The Reason the Left Hated Trump was

You are not in agreement with the left.

Wtf is "the left"

I do my best to avoid the generalizations that are aimed at dividing and destroying this country.

The average Republican voter is a good person who loves this country and wants it to be successful regardless of what party controls congress and WH.

The average Democrat voter is a good person who loves this country and wants it to be successful regardless of what party controls congress and WH.

I honestly believe that. Perhaps this is the worst place for me to talk politics. I enjoy conversations about politics and current events.

There are extremes. Sometimes politicians play into those extremes. Most of us cringe when that happens. Most of us also become biased when that happens.

Regardless, 11 Days

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Wtf is "the left"

I do my best to avoid the generalizations that are aimed at dividing and destroying this country.

The average Republican voter is a good person who loves this country and wants it to be successful regardless of what party controls congress and WH.

The average Democrat voter is a good person who loves this country and wants it to be successful regardless of what party controls congress and WH.

I honestly believe that. Perhaps this is the worst place for me to talk politics. I enjoy conversations about politics and current events.

There are extremes. Sometimes politicians play into those extremes. Most of us cringe when that happens. Most of us also become biased when that happens.

Regardless, 11 Days

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Well welcome aboard............. :thup:

This is probably not the worst place for you to discuss politics but you should keep in mind there are a few problem kids that don't always play well w/ others.. Every board has to have a few, it must be a law

Simply ignoring them will enhance your posting experience..

There are also several here that tug the partisan lines but many that don't fit the ridged party lines & talking points..

Have fun
Wtf is "the left"

I do my best to avoid the generalizations that are aimed at dividing and destroying this country.

The average Republican voter is a good person who loves this country and wants it to be successful regardless of what party controls congress and WH.

The average Democrat voter is a good person who loves this country and wants it to be successful regardless of what party controls congress and WH.

I honestly believe that. Perhaps this is the worst place for me to talk politics. I enjoy conversations about politics and current events.

There are extremes. Sometimes politicians play into those extremes. Most of us cringe when that happens. Most of us also become biased when that happens.

Regardless, 11 Days

The Left used to be known as "Liberals" until they turned that word into a pejorative. Then they adopted "Progressive."

The defining feature of the Left is the use of government to gain their political ends. People are irrelevant except to vote them into power. Government is the tool that should control essentially, well, everything for the Left. This is necessary because the guiding idea of the left is literal equality. Everyone is the same. Individual Rights only exist where they can be used equally. That means say in "free" speech only speech that is equal can be allowed. No dissention, no contrary ideas because that would remove the equality of speech.

If you want to sum them up in a word, it's altruistic. The Progressive Leftist thinks that people will willingly give up economic and personal gain to let those less capable have equality with them in all things. It's the "Participation" trophy idea. There is no reward for being smarter or working harder within the ideas of the Progressive Left. Doing more is rewarded with confiscation and redistribution while doing less is rewarded with undeserved wealth and praise.

This is why the Left wants things like universal healthcare run by the government. That means everyone gets the same level of care (in theory) even if that level is crappy due to society moving towards the least common denominator. A bigger minimum wage is another. In fact, they'd rather see everyone get the same wage regardless of what they do or don't do (universal income idea).

These positions are extremes and have proven repeatedly for over a century to bring nations to ruin. The Left hasn't had a single success with their ideas. All they do is repackage them and try to fool a society into accepting them one more time because they know that this time, unlike every past failure, it will work.

The Progressive Left for this same reason wants to erase or turn to fiction history. The unflattering truth about Leftist ideas has to be covered up or nobody would accept them.

That's a short answer. You can find plenty of Progressive Leftists willing to openly talk about what they want. Sure, they try to make it sound wonderful but forced altruism by government force only ends in a dictatorship of virtue and everybody suffers for it.
Because they got too much personal sin in them. And they saw the head sinner storm into power and couldn’t control their envy


Maybe they hate him because he has a fat ass.

The Left used to be known as "Liberals" until they turned that word into a pejorative.

Wrong. It was the Conservatives of Jefferson times that were called "Liberals" short for liberty. Then too, the color red used to be associated with Communism?communist until the right wing adopted it as their own. And it was those same right winger low IQ types that have deemed "progressives" as a derogatory term meaning socialist. But hey, you tried.
Wrong. It was the Conservatives of Jefferson times that were called "Liberals" short for liberty. Then too, the color red used to be associated with Communism?communist until the right wing adopted it as their own. And it was those same right winger low IQ types that have deemed "progressives" as a derogatory term meaning socialist. But hey, you tried.

None of that is true. Liberals of Jefferson's time were traditional Liberals in the sense of Libertarians today. They were against government except in small amounts.

As for the colors red and blue, that came about because the MSM chose those several decades ago in a Presidential election and they stuck, not because the parties chose them. supported incumbent Gerald Ford were blue.

Progressivism is for all intents Socialist too., and the privilege to pursue happiness.

There's plenty of other sites too. All have the same core feature: A belief in literal, economic, social, and physical equality, something that absolutely requires a Socialist state headed by a relative dictatorship as government.
Nope you're incorrect we hate him because we were taught that p**** grabbing is obscene we hate him because he is fomenting hate for minorities we hate him because he's f****** up the economy and lying to coal miners and on and on and on. His base is uneducated and low IQ and meth addicted

You’ve made my point

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Nope you're incorrect we hate him because we were taught that p**** grabbing is obscene we hate him because he is fomenting hate for minorities we hate him because he's f****** up the economy and lying to coal miners and on and on and on. His base is uneducated and low IQ and meth addicted

Seriously, just kill yourself.
None of that is true. Liberals of Jefferson's time were traditional Liberals in the sense of Libertarians today. They were against government except in small amounts.

As for the colors red and blue, that came about because the MSM chose those several decades ago in a Presidential election and they stuck, not because the parties chose them. supported incumbent Gerald Ford were blue.

Progressivism is for all intents Socialist too., and the privilege to pursue happiness.

There's plenty of other sites too. All have the same core feature: A belief in literal, economic, social, and physical equality, something that absolutely requires a Socialist state headed by a relative dictatorship as government.

That describes Dotard and his cult.

Teabaggers love socialism, they have since Reagan, ALL of it corporate.
The Left used to be known as "Liberals" until they turned that word into a pejorative. Then they adopted "Progressive."

The defining feature of the Left is the use of government to gain their political ends. People are irrelevant except to vote them into power. Government is the tool that should control essentially, well, everything for the Left. This is necessary because the guiding idea of the left is literal equality. Everyone is the same. Individual Rights only exist where they can be used equally. That means say in "free" speech only speech that is equal can be allowed. No dissention, no contrary ideas because that would remove the equality of speech.

If you want to sum them up in a word, it's altruistic. The Progressive Leftist thinks that people will willingly give up economic and personal gain to let those less capable have equality with them in all things. It's the "Participation" trophy idea. There is no reward for being smarter or working harder within the ideas of the Progressive Left. Doing more is rewarded with confiscation and redistribution while doing less is rewarded with undeserved wealth and praise.

This is why the Left wants things like universal healthcare run by the government. That means everyone gets the same level of care (in theory) even if that level is crappy due to society moving towards the least common denominator. A bigger minimum wage is another. In fact, they'd rather see everyone get the same wage regardless of what they do or don't do (universal income idea).

These positions are extremes and have proven repeatedly for over a century to bring nations to ruin. The Left hasn't had a single success with their ideas. All they do is repackage them and try to fool a society into accepting them one more time because they know that this time, unlike every past failure, it will work.

The Progressive Left for this same reason wants to erase or turn to fiction history. The unflattering truth about Leftist ideas has to be covered up or nobody would accept them.

That's a short answer. You can find plenty of Progressive Leftists willing to openly talk about what they want. Sure, they try to make it sound wonderful but forced altruism by government force only ends in a dictatorship of virtue and everybody suffers for it.
Interesting analysis.

If you are going to suggest the desire for equality is evil then the same can be done for the rights desire of individual freedoms.

If you take the desire for individual freedoms to the extreme that means, as Rand Paul suggested, the need for discrimination laws is unnecessary. The "free market" will decide.

If you take the desire for smaller government to the extreme there would be US citizens completely uneducated, homeless, and starving to death on our streets.

Of course, if individual freedoms really mattered gay marriage (2 consenting adults) would not be an issue.

I can continue because making either equality or individual freedom a negative is foolish.

Actually, this video does a good job of defining this very issue. It doesn't without suggesting either side is trying to hurt our country.

10 Days

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Interesting analysis.

If you are going to suggest the desire for equality is evil then the same can be done for the rights desire of individual freedoms.

Not at all. Individual freedoms leave you able to succeed or fail on your own efforts and merit. Equality of the group or society as the Left wants are the politics of envy (one of the mortal sins). That is, others are working harder and have more than you and you are envious of them but don't want to (or can't) put in that effort to gain the same benefits (often because of sloth, another mortal sin).

If you take the desire for individual freedoms to the extreme that means, as Rand Paul suggested, the need for discrimination laws is unnecessary. The "free market" will decide.

Anything taken to extremes usually is bad. Moderation is often best. Here, moderation and laws against discrimination, unfair business practices (like monopolies), that sort of thing do need regulation. The playing field should be level, but it's your choice as to how much you want to play.

If you take the desire for smaller government to the extreme there would be US citizens completely uneducated, homeless, and starving to death on our streets.

That happens in any society. History shows that Socialist governments actually create more of that. Look at the most recent failure: Venezuela.

Of course, if individual freedoms really mattered gay marriage (2 consenting adults) would not be an issue.

Different issue. Ones like this are social issues. They are things society decides outside of basic Rights. Marriage, LGBTPDQRST acceptance or nonacceptance, human sacrifice-- whatever are things society decides to make legal or illegal. Drugs and such are another such thing.

I can continue because making either equality or individual freedom a negative is foolish.

Forcing artificial equality based on measurable aspects of people is what is wrong and that's what the Left does. Too smart? You can't have more education than the idiots get. That would be unequal. Too capable physically? All jobs are available to everyone, you get no special consideration so you abilities go unused in the name of fair and equal.

Actually, this video does a good job of defining this very issue. It doesn't without suggesting either side is trying to hurt our country.

10 Days

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

No, it doesn't. It explains the various political segments and groups as they exist in America today. That doesn't really define empirically how things work politically.
Not at all. Individual freedoms leave you able to succeed or fail on your own efforts and merit. Equality of the group or society as the Left wants are the politics of envy (one of the mortal sins). That is, others are working harder and have more than you and you are envious of them but don't want to (or can't) put in that effort to gain the same benefits (often because of sloth, another mortal sin).

Anything taken to extremes usually is bad. Moderation is often best. Here, moderation and laws against discrimination, unfair business practices (like monopolies), that sort of thing do need regulation. The playing field should be level, but it's your choice as to how much you want to play.

That happens in any society. History shows that Socialist governments actually create more of that. Look at the most recent failure: Venezuela.

Different issue. Ones like this are social issues. They are things society decides outside of basic Rights. Marriage, LGBTPDQRST acceptance or nonacceptance, human sacrifice-- whatever are things society decides to make legal or illegal. Drugs and such are another such thing.

Forcing artificial equality based on measurable aspects of people is what is wrong and that's what the Left does. Too smart? You can't have more education than the idiots get. That would be unequal. Too capable physically? All jobs are available to everyone, you get no special consideration so you abilities go unused in the name of fair and equal.

No, it doesn't. It explains the various political segments and groups as they exist in America today. That doesn't really define empirically how things work politically.

Your attitude assumes we don't live in a society. On Survivor your attitude works. I personally care about my neighbor and recognize i benefit when they are healthy economically and physically.

You also assume all are born to the same opportunity. That is not true. I am progressive not because of the adults (secondary) but their children (primarily). I want the social programs to ensure the kids are safe.

10 Days

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Your attitude assumes we don't live in a society. On Survivor your attitude works. I personally care about my neighbor and recognize i benefit when they are healthy economically and physically.

My position is I shouldn't be expected to give money to my neighbor because he's unemployed, or has a crappy job, or isn't too bright. Those are his problems, not mine. Society doesn't benefit by giving largesse to the undeserving or ungrateful just because they demand it. Government enforced altruism doesn't work.

You also assume all are born to the same opportunity. That is not true. I am progressive not because of the adults (secondary) but their children (primarily). I want the social programs to ensure the kids are safe.

I put safety third. I want kids to grow up with skinned knees from riding skateboards or a bike, let them be "free range" and explore the world, and have schools that teach them not just academics but things that are exciting and practical too.


The takeaway quote from that is "My job is to make you rich, not get you home alive. You want to get home alive? That's on you."