The prosecutor v the felon, debate thread!

Start up business' don't need a tax break. They won't owe taxes until they turn a profit. Stupid gaping whore.

Trump repeats false pet-eating claims leaving Harris dumbfounded as Republican nominee goes off rails​

what about the photos of the man carrying a dead duck? that a false claim?....
Congrats, Pmp. You're clearly a fucking moron now. LOL

First, the stories are unfounded. Second, it's a fucking goose, not a duck, dumbass.

Trump is a dumb narcissist

He did horribly because of his need to defend himself over stupid shit like crowd sizes. I don't know if polls will agree, but he lost the debate.
Kind of like watching a game where the refs are favoring the "home" team. But Trump still blew it on his own.

Harris was more prepared & more disciplined.
Yeah. Really. Probably timing. I read the post while he was wryly smiling a bit and looking very bored. :dunno:

Though I will say there are times both he and she were "raring" to blurt out some line they practiced, you probably said it during one of those times.

This debate has been mostly fluff.

I'd say Harris did better than the republicans said she would, but I don't think that either of them moved many "undecided" voters. I'll be interested to see if any bump in polling either way lasts longer than a few days.