The Speech the Right WISHES Obama would have given.


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America I stand before you today to answer the questions that have been hounding my campaign for the last week or so. The questions are about my relationship with Rev. Wright and why I would continue to attend a church where this man spoke the most vile and despicable things said since a Pat Buchanan campaign stop. The truth is America, I hate you!. In particular I hate you right wing cornbread crackers. I hate you liberals a little less but that is because you have allowed me to get where I am today with all your Affirmative Action programs. They have been amazing. Without them I would have just been a poor black man at some 4th tier lawschool graduating at the bottom of my class hoping to chase ambulance until I could retire. Instead I stand on the verge of taking the highest office in land and then turning the tables on all you racist white people.

The reason the right wishes this was the speech given is then they could, without reaching, show us how B. Hussein Obama really hates america. Instead the right has to engage in the infliction of "death by a thousand cuts." The right has to go out and cherry pick the same 35 seconds of a sermon by Reverend Wright instead of showing the WHOLE thing in context. The right has to spoonfeed its followers reassurances that the real speech wasn't good enough and how his poll numbers are going to go even lower than they were at apex of this "contraversy". A straight forward "Hateration of the Nation" would make this easier. Contortions would not be necessary. Instead, everyone but the people who were never going to vote for Obama in the first place are being told that they "just have to look deeper" to see that this Obama guy just isn't good for America. It strains the credibility of those telling us, but their credibility has been strained before and it has withstood the strain when most would break, so in that sense we really aren't in new territory here.
Does fundamentalism make more sense in context?

Why are the religious fundamentalists deemed acceptable when one of them is backing a favoured candidate?

I didn't see anyone clamouring to present Pat Robertson's rants "in context".

The ultimate irony is that the poster with the following quote in his signature:

The Belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so that he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.
as well as a "Who would Jesus torture?" sign in the same signature is the same poster begging us to give a fundamentalist bigot a second chance.
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Does fundamentalism make more sense in context?

Why are the religious fundamentalists deemed acceptable when one of them is backing a favoured candidate?

I didn't see anyone clamouring to present Pat Robertson's rants "in context".

The ultimate irony is that the poster with the following quote in his signature:

as well as a "Who would Jesus torture?" sign in the same signature is the same poster begging us to give a fundamentalist bigot a second chance.
I am not "begging" you do anything. All I am saying is don't cut 30 seconds out of a sunday sermon and then tell me that was the ENTIRE tone of the sermon. Because It wasn't. You might be used to dealling with someone that can't listen and read for themselves. I am not that someone.
I am not "begging" you do anything. All I am saying is don't cut 30 seconds out of a sunday sermon and then tell me that was the ENTIRE tone of the sermon. Because It wasn't. You might be used to dealling with someone that can't listen and read for themselves. I am not that someone.

I don't care if it was the "entire tone" of the sermon or not...if I gave the most beautiful, peace-filled speech in history, but ended it with "All niggers deserve to die", then I would deserve whatever I got, no matter what I had said before.

The 30-second clip negates whatever else he may have said.
and it wasn't 'one sermon' or 'a sermon', there was plenty of sermons. Then their was the current issue of, The Trumpet, where he went and ranted against the Italians. There are more in TUCC's house organ, that rants against the Jews in particular, and whites in general.

I've said it before and will repeat, while I agreed with many of Ron Paul's stances, I couldn't vote for someone that had such a long history of association with hate players and his own news publications. I would NOT have voted for Paul, based on that.

Obama I disagree with on most issues, but would feel very uncomfortable with him as POTUS, because of like associations.
But Kathianne, you have to understand that he is the OK kind of fundamentalist--- one that could be a liability for the Democrats.

Republican fundamentalists are the bad kind.
and it wasn't 'one sermon' or 'a sermon', there was plenty of sermons. Then their was the current issue of, The Trumpet, where he went and ranted against the Italians. There are more in TUCC's house organ, that rants against the Jews in particular, and whites in general.

I've said it before and will repeat, while I agreed with many of Ron Paul's stances, I couldn't vote for someone that had such a long history of association with hate players and his own news publications. I would NOT have voted for Paul, based on that.

Obama I disagree with on most issues, but would feel very uncomfortable with him as POTUS, because of like associations.

Right. You only tolerate jewish supremacism and separatism. The hypocrisy of you and your ilk is what's hilarious re: this issue.
But Kathianne, you have to understand that he is the OK kind of fundamentalist--- one that could be a liability for the Democrats.

Republican fundamentalists are the bad kind.

I must admit to a prejudice of fundamentalists of all persuasions, which is pretty rough as I live in 'Billy Graham college' city, otherwise known as Wheaton College. I will admit, I've met some very nice Christian fundamentalists, though I would say that toleration isn't necessarily their strongest attribute, as they have all the answers.

My only experience with fundamentalist, (ie., Orthodox), Jews has been those that would not come to my wedding, when I married a Jew, (reformed). :rolleyes: I've yet to meet any fundamentalist Muslims, though I was nearly sexually assaulted by a Palestinian grad student that was in a class with me.
He probably wouldn't want to meet you, anyway, since you are just the evil engineered race designed to oppress the black man.

Too true, especially since my grandparents were teen immigrants in post-Civil War, just kicked on a boat to try and escape starvation. ;)
I don't care if it was the "entire tone" of the sermon or not...if I gave the most beautiful, peace-filled speech in history, but ended it with "All niggers deserve to die", then I would deserve whatever I got, no matter what I had said before.

The 30-second clip negates whatever else he may have said.

"The Grapes of Wrath" contains the word "nigger". Therefore, we must burn all copies of the Grapes of Wrath.
"The Grapes of Wrath" contains the word "nigger". Therefore, we must burn all copies of the Grapes of Wrath.

"The Grapes of Wrath" is a novel, and contains dialogue. Novels and speeches are two very different things, just as modern American racial terminology and 19th and early 20th century American racial terminology are two very different things (as far as being socially acceptable goes).
Alright, so intelligent men are still voting for Obama. And racists/ignorant fools are still voting against him. Nothing has changed.

Seems to me the ignorant fools are the ones voting for him-- he has already been tied to several fundamentalists/bigots, and has about as much political experience as I do.

Would you like me to be president?
Seems to me the ignorant fools are the ones voting for him-- he has already been tied to several fundamentalists/bigots, and has about as much political experience as I do.

Would you like me to be president?

So, you are voting for Hillary or Flip Flop John? I found 10 clips on utube of his flip flops! They are amazing, Tim Russert gives him a grilling...