The Problem with Christians

If you mean Gladiator...I did watch it. I've seen it at least three times all the way through...and bits of the movie many more times.

It is an excellent movie. I never miss a movie or book about ancient Rome.

I understand from several sources that Rodgers IS an asshole. So is Tom Brady...and probably a majority of men who make it to a starting QB position in the NFL.

But Rodgers and Brady are great QB's. My favorite right now is Mahomes. The guy is a magician.

I was just screwing around with the "it was Green Bay" comment.

Yes. Alexander was another good movie.

I think Brady and Manning were both better than Rodgers and I don't like either one of them either.

I don't watch as much football as I used to. There's some good car shows on Motor Trend TV. I watch that when the TV's on.
Yeah, he's very good at preying on the simple, the gullible, the willing.

That being said, most devout Christians that I've known in my life have often questioned their own faith. I think it's an admirable trait. They are definitely humble in their beliefs, and seldom tend to be the in-your-face-believe-like-I-do-or-go-to-hell types.

Mother Theresa had a lot of doubt, so did Thomas Merton.
We're not cocksucking faggots like you, and our beliefs have been around for 2k+ years?

You just want justification for your perverse sexual stuff. No.. Dude, the whole of society is not led by their genitals.

Smart people do not think with their junk.

Serious question, how many children have you raped?
This is why all religion is bad. Religion conditions people to put feels over reals.


And blind belief in an imaginary deity is a gateway drug to full acceptance of authoritarianism. Once you agree that 100% fealty is necessary, it's easy to support a dictator who wants to destroy democracy.

(for those who don't think this religion discussion dovetails into politics)
Christ does not teach that people should steal from one another. That's what socialism is. It is government theft of wealth.

As in avoidance - acceptance of the megalomaniacal crusade jihad payroll just as this Christian Nation SCOTUS interpretation of one nation under God with equal justice under law where their Christiananality pedophilia pyramid scheme to maintain that "serve the Pope or die" tautology with that national religion Islamidiotocracy 9/11 "death to the infidels" master plan to perpetuate Nazi economics of suicidal sociopsyhcopathilogical homicidal human farming under color of law funding no matter how many thieving US Constitutions - old glorys - old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists are in the federal budget.

And blind belief in an imaginary deity is a gateway drug to full acceptance of authoritarianism. Once you agree that 100% fealty is necessary, it's easy to support a dictator who wants to destroy democracy.

(for those who don't think this religion discussion dovetails into politics)

The United States is not a democracy and never was. There are currently no democracies anywhere in the world today. It is an unstable form of government, usually dissolving very quickly into dictatorship or oligarchy. The United States is a federated republic. It has constitutions.
The United States is not a democracy and never was.

All the more reason to shitcan it and try something better.
Red State America can have whatever kind of cracker "federated republic' that it wants.

Blue State American can have a sane parliamentary system like most of the civilized word has.
All the more reason to shitcan it and try something better.
Red State America can have whatever kind of cracker "federated republic' that it wants.

Blue State American can have a sane parliamentary system like most of the civilized word has.
OR, if you don't like the USA, then you can just move the fuck out of it and go to one of those "civilized countries" with a "sane parliamentary system"...

Oh, but you won't do that?? Why not?? Oh, that's right, because life in the USA is BETTER than life in those countries (for now, until Demonkkkrats like you ruin it with your Satanic evil)...
OR, if you don't like the USA, then you can just move the fuck out of it and go to one of those "civilized countries" with a "sane parliamentary system"...

Oh, but you won't do that?? Why not?? Oh, that's right, because life in the USA is BETTER than life in those countries (for now, until Demonkkkrats like you ruin it with your Satanic evil)...

Why should anyone leave his own country just because a few thieves have managed to control it awhile? Kick the buggers out!
OR, if you don't like the USA, then you can just move the fuck out of it and go to one of those "civilized countries" with a "sane parliamentary system"...

Oh, but you won't do that?? Why not?? Oh, that's right, because life in the USA is BETTER than life in those countries (for now, until Demonkkkrats like you ruin it with your Satanic evil)...

Another asshole who's never heard of immigration laws and thinks that people can just move to wherever they want.
Try moving to, say, the Netherlands, and see if they'll let you in.
Morons who don't know jack shit love to advertise their ignorance of reality.
Another asshole who's never heard of immigration laws and thinks that people can just move to wherever they want.
Try moving to, say, the Netherlands, and see if they'll let you in.
Morons who don't know jack shit love to advertise their ignorance of reality.
People can and do move to wherever they want to move to. They simply need to do it in a manner that is legal and adheres to immigration law (unless they are coming to the USA, where Demonkkkrats like you do not wish to enforce our immigration laws).
People can and do move to wherever they want to move to. They simply need to do it in a manner that is legal and adheres to immigration law (unless they are coming to the USA, where Demonkkkrats like you do not wish to enforce our immigration laws).

You obviously know nothing about anything.
Once you buy into a belief system with zero proof the need for proof is gone. asg knows this and just says stupid shit because he knows his base is christian with no need for proof or evidence,

Religions have no proof. All religions are based on some initial circular argument with arguments extending from that. The circular argument, which is not a fallacy in and of itself, it also known as the Argument of Faith or simply 'faith'.
Attempting to prove any circular argument either True or False creates the circular argument fallacy. This is what a fundamentalist does. There are fundamentalists in any religion, including Christianity and the Church of No God.

The belief that the Universe even has a beginning (and an end) is itself a religion. So is the belief that the Universe has always existed and always will.

The Church of the Big Bang and the Church of the Continuum are both religions.
I don't buy into evolution. The proof I requested hasn't been provided in the manner it was requested yet I'm still expected to believe.

The Theory of Evolution is an old one, dating back to the ancient Greeks (it was not created by Darwin). Yes, it is a religion, just as the Theory of Creation is.

Assuming the Theory of Evolution as a given fact, Darwin created the Theory of Natural Selection to explain the mechanism. This theory has been falsified. It fails the internal consistency check since it creates a paradox. Also, animals have been found with characteristics that definitely do not help them survive. Examples: ants and bees that die off each year to just a few fertilized queens; albino animals in tropical areas; pandas that eat only bamboo, a very low nutrition food, which means their young take a very long time to wean themselves from their mother; mice that have such poor eyesight they tend to run along walls and established paths, using scent and their whiskers to find their way, yet a frog has excellent eyesight for detecting movement, and dragonflies have excellent eyesight for flying; insects and birds that have a greater spectral response in their eyesight than we do; dogs, cats, and many other animals that have greater spectral response in their hearing than we do; birds that can fashion a tool, while many mammals do not; etc.

Science does not use supporting evidence. Only religions do that.