The Queer's Dream Team...

In other words, you imagine.

Absolutely not. You have offered no evidence that straight marriages will be effected whatsoever. There is nothing that will change for anyone except gay couples who are allowed to marry.
Actually I have but you're too dim to realize that, so now you lie. You offered no evidence that saying "fuck you" to 5000 years of tradition is something that should be supported.
Actually I have but you're too dim to realize that, so now you lie. You offered no evidence that saying "fuck you" to 5000 years of tradition is something that should be supported.

YOu have offered no evidence. You have offered excuses that you think hold weight. But they do not apply. It is not saying "fuck you" to anything.

The religious traditions will still be the same, if a particular religion wants them to be. For those who want a traditional, heterosexual marriage, nothing will change. For those who are gay and wish to marry, they will be able to do so.

There have been changes in marriage numerous times. This change will not take anything away from marriage. It will make it available for more people.

That you claim this "thats the way we have always done it" is a legitimate reason is laughable. That sort of logic would have left us in the stoneage.

Name calling? This means I win?

Actually, you have not given one iota of evidence that the institution of marriage would be adversely effected by allowing gays to marry.

As for your claim that tradition is a reason to continue to discriminate - Argumentum ad antiquitatem
No, name calling would be "asshole". I accused you of lying.

If I had lied you might be able to use that as a defense. I didn't. You can't.

The reasons you have given for continuing to discriminate against gays are:

1) Not normal - No where do our current marriage laws base anything on "normal". Normal is a relative term that changes. It is a comparative term. In other words, this excuse does not work.

2) Not moral - This is only true if you use the bible as the sole basis for your morality. And basing our laws solely on the bible is unconstitutional.

3) Unhealthy - This is an excuse that doesn't stand up to scrutiny because lesbians have a lower rate of STDs than straight couples do. There is nothing that gays do that cannot be done in a safe way.

4) Unnatural - This has been shot down by several sources, including National Geographic.

5) Not traditional - Argumentum ad antiquitatem
I've offered plenty of evidence, liar.

No valid evidence whatsoever.

You have kept with the same "not normal, not moral, not natural, and unhealthy" excuses on every thread on which this topic has come up.

I dismissed those every time, just as I did a few posts up.

And the 5,000 years of tradition excuse has also been dismissed by the method you seem to enjoy most.
southerncoward is afraid he'd get turned on by the man/man sex.

After all he's been on TV claiming he kicked the gay habit.
Its valid according to plain logic. The census information is valid according to the US Census.

Plain logic? Nice dodge, but invalid. I provided links and explanations as to why your arguments were not sufficient to continue the ban.

All you did was dodge the topic and insist your opinions are the only viable ones.

The census argument has not gotten any better. Unless they found some way to account for the number of gays who live alone or provide some research that shows gays live together at roughly the same rate as straights, the count does not have scientific validity.
Perhaps you lack the brain capacity to see these things for what they are.

I have the brain capacity to see things as they are. I also have the brain capacity and intellect to shoot holes in your arguments. I have done so and you have no choice but to keep insisting its "logical" or to try and say I just don't understand your arguments.

The proof is in the threads.
Actually, you've seen the obvious and dismissed it because of your homosexual agenda.


I have carefully explained the reasons that your "not normal, not moral, not natural, and unhealthy" arguments don't work. You don't refute the facts, you simply try and sound as though I haven't posted them.

And for you to use the logical fallacy of argumentum ad antiquitatem to try and win a debate, after you have called so many on logical fallacies is hilarious.