The Problem with Christians


And blind belief in an imaginary deity is a gateway drug to full acceptance of authoritarianism. Once you agree that 100% fealty is necessary, it's easy to support a dictator who wants to destroy democracy.

(for those who don't think this religion discussion dovetails into politics)

So you believe in the Church of No God. You agree that 100% fealty is necessary. You also support oligarchies and dictatorships. There are currently no democracies anywhere on Earth. Haven't been for a very long time now.
The intelligent person recognizes my syntax there as a figure of speech.

Genetics proves we are distant cousins of chimpanzees, both lineages evolved from a common primate ancestor about 8 million years ago

No such proof. Science does not use supporting evidence. No theory is ever proven True. A theory of science may be proven False, however.

There is no theory of science about any past unobserved event. They are not falsifiable. There is no way to go back in time to see what actually happened.
The Theory of Evolution is a religion.
The Theory of Evolution is an old one, dating back to the ancient Greeks (it was not created by Darwin). Yes, it is a religion, just as the Theory of Creation is.

Assuming the Theory of Evolution as a given fact, Darwin created the Theory of Natural Selection to explain the mechanism. This theory has been falsified. It fails the internal consistency check since it creates a paradox. Also, animals have been found with characteristics that definitely do not help them survive. Examples: ants and bees that die off each year to just a few fertilized queens; albino animals in tropical areas; pandas that eat only bamboo, a very low nutrition food, which means their young take a very long time to wean themselves from their mother; mice that have such poor eyesight they tend to run along walls and established paths, using scent and their whiskers to find their way, yet a frog has excellent eyesight for detecting movement, and dragonflies have excellent eyesight for flying; insects and birds that have a greater spectral response in their eyesight than we do; dogs, cats, and many other animals that have greater spectral response in their hearing than we do; birds that can fashion a tool, while many mammals do not; etc.

Science does not use supporting evidence. Only religions do that.

It goes all the way back to Greek philosophers such as Anaximander.

Darwin's concept of natural selection, in a simple sense, said those that developed some sort of functional advantage would be elevated and would pass it on to their offspring. Those that didn't would die off. Many on the left adhere to Darwin's mindset. Why do so many on the left support wealth redistribution programs if they do so. Wouldn't those, the weaker and less advantaged be left to die off under Darwin's theory?
It goes all the way back to Greek philosophers such as Anaximander.

Darwin's concept of natural selection, in a simple sense, said those that developed some sort of functional advantage would be elevated and would pass it on to their offspring. Those that didn't would die off. Many on the left adhere to Darwin's mindset. Why do so many on the left support wealth redistribution programs if they do so. Wouldn't those, the weaker and less advantaged be left to die off under Darwin's theory?

In current survival of the fittest fascists as this Christian Nation SCOTUS interpretation of one nation under God with equal justice under law rejects the statistical probability of the fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception being suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming due to the annual winter solstice where crops won't be a viable business for months to come so with an immaculate drug conception rendering "serve the Pope or die" megalomaniacal crusades of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists Christiananlity pedophilia super egos national religion patriot act "man is God" Islamidiotocracy of "death to the infidels"; which makes their cross conditioned way beyond therapy lynching enforcement of liberty & justice for all Christians where America is a waste of time with a supreme swastika up Uranus court & those crooks on Capital Hill.
It goes all the way back to Greek philosophers such as Anaximander.

Darwin's concept of natural selection, in a simple sense, said those that developed some sort of functional advantage would be elevated and would pass it on to their offspring. Those that didn't would die off. Many on the left adhere to Darwin's mindset. Why do so many on the left support wealth redistribution programs if they do so. Wouldn't those, the weaker and less advantaged be left to die off under Darwin's theory?

This theory has been distorted in several ways, and indeed formed the major views of WW2 and the cold war beyond.

You voiced the view typical in America, and especially in the West at that time. Here, survival of the fittest meant innovation, drive, money, power. In other words, the weak should inherit what's left.
In Hitler's Germany, survival of the fittest meant anything pure Aryan. In other words, the weak should be excised from society, like they were a cancer.
In Stalin's Russia, survival of the fittest meant the government should decide who it 'fit', and the weak should be excised from society, like they were a cancer.

Note the similarity of Germany and Russia here.

Darwin himself simply noted that he felt that a species simply existed because it was best suited to survive. Other variations didn't survive in that environment because of this. This theory has been falsified.

Because Darwin's theory tended toward a single variation of a species, it completely failed to consider how those variations survived to select from. In other words, Natural Selection from a variation denies the variation to select from in the first place. Various folks try to rationalize their way around this, but this problem still remains. Further, there are quite a few species that have characteristics that do NOT help them survive, especially when compared to a more 'advanced' species that has a more limited version of a 'surviving' characteristic.

Example: Both birds and insects have a wider spectral response in their vision than we do.
Rats have only dichromatic vision (essentially like human red-green color blindness) and very faint color vision at all, and have a normal eyesight of about 20/600, yet survive by the billions.

Even the question of what is an 'advanced' species becomes nothing more than someone's arbitrary assignment. Since Man is primarily interested in himself, people generally list Man as the most 'advanced' species.

Yet, we can't fly. We have to build machines to do it. Having done so, we can fly higher and faster than any bird.
We can't run as fast as animals like deer or cheetahs, We have to build machines to do that. Having done so, we can go faster than any of them.
We can't make honey at all, but a lowly insect can. We have to steal it from them. We can't even farm many crops without these insects.

Is the domestic turkey a more 'advanced' species? It's larger, it's got more meat on it than their wild cousins, it's obviously surviving quite well...or is it? This bird is so distorted by us that it can't even breed. The birds no longer fit together. They have to be artificially inseminated. Is what we did to it something that is responding to survival of the fittest for the conditions that we imposed? How about the domestic cat? The domestic cow? Did you know that many animals, including birds, are completely dependent on a lowly insect, the bee? So are many plants. Are they 'less' than the animals that depend on these plants for their very survival?

How can one sensibly label any of these species, domestic or wild, somehow more 'advanced' than another?
This theory has been distorted in several ways, and indeed formed the major views of WW2 and the cold war beyond.

You voiced the view typical in America, and especially in the West at that time. Here, survival of the fittest meant innovation, drive, money, power. In other words, the weak should inherit what's left.
In Hitler's Germany, survival of the fittest meant anything pure Aryan. In other words, the weak should be excised from society, like they were a cancer.
In Stalin's Russia, survival of the fittest meant the government should decide who it 'fit', and the weak should be excised from society, like they were a cancer.

Note the similarity of Germany and Russia here.

Darwin himself simply noted that he felt that a species simply existed because it was best suited to survive. Other variations didn't survive in that environment because of this. This theory has been falsified.

Because Darwin's theory tended toward a single variation of a species, it completely failed to consider how those variations survived to select from. In other words, Natural Selection from a variation denies the variation to select from in the first place. Various folks try to rationalize their way around this, but this problem still remains. Further, there are quite a few species that have characteristics that do NOT help them survive, especially when compared to a more 'advanced' species that has a more limited version of a 'surviving' characteristic.

Example: Both birds and insects have a wider spectral response in their vision than we do.
Rats have only dichromatic vision (essentially like human red-green color blindness) and very faint color vision at all, and have a normal eyesight of about 20/600, yet survive by the billions.

Even the question of what is an 'advanced' species becomes nothing more than someone's arbitrary assignment. Since Man is primarily interested in himself, people generally list Man as the most 'advanced' species.

Yet, we can't fly. We have to build machines to do it. Having done so, we can fly higher and faster than any bird.
We can't run as fast as animals like deer or cheetahs, We have to build machines to do that. Having done so, we can go faster than any of them.
We can't make honey at all, but a lowly insect can. We have to steal it from them. We can't even farm many crops without these insects.

Is the domestic turkey a more 'advanced' species? It's larger, it's got more meat on it than their wild cousins, it's obviously surviving quite well...or is it? This bird is so distorted by us that it can't even breed. The birds no longer fit together. They have to be artificially inseminated. Is what we did to it something that is responding to survival of the fittest for the conditions that we imposed? How about the domestic cat? The domestic cow? Did you know that many animals, including birds, are completely dependent on a lowly insect, the bee? So are many plants. Are they 'less' than the animals that depend on these plants for their very survival?

How can one sensibly label any of these species, domestic or wild, somehow more 'advanced' than another?

Those that are advanced, that go above and beyond, and excel are the ones expected to take care of those that refuse to do so or can't do so. That goes against the concept of survival of the fittest yet lefties continue to hold them up.
In current survival of the fittest fascists as this Christian Nation SCOTUS interpretation of one nation under God with equal justice under law rejects the statistical probability of the fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception being suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming due to the annual winter solstice where crops won't be a viable business for months to come so with an immaculate drug conception rendering "serve the Pope or die" megalomaniacal crusades of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists Christiananlity pedophilia super egos national religion patriot act "man is God" Islamidiotocracy of "death to the infidels"; which makes their cross conditioned way beyond therapy lynching enforcement of liberty & justice for all Christians where America is a waste of time with a supreme swastika up Uranus court & those crooks on Capital Hill.

^^^^A prime example of an unfit person that should be allowed to waste away.
^^^^A prime example of an unfit person that should be allowed to waste away.

Still pontificating that "serve the Pope or die" by Islam "death to the infidels" propaganda of a cross conditioned way beyond therapy Christiananlity pedophilia diatribe super ego compulsive obsession where the statistical probability of a fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception for sociopscyhopathilogical homicidal human farming business due to an annual winter solstice designating the postponement of agricultural business only deserves the equivalent of a SCOTUS fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conception in consideration by those legends in their own minds master race.