The Psychology of Christian Fundamentalism

Life, like everything in the universe, including the universe itself, is the random confluence of sub-atomic particles.

Where did the particles come from?

That's unknowable, but if you want to credit your god, Ralph, that's as good a guess as any. Just be aware that if god created the particles, he/she didn't show any interest in them afterwards. That's knowable by casual observation alone.

No interest? Seriously? I don't even know where to begin with that stupid comment, except to wonder if you've ever read the Bible. God sent His Son to die for us. If that's not taking an interest, then what is?
Its very kind of you to be worried about me, but perhaps be more concerned about yourself for scriptures is full of examples of Jesus telling those who thought as you did, Pharisees, etc, that the last shall be first and the first last.

You have no clue what you're talking about. You simply mock what you haven't the wit to understand.
You have no clue what you're talking about. You simply mock what you haven't the wit to understand.

So, the Bible is wrong? You don’t understand the warnings of Jesus? What exactly am I clueless about? What do you think these words mean?
So, the Bible is wrong? You don’t understand the warnings of Jesus? What exactly am I clueless about? What do you think these words mean?

You are yet to answer your challenges of WORKING WITH SCIENCE....yet you are making demands of others to present and prove the charges MADE BY YOU? Really? Just how does anyone go about proving YOUR NEGATIVE? Its the typical deflection of all human seculars. You profess a belief in something you can't prove to be a fact and deny you are engaging in nothing but human philosophy and self denying the right of others to the same? Sounds kind'a FASCIST to me. Have you never read or comprehended the 1st amendment? All forms of socialism are grounded in socialism is not compatible with personal liberties and freedoms. The only way socialism can exist is in an attempt to force equality through threats and violence. If you don't believe me just look at the over 100 million unmarked shallow graves of those nations using socialism to seek SOCIAL JUSTICE.
No interest? Seriously? I don't even know where to begin with that stupid comment, except to wonder if you've ever read the Bible. God sent His Son to die for us. If that's not taking an interest, then what is?

God is real because the bible says so, and the bible is true because it's the word of god. Even something as simple as an Excel spreadsheet would reject that as "circular logic."
I don't care what religion (or no religion) someone is, or really why they believe that, as long as 1) they keep it to themselves and don't try to convert others, and 2) don't try to insert it into the government and the laws of this country.

I don't mind if a friend or close acquaintance politely asks me if I want to check out their prayer session, or whatever they do.

I just either tell them I'm Muslim or a Satan-worshipper, and that's the end of it.

Conversion is a harsh word, and I agree with you about the "in your face" kind of proselytizing. But there are polite ways of promoting one's religion. My Orthodox buddies seem like they try to poach wayward Catholics, because the Catholic Church in Quebec is down and out. But I get the impression they are cool about it, and do not go about it by trashing Catholicism.

Yes, religion and government are a bad mix, but I cannot say that all religious affiliation with politics is bad. It certainly can be said that the religious left, or the traditionally black churches were leading the way on Civil rights. And the Catholic Church had more than a small hand in bringing down totalitarian communist governments in eastern Europe. Social and economic justice has always been a hallmark of Latin American catholics.

Of course on the downside you have the appalling rightwing theocrats, holding sway the Iranian and Saudi governments, as well as in the Republican Party.
I don't mind if a friend or close acquaintance politely asks me if I want to check out their prayer session, or whatever they do.

I just either tell them I'm Muslim or a Satan-worshipper, and that's the end of it.

Conversion is a harsh word, and I agree with you about the "in your face" kind of proselytizing. But there are polite ways of promoting one's religion. My Orthodox buddies seem like they try to poach wayward Catholics, because the Catholic Church in Quebec is down and out. But I get the impression they are cool about it, and do not go about it by trashing Catholicism.

Yes, religion and government are a bad mix, but I cannot say that all religious affiliation with politics is bad. It certainly can be said that the religious left, or the traditionally black churches were leading the way on Civil rights. And the Catholic Church had more than a small hand in bringing down totalitarian communist governments in eastern Europe. Social and economic justice has always been a hallmark of Latin American catholics.

Of course on the downside you have the appalling rightwing theocrats, holding sway the Iranian and Saudi governments, as well as in the Republican Party.

I don't think that anyone minds a friend mentioning their church or giving an invite to a fellowship get-together or church picnic. Most faithful mean well and want to share the joy they get out of their faith. My problem is the "you're going to hell if you don't accept Jesus" crowd, and the ones who want their Bible, god, and prayers in public schools and government arena. I also don't like the ugly-spirited ones like we see around here; there is no joy at all in their hearts or their religion.
God is real because the bible says so, and the bible is true because it's the word of god. Even something as simple as an Excel spreadsheet would reject that as "circular logic."

You are fool. People believe in God because of evidence, of which there is plenty. No matter what you say, the Bible is a historical record. The life of Christ was documented by real people who actually knew Him. Some of those people were tortured and killed because they refused to deny a risen Savior. Now I ask you. Who would die for something that was a lie? The answer is nobody. Think about that.
You are fool. People believe in God because of evidence, of which there is plenty. No matter what you say, the Bible is a historical record. The life of Christ was documented by real people who actually knew Him. Some of those people were tortured and killed because they refused to deny a risen Savior. Now I ask you. Who would die for something that was a lie? The answer is nobody. Think about that.

The Bible is NOT an historical record.. Its full of geographical errors and anachronisms.

The solution is to learn about the history of the period between 200 BC and 150 AD.. and try to comprehend the symbolism that first century Jews and Christians understood.
For a second there, I was tempted to temporarily remove you from my ignore list, to see if you had anything intelligent to say. But I have yet to be pleasantly surprised by doing so, with anyone.
For a second there, I was tempted to temporarily remove you from my ignore list, to see if you had anything intelligent to say. But I have yet to be pleasantly surprised by doing so, with anyone.

The Bible is didactic literature, not history or science and was NEVER intended as such.. Even commentary by ancient Jewish sages knew the difference.
The Bible is didactic literature, not history or science and was NEVER intended as such.. Even commentary by ancient Jewish sages knew the difference.
Scholars also do not believe they were written by Jesus’ companions most of whom were probably illiterate. Scholars believe Mark’s gospel was written first, Matthew and Luke used Mark along with Q to write their versions, but you know this, already. I don’t think Grugore has read much on the subject matter.