The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

Only someone with TDS would argue that this is racism. Time hack 30-seconds of this video explains the point thoroughly.

Conclusion: You have TDS-induced delusions. I can't even be sure that you even "saw" the same video I watched.

What exactly is your definition of racism?
I'd imagine most people would say that it's racist to say a person can't do his job because his ancestors were from Mexico.

You are both unintelligent and uneducated. That must be a rough combination but it sufficiently explains your confusion. Don't blame me for trying to help you.

You're resorting to Ad Homs because you know I'm correct. Very typical of the Right.

For others who aren't completely beyond help I would be inclined to remind them that NAZIs were pure Marxist "national socialists" (written into the name) which is thoroughly leftist. The American Nazi Party similarly claims to be "Advancing National Socialism into the Twenty-First Century." That is leftist. However, I am certain that words with more than two syllables are totally lost on you.

Socialism means collective ownership. The Nazis did not create collective ownership in Germany or any of the countries they occupied. Nazi Germany was actually very Capitalist.
Yes, the Nazis called themselves Socialist, but they didn't actually practice Socialism. The North Korean government calls itself Democratic, but that doesn't mean it actually practice Democracy, right?
Saying the Nazis were Marxist is extra wrong, because the Party line was that Marxism was a Jewish conspiracy.
What exactly is your definition of racism?
I'd imagine most people would say that it's racist to say a person can't do his job because his ancestors were from Mexico.

You're resorting to Ad Homs because you know I'm correct. Very typical of the Right.

Socialism means collective ownership. The Nazis did not create collective ownership in Germany or any of the countries they occupied. Nazi Germany was actually very Capitalist.
Yes, the Nazis called themselves Socialist, but they didn't actually practice Socialism. The North Korean government calls itself Democratic, but that doesn't mean it actually practice Democracy, right?
Saying the Nazis were Marxist is extra wrong, because the Party line was that Marxism was a Jewish conspiracy.

Actually they called themselves National Socialists. Big difference.
Anyway, what source do you want? There's SPLC and there's Fox News.
Do they have a website? Is "Alt-Right" an organization? You supposedly know what it is; that will tell you what the authoritative source is. Like I said, I tried looking it up and it appears to be a completely fictitious group ... like when Christians refer to "heathens." It's just supposed to be generally understood that it is a slur ... nothing more ... like "deplorables."

On that note, what's the difference between the "Alt-Right" and Hillary's "Deplorables"? I believe I was a "Deplorable" so should I therefore conclude that I am likely "Alt-Right"?

But it wasn't the "left" that coined the term, "alt-right". Richard Spencer did.
It is irrelevant how the term might have been hijacked and by whom. Karl Marx coined the term "capitalism" and now people who practice sound economics refer to that as "capitalism" without realizing that it is supposed to be a slur.

BTW, it's funny that you don't see the irony because the "rightists" claim that the left is a fictitious "common enemy" and full of Commies.
This doesn't make much sense. What do you assert that "rightists" claim is fictitious?

Otherwise I can't speak for a world of uneducated morons who totally misuse the terms "socialist" and "communist." I use the term "Marxist" to refer to what Marx himself advocated in the Communist Manifesto and in Das Kapital.

Do they have a website? Is "Alt-Right" an organization? You supposedly know what it is; that will tell you what the authoritative source is. Like I said, I tried looking it up and it appears to be a completely fictitious group ... like when Christians refer to "heathens." It's just supposed to be generally understood that it is a slur ... nothing more ... like "deplorables."

I already gave you Stormfront as one of the sites few days ago. Alt-Right is actually a umbrella term for all kinds of racist organizations.

Any word can be a "slur". Doesn't change the origins of those "slurs".

On that note, what's the difference between the "Alt-Right" and Hillary's "Deplorables"? I believe I was a "Deplorable" so should I therefore conclude that I am likely "Alt-Right"?

You are not "Alt-Right". Your posts don't indicate that.

This doesn't make much sense. What do you assert that "rightists" claim is fictitious?

Correct. It doesn't make much sense. Just as your claim that the "leftists" made up the term "Alt-Right" to smear the right.

Otherwise I can't speak for a world of uneducated morons who totally misuse the terms "socialist" and "communist." I use the term "Marxist" to refer to what Marx himself advocated in the Communist Manifesto and in Das Kapital.

Yes I know what he advocated. He was talking about class struggle.
Apparently you're confused as to what consciousness is.
No. I am very conscious of what it is.

First you need to define "living human".
I don't know where you've been but I have clarified that many times in this thread. This is the most recent:

In order to strip out any possible weaseling by ANYBODY and to eliminate any possible "gotchas" ... I was very deliberate with the wording.

Do you believe it should be legal to kill a living human who has committed no crime and who has not expressed any desire to die? How does your answer change if said killing clearly makes some other living human's life more convenient?

Additional clarification:

"Living" is defined by the medical and biological axiom "If there is a heartbeat then there is life" ... thus a brain-dead person with a heartbeat is considered "alive." The first thing any medical professional does is to check for a pulse. No fauna with a heartbeat is ever considered "dead"

"Human" is defined as being of the species Homo Sapiens and is determined by DNA. A human infant is not a puppy ... the DNA establishes this beyond any doubt.

The expression of a desire to die could be the mentioning of suicidal thoughts, a signed DNA, ... whatever.

First few days after fertilization, it's a "living human" according to your definition.
Clearly it does not. You obviously didn't read my clarifications. Until there is a heartbeat then a fetus' status of "living" is very debateable within a medical context. Once there is a heartbeat, there is no longer any debate within a medical context.

Yep I've seen that image many times.
That one? Really? I pulled the first one that came up. Well, now that I think about it, the fact that it is the first to pop up might very well explain why you have seen it many times.

Let's try another. How often have you seen this one?

No. I am very conscious of what it is.

Good. So you understand that a "flutter" does not indicate consciousness?

I don't know where you've been but I have clarified that many times in this thread. This is the most recent:

I know what you are saying. I understand your point. BTW, I was a Christian who was a pro-lifer.

Clearly it does not. You obviously didn't read my clarifications. Until there is a heartbeat then a fetus' status of "living" is very debateable within a medical context. Once there is a heartbeat, there is no longer any debate within a medical context.

To be clear, if there's no flutter, you support abortion at that point?

That one? Really? I pulled the first one that came up. Well, now that I think about it, the fact that it is the first to pop up might very well explain why you have seen it many times.

Let's try another. How often have you seen this one?


Yep. Millions of times. Like I said, I was a pro-lifer. I even was at a few protests.
I already gave you Stormfront as one of the sites few days ago. Alt-Right is actually a umbrella term for all kinds of racist organizations.
Bingo! It's a slur. I think we can close this one out.

You are not "Alt-Right". Your posts don't indicate that.
I will take your word for it. From now on, if I ever have any questions about "Alt-right" I will ask you. You can be my go-to authority on "Alt-Right."

Yes I know what [Marx] advocated. He was talking about class struggle.
That's one of the things he preached?

Are you familiar with Christian teachings? Are you familiar with Rapture?

Have you studied economics (college level)?
Bingo! It's a slur. I think we can close this one out.

I never said it isn't a slur. One can call you an Alt-Rightist as a slur. Still doesn't change it's origin.

I will take your word for it. From now on, if I ever have any questions about "Alt-right" I will ask you. You can be my go-to authority on "Alt-Right."

Actually Richard Spencer is a go-to authority. ;)

That's one of the things he preached?

Whether or not his predictions came true or failed, he was predicting the inevitable class struggle and war within unchecked or unregulated Capitalism. I can provide a few examples of that that happened here in the USA. For example, coal mining. Unions were created and protests happened after poor living conditions and safety while the rich keep on taking advantage of them.

Are you familiar with Christian teachings? Are you familiar with Rapture?

Have you studied economics (college level)?

Yep. At Liberty University ironically. :)
Good. So you understand that a "flutter" does not indicate consciousness?
I don't know what "flutter" is and it is still irrelevant. The fetus that has a heartbeat is undisputably a living human.

BTW, I was a Christian who was a pro-lifer.
I notice the word "was." Is that because caring about human life is incompatible with leftist politics and had to be ditched?

To be clear, if there's no flutter, you support abortion at that point?
I have no position on "abortion" since I don't know exactly what it means.

My closest related issue is the killing of living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die.

I even was at a few protests.
What did you protest?

BTW ... I don't believe you have seen all of them. I'm going to find one you haven't seen yet.

I don't know what "flutter" is and it is still irrelevant. The fetus that has a heartbeat is undisputably a living human.

A "flutter", if you can hear it, indicates that it's starting to develop heart.

I notice the word "was." Is that because caring about human life is incompatible with leftist politics and had to be ditched?

Nope. I still care.

What did you protest?

Actually they called themselves National Socialists. Big difference.

That's another thing. National Socialism was the specific and unique ideology of the NSDAP. Treating it like it was simply Socialism in Germany is missing the point.
But even if we're just asking the question, were the Nazis practicing Socialism? The answer is still no. The Nazis did not enforce collective ownership. Most of the businesses in Nazi Germany were private and the few that were nationalized were controlled by the state.
That's another thing. National Socialism was the specific and unique ideology of the NSDAP. Treating it like it was simply Socialism in Germany is missing the point.
But even if we're just asking the question, were the Nazis practicing Socialism? The answer is still no. The Nazis did not enforce collective ownership. Most of the businesses in Nazi Germany were private and the few that were nationalized were controlled by the state.

Yep. Surprising that people don't understand that.

Here's a link for those who don't understand it:
No, I'm not going to go through that huge thread. You're not worth it, since you're such a liar.

But can you even really deny it? You said that Trump's racism against Mexicans and Arabs isn't really racism because the American Census doesn't recognize Mexicans as a race. If you really believed that, then you'd have to say the Nazis weren't racist because the American Census doesn't recognize Jews, the Romani, or Slavs as races.

Quote, or it never happened. You alleged that I claimed Nazis weren't racist. Let me guess, you posted it on the thread that contains evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians.
What exactly is your definition of racism?
Racism pertains to State power and unequal treatment based on race.
Bigotry is the emotion that occurs in any particular individual(s).

A State or government can be racist but the hater who shouts "Nigger!" is a bigot. If you think Trump's comments about a Mexican judge are inappropriate then you can correctly refer to him as a bigot but it would be incorrect to say that his comment somehow transforms the State's laws and policies into racist ones.

I'd imagine most people would say that it's racist to say a person can't do his job because his ancestors were from Mexico.
I disagree. I imagine no rational adult would fault Trump for calling for a judge who has been unfair to Trump in the past to recuse himself, especially considering that Trump is trying to build a wall between the US and the country of Mexico and the judge has made a point of expressing his "pride" in his Mexican heritage.

Any judge must maintain the appearance of impatiality and this judge could not, and has been unfair ... Trump was right to call for his recusal.

Where do you get bigotry in all that?

Socialism means collective ownership.
Nope. That would be a "commonwealth."

Socialism involves various things but the core idea is "central planning" which means an authoritarian dictatorship, e.g. NAZI Germany.

Nazi Germany was actually very Capitalist.
No. Absurd. All of Germany fell under Herman Goering, Germany's Economy Czar. Read up on the Four Year Plan. All of the German economy was put under Goering's complete control. Hitler needed to be sure Germany was properly configured to successfully persist in conducting a major war.

Yes, the Nazis called themselves Socialist, but they didn't actually practice Socialism.
You are egregiously mistaken.

The North Korean government calls itself Democratic, but that doesn't mean it actually practice Democracy, right?
Marxists use the word "democratic" as a euphamism for "Marxist." They know that all people find the word "democracy" to be at least palatable whereas most reject anything with the word "Marxism." North Korea is not the only Marxist country by any means to substitute the word "Democratic" into the name. Marxists routinely swap the word "democracy" in for "Marxism" in their sentences when discussing politics and ideologies, e.g. "Yes, it's absolutely critical that we teach our children the importance of democracy and of appreciating labor which is why we need to tax the top 1% out of existence."

Saying the Nazis were Marxist is extra wrong,
You are wrong.

because the Party line was that Marxism was a Jewish conspiracy.
I already explained this to you. In that context, they were referring to "communism" which was their mortal enemy.

Nobody gets to own an ideology. Anyone thereafter is free to adopt that ideology, e.g. the American Nazi Party.

Not really. Part of Nazism was the membership or at least close collaboration with the NSDAP. Now that the NSDAP isn't around anymore, there are no more Nazis.
You could say that today there are Neo-Nazis, though they often have little to do with real Nazi ideology. The real Nazis would have found the American Nazi Party absolutely ridiculous.

And to the earlier discussion, the Nazis were not really Socialist. They called themselves "Socialists" in order to appeal to both the Right and the Left. The North Korean government does the same thing by calling itself a Democracy, even though it's clearly not one.
Racism pertains to State power and unequal treatment based on race.
Bigotry is the emotion that occurs in any particular individual(s).

A State or government can be racist but the hater who shouts "Nigger!" is a bigot. If you think Trump's comments about a Mexican judge are inappropriate then you can correctly refer to him as a bigot but it would be incorrect to say that his comment somehow transforms the State's laws and policies into racist ones.

I think most people would disagree with that definition of racism. The KKK are generally seen as being racist even though they have no state power.
But sure, if we're going by that definition, then Trump is pretending to be a bigot, not a racist.

I disagree. I imagine no rational adult would fault Trump for calling for a judge who has been unfair to Trump in the past to recuse himself, especially considering that Trump is trying to build a wall between the US and the country of Mexico and the judge has made a point of expressing his "pride" in his Mexican heritage.

The judge hasn't made a point to expresse pride in his Mexican heritage. Trump just said that to try to make himself sound less racist.
Trump assumed (or at least pretended to assume) that the judge is more loyal to Mexico than America, and because of that, he can't do his job. This is a common racist trope. During the impeachment, they did it to Alexander Vindman. It's a way to discredit someone without having to address the argument. No different than the SJW who says "You're a fucking white male!" to discredit white men.

Nope. That would be a "commonwealth."

Socialism involves various things but the core idea is "central planning" which means an authoritarian dictatorship, e.g. NAZI Germany.

Where exactly are you getting this from?

No. Absurd. All of Germany fell under Herman Goering, Germany's Economy Czar. Read up on the Four Year Plan. All of the German economy was put under Goering's complete control. Hitler needed to be sure Germany was properly configured to successfully persist in conducting a major war.

The Four Year Plan gave Göring the power to create laws relating to industry anytime he wanted. If he wanted, he could have enforced collective ownership, thus turning Germany into a Socialist country, but he never did. Most companies remained private, some were controlled by the state. The fact that private businesses were regulated does not mean they were Socialist. Aside from that not being the definition of Socialism, it would also mean that literally every country is Socialist.

Marxists use the word "democratic" as a euphamism for "Marxist." They know that all people find the word "democracy" to be at least palatable whereas most reject anything with the word "Marxism." North Korea is not the only Marxist country by any means to substitute the word "Democratic" into the name. Marxists routinely swap the word "democracy" in for "Marxism" in their sentences when discussing politics and ideologies, e.g. "Yes, it's absolutely critical that we teach our children the importance of democracy and of appreciating labor which is why we need to tax the top 1% out of existence."

That's beside the point. The point is North Korea is not democratic, despite the official name of the country being "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea." I don't care what people call themselves, I care about their actions.
Likewise, the Nazis were not Socialists, despite calling themselves "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" because they did not attempt to create a Socialist society. You could argue that they had State Capitalism like the Soviet Union, though even that is kind of a stretch because most of Germany's companies were still private.

I already explained this to you. In that context, they were referring to "communism" which was their mortal enemy.

You said they were Marxist. Are you saying they secretly followed the ideas of Karl Marx while publicly denouncing his work as a Jewish conspiracy?
Not really. Part of Nazism was the membership or at least close collaboration with the NSDAP.
Now we are engaging in wordplay. Yes, an inportant part of being a member of the NSDAP was membership in the NSDAP. I will grant you that.

It is absurd to claim that they owned the ideology of National Socialism and that upon the demise of the NSDAP nobody forever after can implement that ideology, as if Interpol will somehow levy a fine.

The American Nazi Party's stated mission is to advance National Socialism into the Twenty-First Century. I wager that no one enforces the "You can't implement National Socialism" rule. But you say otherwise?

Now that the NSDAP isn't around anymore, there are no more Nazis.
I'll grant you that. The NAZIs were a specific group that no longer exists.

You could say that today there are Neo-Nazis,
You certainly could ... but that would be your term. Others might find it misleading for the reason you identified, i.e. they have little to do with the NAZIs of the NSDAP.

And to the earlier discussion, the Nazis were not really Socialist.
The NAZIs were absolutely socialist, including most closely implementing the Marxist stage of central planning forthwith called in the Communist Manifesto with the Four Year Plan under Goering. Only the Soviet Union came close to rivaling the total centralized control of industry and commerce as NAZI Germany did when Hitler made Goering the premier economy czar.

I don't see how this point is even up for debate.

They called themselves "Socialists" in order to appeal to both the Right and the Left.
Nope. They called themselves socialist because that's precisely what they correctly believed themselves to be, and to make it clear that they weren't communists who they viewed as being subversive insurrectionists that threatened the new order they were trying to achieve. They used the term "socialist" to mean "Anti-Communist."

"Better Dead than Red: Anti-Communist Action"

The North Korean government does the same thing by calling itself a Democracy, even though it's clearly not one.
Marxists use the term "Democracy" as a code word for "Marxism." Yes, they have hijacked the word and you see in the form of Marxist countries calling themselves "Democratic People's Republic" or "People's Democratic Republic" or the DNC calling for open borders to build a better "Democracy."
I think most people would disagree with that definition of racism.
Thank you. I am always happy to disagree with any mistaken mass of morons. I didn't create the English language. I simply learned it properly.

The KKK are generally seen as being racist
Nope. They are often mistakenly referred to as "racist" when they would be correctly identified as "bigots." The KKK has no power; it is absurd to argue that the KKK can keep blacks out of professional sports, prevent them from holding positions in government, ensure no black man ever gets elected to Congress or to the Presidency, prevent blacks from living in any city, village or community, prevent blacks from attending any college or institution or even to prevent blacks from controlling entire major cities. The KKK are powerless to be racist. They absolutely can, and are, bigots.

But sure, if we're going by that definition, then Trump is pretending to be a bigot, not a racist.
You have TDS. Surely you must be aware that everyone who reads your posts filters out all content like this line above as if you never wrote it. Surely you must realize that when you express your TDS, readers of your posts interpret them not as saying anything about Trump but as you speaking volumes about yourself.


Also, at some point in the past you made a poor decision to afix a cheezy virtue-signalling image in your signature. Anyone perusing any thread in which you participate instantly recognizes you as someone who (desperately) depends on emotional appeals for acceptance as opposed to strong arguments. You probably don't realize that the projection of your super-hero fantasy reveals your true self-image of weakness and impotence. I think most people find that rather pathetic, even if they see themselves as weak and impotent as well.


The judge hasn't made a point to expresse pride in his Mexican heritage.
So we finally arrive at the root of your error. Yes the judge has expressed pride in his family and heritage. Now, if you can set your TDS aside for a moment you can reprocess this item with the new information and arrive at the correct understanding.

Trump assumed (or at least pretended to assume) that the judge is more loyal to Mexico than America,
Nope. Fortunately we discovered this second error of yours. Trump was not claiming the judge was loyal to Mexico. He was claiming that the judge was unfair to him, and pressed to get him recused for an impartial judge that would not be unfair.

You're not going to find any member of the Bar who will agree with you that Trump should have just quietly accepted an unfair judge and somehow avoided arguing from every angle to get the judge recused. You are simply in error.

The Four Year Plan gave Göring the power to create laws relating to industry anytime he wanted.
Yes. Goering was the plenipotenciary. He had full reign.

If he wanted, he could have enforced collective ownership, thus turning Germany into a Socialist country, but he never did.
Nope. Transitioning specifically to a commonwealth is not required for socialism. The naming of Goering as the chief central planner is what was required and transitioned Germany into an idealized socialist state.

Central planning is where you should be focusing, not in becoming a commonwealth like Virginia.

That's beside the point. The point is North Korea is not democratic,
North Korea absolutely is Marxist. Where did you get the idea it wasn't. Check the central planning.
How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?

How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?


I'm in with that. No coward here.

A fetus is a blob of cells, not a person.

Anybody who thinks it a person is the perfect example of somebody who should have been aborted.

Life has no absolute value. It's only as valuable as its quality.