!!! Clinton administration's "BANK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" They forced banks to make BAD LOANS and ACORN and Obama's tie to all of it!!![/ame]
Banking Affirmative Democrats...1998
The economy, as nearly all americans acknowledge, is in the tank because of eight years of mismanagement by the Bush administration.

Uhm, no... the economy is in the tank because a socialist anti-capitalist anti-business liberal regime is in control of government. If there was any mismanagement, it is comfortably hung around the neck of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd! But you keep trying to DIVERT and DISTRACT... so far, it seems to be working well for you!

Yeah, we had no crime until the physical evidence was overwhelming to show a crime!
You are absolutely right!

Clinton was not found to have any criminal activity in whitewater, fostergate, travelgate, filegate, etc, etc...which took up YEARS of Ken Starr's time and millions of our tax dollars.

and you know it.

and YOU complain about the politics of diversion????
Uhm, no... the economy is in the tank because a socialist anti-capitalist anti-business liberal regime is in control of government. If there was any mismanagement, it is comfortably hung around the neck of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd! But you keep trying to DIVERT and DISTRACT... so far, it seems to be working well for you!

aren't you now fond of polls? polls show that the vast majority of Americans think that Obama inherited the economic mess from Bush. deal with it.


I'd draw your attention to questions, 11, 12, 13, 17 and 20.
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Uhm.... Republicans didn't participate in unscrupulous land deals... Republicans didn't hide subpoenaed documents from the court... Republicans didn't participate in cronyism or try to silence witnesses... It was the Clinton's who did that, NOT Republicans!

Diversion is on full display here! This thread has been diverted into another tired old debate about Clinton/Lewinsky! Our fucking economy is going down like a kamikaze pilot, you can't sling a dead cat on Capitol Hill without hitting a Democrat mired in tax evasion, every day reveals yet another bald-faced lie from some Democrat sleazebag, and Barack and Michelle throw yet another extravagant party at the taxpayer's expense! ...Oh, but let's not pay any attention to that! Let's turn this into a silly pointless debate about a presidential impeachment from more than a decade ago!
I'm not talking about unscrupulous land deals, I'm talking about Chinese funding of campaigns.
Clinton was not found to have any criminal activity in whitewater, fostergate, travelgate, filegate, etc, etc...which took up YEARS of Ken Starr's time and millions of our tax dollars.

and you know it.

and YOU complain about the politics of diversion????

And he wasn't found to have any criminal involvement in perjuring himself until that blue dress turned up with his DNA on it, and he could no longer cover it up! Yeah, Slick Willie was real good at covering his tracks and not getting caught in all the scandals he was involved in, gotta hand him that! Too bad his aim wasn't better, huh?
I'm not talking about unscrupulous land deals, I'm talking about Chinese funding of campaigns.

Well you are participating in the diversion! You are harping about something from the administration before last, Damo! Like it fucking makes a difference now! Yes, I know Bill Clinton basically sold defense secrets to the Chinese for campaign contributions, it's well documented! Unfortunately, there was no illegality, there was no violation of the law, there was not a damn thing anyone could do about it at the time! What part of that are you failing to grasp? You're wanting to blame Republicans for not doing something they were not able to do! Just like now, Congress is literally mortgaging our grandchildren's future... not a damn thing Republicans can do to stop them! Are you going to bow up and blame Republicans for this shit in 10 years?
Well you are participating in the diversion! You are harping about something from the administration before last, Damo! Like it fucking makes a difference now! Yes, I know Bill Clinton basically sold defense secrets to the Chinese for campaign contributions, it's well documented! Unfortunately, there was no illegality, there was no violation of the law, there was not a damn thing anyone could do about it at the time! What part of that are you failing to grasp? You're wanting to blame Republicans for not doing something they were not able to do! Just like now, Congress is literally mortgaging our grandchildren's future... not a damn thing Republicans can do to stop them! Are you going to bow up and blame Republicans for this shit in 10 years?
I don't really care about the past other than to seek out lost opportunities, the better to identify future opportunity. The reality is, people would have understood the importance of one, the other was a diversion that lacked legs.
I don't really care about the past other than to seek out lost opportunities. The reality is, people would have understood the importance of one, the other was a diversion.

I think quite a few people understood the importance of a President lying under oath and being in contempt of court! The "diversion" was by Democrats who painted it as being all about a blow job! You obviously gulped down that bullshit flavored koolaid and totally disregarded the principle of American law!

...lick your upper lip... ya got a little brown stuff up there!
I think quite a few people understood the importance of a President lying under oath and being in contempt of court! The "diversion" was by Democrats who painted it as being all about a blow job! You obviously gulped down that bullshit flavored koolaid and totally disregarded the principle of American law!

...lick your upper lip... ya got a little brown stuff up there!
I'll say it as many times as it takes for it to sink in through your thick southern skull, whether I like it or not the reality was there would be no removing him from office over that, and everybody knew it, it wasted money, energy, and it served to take the attention away from a far more important issue and to make Rs appear petty. It was the Jump the Shark moment. If we cannot understand where we make mistakes, then we will miss further very real opportunities in the future. We cannot afford to rely on the Marriage of Steve and Adam to get the religious people to the polls.
I'll say it as many times as it takes for it to sink in through your thick southern skull, whether I like it or not the reality was there would be no removing him from office over that, and everybody knew it, it wasted money, energy, and it served to take the attention away from a far more important issue and to make Rs appear petty. It was the Jump the Shark moment. If we cannot understand where we make mistakes, then we will miss further opportunities in the future.

No, everybody DIDN'T know it! Else Congress would not have voted for articles of impeachment! They actually had a vote on whether to remove him from office AFTER HE WAS IMPEACHED! Why would they go to that trouble, if "everyone knew" he couldn't be removed from office? Apparently, everyone DIDN'T know, until they voted! As it turned out, some R's (like McCain) wimped out and sided with the whining Democrats, and decided that the nation just couldn't go through the ordeal of kicking the president out! What you want to bet, had Clinton been a Republican, his ass would have hit the curb?

The "mistake" was made in allowing the "moderate" voice of the Republican party to side with liberals in retaining Clinton, and not holding him to the same standards of law as other Americans are held to.