The Speech the Right WISHES Obama would have given.

The reason the right wishes this was the speech given is then they could, without reaching, show us how B. Hussein Obama really hates america. Instead the right has to engage in the infliction of "death by a thousand cuts." The right has to go out and cherry pick the same 35 seconds of a sermon by Reverend Wright instead of showing the WHOLE thing in context. The right has to spoonfeed its followers reassurances that the real speech wasn't good enough and how his poll numbers are going to go even lower than they were at apex of this "contraversy". A straight forward "Hateration of the Nation" would make this easier. Contortions would not be necessary. Instead, everyone but the people who were never going to vote for Obama in the first place are being told that they "just have to look deeper" to see that this Obama guy just isn't good for America. It strains the credibility of those telling us, but their credibility has been strained before and it has withstood the strain when most would break, so in that sense we really aren't in new territory here.

Actually the speech I would like to hear Obama make would go something like this, "I am going to keep your taxes low and I am going to reduce government spending. I am going to work to provide more economic freedom for the American people and I will help create real change in the education system that empowers those mired in the worst poverty. I am also going to institute a policy a fine young gentleman in California proposed and take it nationwide and that is for women 'all thong all the time' (with some notable exceptions)."

That's it. The winning speech and our new President Mr. Obama.
I am not "begging" you do anything. All I am saying is don't cut 30 seconds out of a sunday sermon and then tell me that was the ENTIRE tone of the sermon. Because It wasn't. You might be used to dealling with someone that can't listen and read for themselves. I am not that someone.

I cannot recall... did you make the same statement to those on the left who constantly cherry pick phrases from McCain and spin them completely out of context?

Side note... you may want to take a closer look at who is continuing this nonsense about Wright.... because it is quite apparent that not only did it start with the Clintons, but is also being continued by them.... but yes, the far right is also piling on to this as they would much rather face Clinton than Obama.
Oh, with McCain you don't have to cherry pick, just watch his interview with Russert!

The ten flip flops of John McCain!
Oh, watch out, he might call you a name! or infer you don't comprehend his intelligence!
Getting one's own house in order is good advice!
One that America could look into a bit more.
I am not "begging" you do anything. All I am saying is don't cut 30 seconds out of a sunday sermon and then tell me that was the ENTIRE tone of the sermon. Because It wasn't. You might be used to dealling with someone that can't listen and read for themselves. I am not that someone.
It doesn't have to be the entire sermon to serve as an example of bigotry. Even among a strong speech of how great it would be to be at peace with everybody if I called a black guy a "big-lipped African" it would be taken as racist.

This guy may spend a lot of time talking about "good" things, but that doesn't make "Garlic-nosed Italians" disappear. It doesn't make 'US of KKK A' any better. It doesn't make his statements suddenly and magically "clean of all bigotry". The man is a bigot.

So are many pastors on the right, specifically against homosexuals. Does it make it all okay if they talk about how we can build a better society by working together? What if he was saying that if whites worked to improve whites lives it would make it better?

I'm telling you, this guy is getting a pass that the righties would not get. When it comes to the color of the skin (not homosexuality or abortion crap, the homosexuality crap can often be heard very strongly in black churches too BTW), a white church with equal statements would be excoriated and the candidate that went there would already be gone.
"I'm telling you, this guy is getting a pass that the righties would not get."

Wow; I just spit out my water.

Yeah, that's right, Damo; you've hardly seen anything about Wright in the ol' leftie-run MSM. What did he do again? I hardly heard anything about it.
"I'm telling you, this guy is getting a pass that the righties would not get."

Wow; I just spit out my water.

Yeah, that's right, Damo; you've hardly seen anything about Wright in the ol' leftie-run MSM. What did he do again? I hardly heard anything about it.
I'm talking about on the board. Just about spitting notwithstanding I've seen people who would be all up in arms about Whitey saying stuff, shoot they just about went and started a posse to end Ron Paul for letters with a few statements "taken out of context".

Seriously I could see the reverse going on as people tried to talk about "It's not him, it's his pastor. I'll bet you sat in a church you didn't agree with everything..." then finally adjusting the argument to "It really isn't racist if you take the whole sermon in context..." as the lefties went berserk and the guy was trumped out of the race.

You guys would be all over some "cracker" who went all spouting stuff like the examples I gave. Even once or twice would be enough. And you would be saying the same danged thing about the fact that "context" really doesn't change what was said.

And all this because it appears to smudge their Superhero...
I'm talking about on the board. Just about spitting notwithstanding I've seen people who would be all up in arms about Whitey saying stuff, shoot they just about went and started a posse to end Ron Paul for letters with a few statements "taken out of context".

Seriously I could see the reverse going on as people tried to talk about "It's not him, it's his pastor. I'll bet you sat in a church you didn't agree with everything..." then finally adjusting the argument to "It really isn't racist if you take the whole sermon in context..." as the lefties went berserk and the guy was trumped out of the race.

You guys would be all over some "cracker" who went all spouting stuff like the examples I gave. Even once or twice would be enough. And you would be saying the same danged thing about the fact that "context" really doesn't change what was said.

And all this because it appears to smudge their Superhero...

You know, firstly, I freaking hate when white guys use the word "whitey". You sound so ignorant and bitter, kinda like John Gibson.

Secondly, I think it's a damned sad day when Asshat, who is kind of a freak, can make the statement that "after 300 years of slavery there might be some bitterness and it's understandable" while supposedly more enlightened or at least, more normal, white male posters are whining on and on and on about poor "whitey" as if history began when they graced this world with their birth.

What an eye-opener.
You know, firstly, I freaking hate when white guys use the word "whitey". You sound so ignorant and bitter, kinda like John Gibson.

Secondly, I think it's a damned sad day when Asshat, who is kind of a freak, can make the statement that "after 300 years of slavery there might be some bitterness and it's understandable" while supposedly more enlightened or at least, more normal, white male posters are whining on and on and on about poor "whitey" as if history began when they graced this world with their birth.

What an eye-opener.

I agree with a lot of what you are saying. The occurence of social injustice does not disappear just because time has passed, and history did not begin with the current generations. However, we must also remember that history does not pause, either.
It doesn't have to be the entire sermon to serve as an example of bigotry. Even among a strong speech of how great it would be to be at peace with everybody if I called a black guy a "big-lipped African" it would be taken as racist.

This guy may spend a lot of time talking about "good" things, but that doesn't make "Garlic-nosed Italians" disappear. It doesn't make 'US of KKK A' any better. It doesn't make his statements suddenly and magically "clean of all bigotry". The man is a bigot.

So are many pastors on the right, specifically against homosexuals. Does it make it all okay if they talk about how we can build a better society by working together? What if he was saying that if whites worked to improve whites lives it would make it better?

I'm telling you, this guy is getting a pass that the righties would not get. When it comes to the color of the skin (not homosexuality or abortion crap, the homosexuality crap can often be heard very strongly in black churches too BTW), a white church with equal statements would be excoriated and the candidate that went there would already be gone.

This guy may spend a lot of time talking about "good" things, but that doesn't make "Garlic-nosed Italians" disappear. It doesn't make 'US of KKK A' any better. It doesn't make his statements suddenly and magically "clean of all bigotry". The man is a bigot.

Please. I can almost sense your feet pounding on the floor, demanding that we acknowledge that Pastor Wright is a racist and a bigot. I feel you've invested a lot of hope in this issue being electoral gold for republicans. I understand why: Iraq, the economy, and healthcare aren't winning issues for McCain.

Like WRL, I seriously doubt you have either read the entire Wright eulogy, nor watched the full youtube videos in context. Frankly, I'm really amused by priviledged white guys whining about alleged black racism.

First, you're assertion about him being a racist or a bigot is wholly without merit. We already debunked your previous attempt at posting the mission statement of the church being proudly african as a complete and disingenous diversion.

Second, to be a racist or a bigot requires one, by definition, is to believe that the group you belong to is collectively superior to other groups. This is clearly that case with stormfront, and the newletter writing of ron paul's buddies. There's no doubt, that they thought blacks were inferior. There isn't a shred of evidence that Pastor Wright considers whites, italians, mexicans, or jews to be inferior to africans or african-americans. You just want to imagine that he is. Either that, or you know he doesn't believe that, but yet you see electoral gold by swiftboat tactics. I've never even heard the term "garlic noses" used as a word to reinforce institutionalized racism or bias. And, he was talking about the romans at any rate. Two thousand years ago. They did look down their noses at the christians and jesus. I have no idea if "garlic noses" was a silly and inelegant insult on Jesus' roman oppressors, or whether there is any theological or historical context. Doesn't matter. You don't know either. At worst, it's an inelegant insult to the of the roman oppressors of jesus 2000 year ago. It wasn't a reference to italian americans.

I really think priviledged white men don't need to piss their diapers about alleged reverse racism, or reverse sexism. It simply isn't an issue that has ever detrimentally affected us, like it has affected minorities and women. It makes us look like crybaby's to even whine about it. In wright's case, I don't smell a whiff of racism. At worst, I see some inelegant comments, which some sensitive and/or frightened white men could take to be divisive.

Lastly, if you want to bring up this board, I find it very telling that a broad spectrum of libertarians and center-right posters here have not been offended by pastor wrights comments. In fact, many of those posters find themselves in agreement with Pastor wright broadly speaking.