The Silent Slaughter of the Flower of Ukraine’s Youth | Common Dreams

Putin started it, only he can end it. People who are being attacked by a nation have nowhere to go. They are fighting for their families and their homeland. Putin is trying to expand Russia to be more like the Soviet Union. He does not intend to stop with Ukraine. The West has to help Ukraine to make Putin realize the price he has to pay to do his attacking friendly nations. I guess old-fashioned warmongers and expansionists still exist in the world.

it takes two to tango, dipshit.
When you get attacked you are forced to defend your homeland. Dumb fuck, idiot asshole. If Putin did not attack Ukraine, there would be no war. stupid ignorant dumb fuck jerk.

maybe hosting foreign bases right on russias borders is provocative.

what do you think?
maybe hosting foreign bases right on russias borders is provocative.

what do you think?

I think what you do on your land is no crime. I think crossing a border and attacking a peaceful neighbor is bad. What do you think? Nobody was attacking Russia.
I think what you do on your land is no crime. I think crossing a border and attacking a peaceful neighbor is bad. What do you think? Nobody was attacking Russia.

Once whatever remains of Ukraine does as it must then this can be over.
Once Putin withdraws, it will be over. You seem to be amused at the slaughter and destruction of Ukraine. You are a Russian and pro-war.

The majority of the world believes that the Russians have acted with honor, it is America and the West which has not.

Ukraine is the death rattle of the West.
Europe is in collapse now, America is next, the vast majority have no clue at all about what is coming.
Putin started it, only he can end it.

I think I've already presented plenty of evidence in this forum that Putin didn't start this. In terms of events immediately preceding Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, I think that Former Swiss Intelligence Officer Jacques Baud provides copious evidence that it was Ukraine, backed by the west, that instigated this conflict, by once again attacking the Donbass republics immediately prior to Russia's intervention. He wrote about this in an article that i made into a thread here. You never participated in this thread, so perhaps you're unaware of it. It's here:

Former Swiss Intelligence Officer blows the whistle on West's Ukraine War Narrative |
I think I've already presented plenty of evidence in this forum that Putin didn't start this. In terms of events immediately preceding Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, I think that Former Swiss Intelligence Officer Jacques Baud provides copious evidence that it was Ukraine, backed by the west, that instigated this conflict, by once again attacking the Donbass republics immediately prior to Russia's intervention. He wrote about this in an article that i made into a thread here. You never participated in this thread, so perhaps you're unaware of it. It's here:

Former Swiss Intelligence Officer blows the whistle on West's Ukraine War Narrative |

Nope, you have not. You claim Ukraine does not have the right to self-governance. If Putin does not approve of their Western/Nato leanings, he has a right to kill them. Ukraine attacked nobody. Putin attacked Ukraine. He had no cause or right to slaughter innocent people and destroy the cities.
Russia and Ukraine share a border. The people traveled back and forth. Mostly forth, few see Russia as a vacation destination. But Russians were frequently traveling to Ukraine. The people did not hate Ukrainians. The fact that many spoke Russian does not mean they wished to live in a dictatorship.
I think I've already presented plenty of evidence in this forum that Putin didn't start this. In terms of events immediately preceding Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, I think that Former Swiss Intelligence Officer Jacques Baud provides copious evidence that it was Ukraine, backed by the west, that instigated this conflict, by once again attacking the Donbass republics immediately prior to Russia's intervention. He wrote about this in an article that i made into a thread here. You never participated in this thread, so perhaps you're unaware of it. It's here:

Former Swiss Intelligence Officer blows the whistle on West's Ukraine War Narrative |

Nope, you have not. You claim Ukraine does not have the right to self-governance.

No, I didn't claim that at all. Did you actually read the opening post of the thread linked to above?
I think I've already presented plenty of evidence in this forum that Putin didn't start this. In terms of events immediately preceding Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, I think that Former Swiss Intelligence Officer Jacques Baud provides copious evidence that it was Ukraine, backed by the west, that instigated this conflict, by once again attacking the Donbass republics immediately prior to Russia's intervention. He wrote about this in an article that i made into a thread here. You never participated in this thread, so perhaps you're unaware of it. It's here:

Former Swiss Intelligence Officer blows the whistle on West's Ukraine War Narrative |

You think wrong. You have presented opinions. You accept whatever source backs up your preconceptions. It was Russian troops who crossed the border. They amassed just off the border for a few days and Biden said they were going in when you guys denied it.
I think I've already presented plenty of evidence in this forum that Putin didn't start this. In terms of events immediately preceding Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, I think that Former Swiss Intelligence Officer Jacques Baud provides copious evidence that it was Ukraine, backed by the west, that instigated this conflict, by once again attacking the Donbass republics immediately prior to Russia's intervention. He wrote about this in an article that i made into a thread here. You never participated in this thread, so perhaps you're unaware of it. It's here:

Former Swiss Intelligence Officer blows the whistle on West's Ukraine War Narrative |

You think wrong. You have presented opinions. You accept whatever source backs up your preconceptions.

I could say exactly the same of you and we'd have gotten to exactly the same place- nowhere. We need to get into specific claims and evidence for or against them. I see that you do make a specific claim further down, let's get to that...

It was Russian troops who crossed the border.

They crossed a border, sure. But which border did they cross, and why did they do so? Now, I'm sure you could simply say "They crossed the Ukrainian border" and think that that's all there is to be said about the matter. Tell me, did you read the opening post of the thread I linked to in post #70? That post gives a very detailed account that things were not nearly as simple as the official narrative would have you believe.

They amassed just off the border for a few days and Biden said they were going in when you guys denied it.

"You guys"? I don't recall ever denying that Russia was going to intervene in the Ukrainian civil war. I also remember that John Mearsheimer had been warning the U.S. for years that their actions in Ukraine would probably lead to Russia's intervention. As to me, I wasn't paying attention to Ukraine at all prior to Russia's military intervention in the conflict. You may also wish to consider -why- it was that Russia had amassed its troops on the border to the Donbas region. Again, Jacques Baud carefully explains the events leading up to Russia's military intervention. Have you read his article?
They crossed a border, sure. But which border did they cross, and why did they do so? Now, I'm sure you could simply say "They crossed the Ukrainian border" and think that that's all there is to be said about the matter.

The most war hawkish of Russians, a prominent Russian rightwing nationalist who has spent the last year with his men in the combat zone of Ukraine, in a rare moment of candor admitted that all the excuses you and the Kremlin gave for brutally invading Ukraine were based on lies.

Yevgeny Prigozhin said the invasion was nothing more than a massive land grab by the Russian oligarchy, Prigozhin charged, designed to enrich the country’s powerful elites while poor Russians served as cannon fodder. Russian claims that a Nazi regime in Ukraine, backed by NATO, was about to attack Russia were lies, Prigozhin said. The war was started by the Russian oligarchy to benefit themselves and gain power. In his rant, Prigozhin did not criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin by name, focusing instead on the broader Russian elite, and specifically on his personal enemy Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
Nope, you have not. You claim Ukraine does not have the right to self-governance. If Putin does not approve of their Western/Nato leanings, he has a right to kill them. Ukraine attacked nobody. Putin attacked Ukraine. He had no cause or right to slaughter innocent people and destroy the cities.
Russia and Ukraine share a border. The people traveled back and forth. Mostly forth, few see Russia as a vacation destination. But Russians were frequently traveling to Ukraine. The people did not hate Ukrainians. The fact that many spoke Russian does not mean they wished to live in a dictatorship.

zelensky is cia puppet.
The most war hawkish of Russians, a prominent Russian rightwing nationalist who has spent the last year with his men in the combat zone of Ukraine, in a rare moment of candor admitted that all the excuses you and the Kremlin gave for brutally invading Ukraine were based on lies.

Yevgeny Prigozhin said the invasion was nothing more than a massive land grab by the Russian oligarchy, Prigozhin charged, designed to enrich the country’s powerful elites while poor Russians served as cannon fodder. Russian claims that a Nazi regime in Ukraine, backed by NATO, was about to attack Russia were lies, Prigozhin said. The war was started by the Russian oligarchy to benefit themselves and gain power. In his rant, Prigozhin did not criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin by name, focusing instead on the broader Russian elite, and specifically on his personal enemy Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Ever stop to consider why this "war hawk" changed his public stance so dramatically? I still remember the unearthed video where he was apparently telling the Ukrainian military that he'd help them out in Bakhmut if they agreed to not touch his fighters. Here's the primary problem with mercenaries the world over- they're in it primarily for the money. I hope you've atleast considered the possibility that he was simply bought out by the west. Scott Ritter openly voiced his strong suspicion that this was the case. I've noticed that that video is no longer on youtube. What do you think, just a coincidence?
Ever stop to consider why this "war hawk" changed his public stance so dramatically? I still remember the unearthed video where he was apparently telling the Ukrainian military that he'd help them out in Bakhmut if they agreed to not touch his fighters. Here's the primary problem with mercenaries the world over- they're in it primarily for the money. I hope you've atleast considered the possibility that he was simply bought out by the west. Scott Ritter openly voiced his strong suspicion that this was the case. I've noticed that that video is no longer on youtube. What do you think, just a coincidence?

Pirogzhin was the ultimate insider to the war on Ukraine, and he still fully supports bringing Ukraine back into Russia's sphere of influence.

I don't see any tangible benefit to him confessing that the excuses you and the Kremlin gave to invade Ukraine were all based on lies. It was a momentary period of candor, because we all know the real reason for the invasion was Russian imperialism. And I don't think Pirogzhin is ashamed to admit Russia is an imperial power in Eurasia. He just doesn't think Russia's imperial destiny should be subject the interests of the oligarchs and the corrupt leadership at Russia's MOD