The Queer's Dream Team...

A conservative, heterosexual becoming a champion for same-sex marriage. I think this speaks volumes.

It will come to pass. Whether its on this run or not, I have no doubt it will happen.

There have been no legitimate reasons offered for legally banning same-sex marriages.
Clint had the best movie line ever in Unforgiven "deserve's got nothing to do with it"

Southerncoward is zero parts Clint, 100% closet homo
Apparently it is the liberals who banned it, probably to re-write the definitions of normal, moral, natural and healthy.

As soon as you limit marriage to straights who are normal, moral, natural and healthy, those might have some bearing. Until you do, its just bigotry and excuses to justify your fears.
Oh look, the usual queer enablers and homophobes with their same old. :cof1:

You keep calling us "queer enablers". I think I have told you that gays can be queer without our enabling them. We are arguing for justice for their cause and their equality.

And we have the same old argument. We argue that gay marriage should be legal and that there is no rational or legal reason for it to be illegal. That argument has yet to be defeated.

But speaking of same old, when will you find a better argument than "normal, moral, natural and healthy"?
The arguments have never been refuted: they lie.

Queers can't reproduce so have to convert normal children to propagate themselves, hence queer marriage, hence "queer enablers" who promote queer marriage.
It could be Olsen realizes its a losing argument and wants to put the nail in the coffin of queer marriage for good. :)
The arguments have never been refuted: they lie.

Queers can't reproduce so have to convert normal children to propagate themselves, hence queer marriage, hence "queer enablers" who promote queer marriage.

The arguments have been refuted over and over and over. It is normal for a small portion of the population to be homosexual.

The only way it can possibly be called immoral is if we base our laws on the bible. And that is completely unconstitutional.

Numerous studies have shown homosexual behavior in other species. And the examples linked in previous threads had nothing to do with dominance behaviors.

Unhealthy is a relative idea on this topic. You want it to be that all homosexual activity is unhealthy, but lesbians have a far lower rate of STDs than straight couples. The activities engaged in by homosexuals can be unhealthy, but they can also not be unhealthy.

And, as I said before, until you require that all straight marriages follow the rules for being "normal, moral, natural and healthy", your argument is bigotry and a clear double standard.

"Queers can't reproduce so have to convert normal children to propagate themselves..." A lie.

Which in turn makes the rest of the sentence a lie.
It could be Olsen realizes its a losing argument and wants to put the nail in the coffin of queer marriage for good. :)

And Obama could be against a national healthcare plan and he is trying to put a nail in the coffin of that fiasco.

And pigs could fly if they had wings.
1% of a population is defined as abnormal.

Since there is no solid evidence that homosexuality is limited to 1% of the population, your statement is irrelevant.

And there is no definition of marriage anywhere that limits it to "normal" people.
LOL 'The US Census ain't solid evidence.' LOL

If it asked specifically about gays it might be solid evidence. But since all it did was infer from the number of unmarried, same sex households, it is not. It ignored all gays that live alone, that were afraid to answer truthfully, or share housing with a member of the opposite sex in a platonic setting.
Why do you want to denigrate marriage?

I do not want to denigrate marriage. In fact, I want to celebrate the beauty of a lifelong committment and the shared bond of marriage.

Ask someone who denigrates marriages this question. Ask those who have abused their spouse, cheated on their spouse, married for reasons other than love, and the multitude of other ways that marriage is denigrated.
If it asked specifically about gays it might be solid evidence. But since all it did was infer from the number of unmarried, same sex households, it is not. It ignored all gays that live alone, that were afraid to answer truthfully, or share housing with a member of the opposite sex in a platonic setting.
It was the most accurate poll on queers ever and all that shit was addressed.