the smell of capitalism

Except some of their customs would make you pale. But this isn't an anthropology thread (and I know two-fifths of sfa about anthropology anyway) so I should now put a sock in it :D

Yeah I know less than you the closest to Anthropology I get to on here is slamming Dano.
Well, wait a minute. Child labor (and only one of these kids said they were sold by their parents), at low or no pay, long inhumane hours, and terrible working conditions IS the natural result of unregulated markets.

One only need go back pre-progressive era, right here, in this country, to find the proof of that.

and of course, then one could go looking throughout the rest of the world, right up to today, for more proof.

Absolutely correct
You mean free individuals cannot trade in non free individuals Dano ?
I was not aware there was a list of items that could and could not be traded ? If there is how could it be free trade ?
Once again, you don't know what you're talking about.

Let me guess, you're thinking I don't know about past instances in history where slaves were bought and sold?
That was not a free market, how could it be, it contradicted the freedom of the individuals involved.

A truly free market is simply composed of the free trade of individuals involving goods and services, of which humans are NOT goods. Slavery is not symptomatic of a truly free market and more often than not it existed in REGULATED markets where the government (Roman, American or otherwise) would assist in capturing escaped slaves and enforcing them to be slaves once traded in that market.
If a country subsidises any part of its economy (eg the agricultural sector) does that mean it's not a free market economy?
I would think so, or even if specific tax breaks are given to specific industries...

It would appear that's right. And if you factor in tariffs on imports it seems to me that there is no such thing as completely free trade. But then I think the idea of completely free trade isn't achievable in the real world, it's more of an abstract idea to guide thinking. However, comparatively free trade is a good idea - it helps to prevent wars I suppose.