The Slave Speaks.

no it isn't.

that's just a lie you keep repeating because you're retarded.

You're the one who keeps spreading White Nationalist propaganda and siding with White Nationalists at every turn. Yesterday's conversation here is an example:

saying nigger doesn't indicate any kind of supremacy to me. maybe you worship matt for his bravery and find him superior?

you're the white supremacist.
those are just bad jokes i don't mean. but keep posting them if you wish.

If your goal is to be the forum's epitome of the ASSHAT- Mission accomplished dude!

As a popular alternative to asshole and similar terms, asshat emerged at least by the early 2000s. The first entry on Urban Dictionary appears in 2002, defining the term as “One who has their head up their ass. Thus wearing their ass as a hat.” The term alludes to other expressions like “pull your head out of your own ass” or “your head is so far up your ass,” ways of saying a person is too self-absorbed or oblivious to their surroundings, hence “stupid.”

The phrase “wearing your ass as a hat,” a possible source of asshat, appears in some notable films and television shows. In Clint Eastwood’s 1976 film The Outlaw Josey Wales, a character orders another to “get back in line before I kick you so hard you’ll be wearin’ your ass for a hat.” Later, in the 1991 movie City Slickers, one character says the line “I like your ass. Can I wear it as a hat?” Wearing an ass as a hat is also used as a joke in an episode of the sitcom That ‘70s Show from 2000: “RED: Eric, if you don’t want to wear your ass for a hat, you’ll get up here, pronto! DONNA: You better go. You know how that ass-hat screws up your hair.”

The term could have also been influenced by medical terminology. In hospitals and nursing homes, when nurses require either urine or stool specimens, they use a plastic bin informally called a “hat,” or a “toilet hat,” or “nurse’s hat,” due to the bin’s resemblance to an upside-down cowboy hat. The hat is placed inside a toilet, where the brim holds it aloft, and the hat’s bucket is then positioned to catch stool (or urine) so that it can be tested. Essentially, the plastic hat becomes a “hat for the ass,” since the ass is sitting on top of it.

Obscenity rules may have helped spread asshat in the early 2000s, as many broadcasts prohibit a more common swear like asshole from air. In 1989, for instance, comedian Andrew “Dice” Clay used the word “asshole” on live television during an MTV awards show; the controversy resulted in Clay being banned from the network.

While asshat seems to predate online multiplayer gaming, the term may have become more popular due to it. In some games, after one player has killed another, the victorious one might show off by squatting over the dead opponent’s head, a maneuver that can also be called asshatting or teabagging (after the sexual act).

Calling someone an asshat is generally a way to insult them for being rude and self-centered. The obnoxious actions made by an asshat, which usually involve angering or disregarding other people, are known as asshattery. Asshat is also sometimes used as a verb. As with any negative term, however, there are some people who choose to wear the asshat label with self-deprecating pride.

But you GO asshat!

OR- if you ever want to be taken seriously.....
If your goal is to be the forum's epitome of the ASSHAT- Mission accomplished dude!

As a popular alternative to asshole and similar terms, asshat emerged at least by the early 2000s. The first entry on Urban Dictionary appears in 2002, defining the term as “One who has their head up their ass. Thus wearing their ass as a hat.” The term alludes to other expressions like “pull your head out of your own ass” or “your head is so far up your ass,” ways of saying a person is too self-absorbed or oblivious to their surroundings, hence “stupid.”

The phrase “wearing your ass as a hat,” a possible source of asshat, appears in some notable films and television shows. In Clint Eastwood’s 1976 film The Outlaw Josey Wales, a character orders another to “get back in line before I kick you so hard you’ll be wearin’ your ass for a hat.” Later, in the 1991 movie City Slickers, one character says the line “I like your ass. Can I wear it as a hat?” Wearing an ass as a hat is also used as a joke in an episode of the sitcom That ‘70s Show from 2000: “RED: Eric, if you don’t want to wear your ass for a hat, you’ll get up here, pronto! DONNA: You better go. You know how that ass-hat screws up your hair.”

The term could have also been influenced by medical terminology. In hospitals and nursing homes, when nurses require either urine or stool specimens, they use a plastic bin informally called a “hat,” or a “toilet hat,” or “nurse’s hat,” due to the bin’s resemblance to an upside-down cowboy hat. The hat is placed inside a toilet, where the brim holds it aloft, and the hat’s bucket is then positioned to catch stool (or urine) so that it can be tested. Essentially, the plastic hat becomes a “hat for the ass,” since the ass is sitting on top of it.

Obscenity rules may have helped spread asshat in the early 2000s, as many broadcasts prohibit a more common swear like asshole from air. In 1989, for instance, comedian Andrew “Dice” Clay used the word “asshole” on live television during an MTV awards show; the controversy resulted in Clay being banned from the network.

While asshat seems to predate online multiplayer gaming, the term may have become more popular due to it. In some games, after one player has killed another, the victorious one might show off by squatting over the dead opponent’s head, a maneuver that can also be called asshatting or teabagging (after the sexual act).

Calling someone an asshat is generally a way to insult them for being rude and self-centered. The obnoxious actions made by an asshat, which usually involve angering or disregarding other people, are known as asshattery. Asshat is also sometimes used as a verb. As with any negative term, however, there are some people who choose to wear the asshat label with self-deprecating pride.

But you GO asshat!

OR- if you ever want to be taken seriously.....

a rose by any other name smells as sweet. -- Shakespeare.
your bullshit proves nothing.

you're still retarded.

go eat your bag of dicks.

Hatred and insults is indicative of the narrow White Supremacist mind. You've been hanging around the wrong people for too long, Fredo.

Save yourself by helping yourself before you harm others.
Hatred and insults is indicative of the narrow White Supremacist mind. You've been hanging around the wrong people for too long, Fredo.

Save yourself by helping yourself before you harm others.

your characterizations are utterly wrong, but you know that.

keep lying, deep state fucko.

see what hell is like, be our guest.
your characterizations are utterly wrong, but you know that.

keep lying, deep state fucko.

see what hell is like, be our guest.

They're your quotes, Fredo.

I don't associate with wses..

nigger jew with cum breath says nothing about any white person I know.

It's slightly uncouth, but not white supremacy, nor is it a threat, nor does it allude to violence.

you're the one obsessed with violence.
what does nigger jew with cum breath say about a white person?

That they are bigoted against blacks and jews just like White Nationalists. You seem to believe that makes you a good Christian Nationalist, but it's the same thing as a White Nationalist with a cross over the name.
That they are bigoted against blacks and jews just like White Nationalists. You seem to believe that makes you a good Christian Nationalist, but it's the same thing as a White Nationalist with a cross over the name.

it's just an antiquated parlance. nothing more.

americanism is a multicultural identity.

we are united in our constitution and bill of rights.

THAT is our true identity, but since you're a student of critical race theory you cant imagine anything else but racially defined identity, and are stupid.

That they are bigoted against blacks and jews just like White Nationalists. You seem to believe that makes you a good Christian Nationalist, but it's the same thing as a White Nationalist with a cross over the name.

Two turds crisscrossing like a cross is more Christian than Asshat.
There is no such thing as a good internet forum for dialogue.
Internet fora are not the venues for dialogue.
People don't even know with whom they are trying to communicate.

At least JPP provides a fairly open forum for monologue.
Just don't advocate child abuse [Vitamin B12 violation] or try to "dox" people and you should be OK.
Two turds crisscrossing like a cross is more Christian than Asshat.

Agreed. He wears Christianity as a mask so he can spread hate against Jews and anyone he dislikes, but he clearly isn't more than a Christian Nationalist.
What is Christian nationalism?
What is Christian Nationalism?

“Christian nationalism identifies the nation with God's will and action in the world; conflates national and Christian identity; and identifies service of the nation with service of God,” writes Dr. David W. Scott, who is a Methodist historical researcher and the Director of Mission Theology at the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church. “Christian nationalism gives moral cover for actions, even unseemly ones, taken in pursuit of national or political goals.”...

...Those who hold to a Christian nationalist view assume a religious duty in defending their beliefs in regards to the nation. So many of those who stormed the U.S. Capitol felt quite natural in holding up “Jesus 2020” and “Jesus Saves!” banners. They believed their actions were a defense of the nation and therefore sanctioned by God.

The events of January 6, 2021, expose the dangers of Christian nationalism. Uniting a religious fervor with domestic events incites a passion and sense of priority that many of us consider out of place--especially those of us in the Christian sphere who reject a Christian nationalist perspective. National priorities are simply not equal to the priorities of God. We become acutely aware of this when we have disagreements over what our national priorities are.

Many of those who stormed the Capitol did so under a presumption they were defending democracy. The rest of us believe they were trying to overturn democracy. To assume that one side works on behalf of God while the other works in rejection of Divine order is a perversion of the unity that could exist in, at least, recognizing shared spiritual ideals. That spiritual unity cannot exist when we suggest that true Christians either wear red hats and carry “Don’t Tread on Me” flags or do not.
There is no such thing as a good internet forum for dialogue.
Internet fora are not the venues for dialogue.
People don't even know with whom they are trying to communicate.

At least JPP provides a fairly open forum for monologue.
Just don't advocate child abuse [Vitamin B12 violation] or try to "dox" people and you should be OK.

Yes. We know you hate free speech.
Wrong. American nationalism is based on a tolerance for people of any or no faith.
…who hate Jews and “mud people”. Yeah, you’ve pushed it before, Fredo.

Tolerance is good. Pushing hate agianst others because of their ideology, race or religion, not so much.
…who hate Jews and “mud people”. Yeah, you’ve pushed it before, Fredo.

Tolerance is good. Pushing hate agianst others because of their ideology, race or religion, not so much.

you're the one pushing violence day in and day out, and calling others terrorists.
