The real threat isn’t from Muslims


Verified User
By John Tirman

IS IT FAIR to investigate the sources of extremism that may pose a threat to US security? Thats what Republican Representative Peter King of New York is doing this week as he holds hearings to probe the radicalization of American Muslims.

The hearings are controversial, but the link between extremism and violence is worth exploring. The problem is that King has the spotlight fixed on only one group. There is a tangible threat of extremist terrorism in America, but it is not Muslims we need to wonder about.

The START database on terrorism in America, which tracks all incidents of political violence, shows that most attacks in the last two decades have been on black churches, reproductive rights facilities, government offices, and individual minorities. And those have been committed mainly by right-wing extremists. From 1990 to 2009, START identified 275 homicide events that killed 520 people and were committed by right-wing ideologues. There were many more incidents of destruction of property, nonfatal attacks, and other acts of thuggery by white supremacists, private militias, and the like.

The last two years have gotten worse, at least in hate speech. For the second year in a row, the radical right in America expanded explosively in 2010, notes the Southern Poverty Law Center in a just-released annual survey. Coupled with economic woes, this growth is driven by resentment over the changing racial demographics . . . and the mainstreaming of conspiracy theories and other demonizing propaganda aimed at various minorities.

The center lists more than 1,000 hate groups in America, the most in its 20-plus years of keeping watch. And yes, it can happen here: Eight of the 10 groups exposed as hate groups in Massachusetts are right-wing extremists, with the other two black separatists. What about Muslim extremism? There have been arrests of Muslims who appeared to have been planning attacks, most all of them far from realization. But the numbers seem to be increasing.

This uptick is noted in a 2010 study from the global policy think tank RAND. But RAND also states that only 46 publicly reported cases of domestic radicalization and recruitment to jihadist terrorism occurred in the United States since 9/11, and that most of the would-be jihadists were individuals who recruited themselves.

But why this self-recruitment?

In virtually every incident attributed to Muslims, one reason for their discontent emerged: The US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

King should expand his investigation to the largest sources of extremist violence in America the Ku Klux Klan, the neo-Nazis, and their newer versions and ask how hate speech and war fuel attacks. Those would be congressional hearings worth listening to.



Islam is an inherently violent religion. The terrorists arent radicalized. They're practicing islam in the model of it's creator, mohammed, as a religion of violent conquest.
Islam is an inherently violent religion. The terrorists arent radicalized. They're practicing islam in the model of it's creator, mohammed, as a religion of violent conquest.

Don't you think there would be a lot more violence if the religion is so inherently violent?

Don't you think there would be a lot more attacks against infidels if your reasoning was correct?

1.66 billion, that is a lot of Muslims.

Don't you think there would be a lot more violence if the religion is so inherently violent?

The religion is inherently violent. There is plenty of violence to confirm that.
Don't you think there would be a lot more attacks against infidels if your reasoning was correct?
1.66 billion, that is a lot of Muslims.

There are plenty of attacks against infidels.

Instead of conjecturing you should just actually study the religion.
The religion is inherently violent. There is plenty of violence to confirm that.

There are plenty of attacks against infidels.

Okay, you refuse to address the fact that 1.66 billion Muslims if really as violent as you claim would be creating a whole lot more chaos then they are now.
Okay, you refuse to address the fact that 1.66 billion Muslims if really as violent as you claim would be creating a whole lot more chaos then they are now.

The issue is whether or not the religion teaches violence.

It does, and it has created the current amount of violence.

Also factor in that we control many dictatorships which control and contain muslim violence.
The issue is whether or not the religion teaches violence.

It does, and it has created the current amount of violence.

Also factor in that we control many dictatorships which control and contain muslim violence.

I don't see it. I am not a fan of religion, but I have a copy of the Q'uaran and I don't see anymore call for violence in it, than in the Bible. It is all in how is it interpreted. It is the like Christianity, on one hand you have the Phelps family and the abortion clinic bombers and the IRA, on the other hand you have Mother Theresa and Billy Graham's family. There are those sects that pervert the words of their holy books to justify their agenda.
One thing I'd like to point here, since the whole McCarthyism line is being used here. Regardless of whether or not your support King:

1) McCarthy was a Senator, and not a Representative
2) McCarthy ONLY concerned himself with communism within the federal govt.
3) McCarthy had nothing to do with HUAC, and actually opposed its activites

This is one reason why I hate the term "McCarthyism," because it is completely misapplied and not understood. McCarthy was obviously a jerk and a fearmonger, but he was ultimately correct that communists were infiltrating government. He just lied about knowing who they were and how many they numbered so he could get support for his investigations. Obviously, King can't even speak about there being an attempt to get covert Muslims into the government...
Islam is an inherently violent religion. The terrorists arent radicalized. They're practicing islam in the model of it's creator, mohammed, as a religion of violent conquest.

I think the Phelps family might say the same. The christian bible has just a 'tad' of violence within its fictitious pages.
I think the Phelps family might say the same. The christian bible has just a 'tad' of violence within its fictitious pages.

It is based upon what he learned from the Jews and Christians while he lived with them along with the early religion of the region.
The real threat isn’t from Muslims????

I agree in a sense....they aren't gonna conquer the United States in the near a practical sense, they are for the most part, barbaric and savage, mostly living in the 19th century....
For example....
they number about approximately 1,200,000,000; that is ONE BILLION TWO HUNDRED MILLION or 20% of the world's population.
Their contributions to mankind are sparse, compared to other groups of the world....

No......the real threat to the United States is Democrats/Socialist and pinheads, not Muslims....not yet.
christians are way more violent, check murder rates.
Really? How many people were killed by Christians in the last 500 years compared to Muslims....

Link me up to the data......proving who is Christian and who is Muslim must have been quite a undertaking for you.....

I can't wait....

If Muslims kill more people than Christians do and if Americans kill more Muslims than Muslims kill Americans... er ...IF...

I went and got me some stats. Read on IF YOU DARE.

Certified killings of Americans for the last thirty years:

10, 325.

Certified killings of Muslims by Americans for the last thirty years:


Its head hangin' time, my little brainless ones. And you wonder why they hate you.

Some degree of anti-Americanism may reflect ideology, distorted history, or a foreign government's attempt to shift blame onto others (a practice that all governments indulge in), but a lot of it is the inevitable result of policies that the American people have supported in the past. When you kill tens of thousands of people in other countries -- and sometimes for no good reason -- you shouldn't be surprised when people in those countries are enraged by this behavior and interested in revenge. After all, how did we react after September 11?