The Spouses


Well-known member
The backgrounds and professions of the spouses of the presidentional candidates. From wiki, and other sources.

Notice any difference, between Democratic spouses, and Republican spouses?

The Republican Spouses:

-Ann Romney: Self-described stay at home Mom, doesn't appear to have ever had a real job; teaches bible classes

-Janet Huckabee: Stay at home Mom; enjoys doing laundry and watching television. Favorite show: "24".

-Cindy McCain: born into wealth, doesn't appear to have ever had a real job; does philanthropy work: founded the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT), a non-profit organization.

-Laura Bush: Librarian,. then stay at home Mom.

-Carol Paul: Evidently a stay at home Mom. Has AA degre from Ohio University, with Major in: Secretarial Studies; Minor: Home Economics; Clubs: Twirler in Marching Band.

The Democratic Spouses:

-Bill Clinton: ex-POTUS. Wife and Presidential candidate Hillary: Law professor; Top national corporate lawyer; U.S. senator; served on numerous state, national, and corporate board's and commissions.

-Michele Obama: Lawyer, associate at the Chicago branch of the law firm Sidley Austin; held public sector positions in the Chicago city government as an Assistant to the Mayor and Assistant Commissioner of Planning and Development. In 1993 she became Executive Director for the Chicago office of Public Allies, a non-profit organization.

-Elizabeth Edwards: Lawyer; law clerk for a federal judge; associate at the law firm of Harwell Barr Martin & Sloan. Later, she worked for the North Carolina Attorney General's office and then was a bankruptcy lawyer in Raleigh, North Carolina. She has taught legal writing as an adjunct instructor at the law school of the University of North Carolina and worked as a substitute teacher in the Wake County Public Schools.

-Elizabeth Kucinich: BA in Religious Studies and Theology and an MA in international conflict analysis. 1996 she went to Agra, India, to volunteer at one of Mother Teresa's homes for India's poorest children; spent 16 months in a rural Tanzanian village and worked as an advocate for regional development.; volunteer British Red Cross refugee caseworker and a support worker for detained asylum seekers; worked with the Forum for Stable Currencies at the House of Lords, London.
It is a mistake to say that women who stay at home with their kids have never had a "real job".

Don't be so sexist as to believe that caring for kids isn't a "real job" when most are willing to pay a fortune to get others to do it.

Heinz-Kerry may be able to inform you of how it may be a foolish idea to run around disparaging women who choose to stay home with their children rather than paying a premium to have strangers care for their children.
You go right ahead and vote for a candidate's spouse like some sort of blind lemming. I'm voting for the candidate himself.

PAUL - '08!!!
You just have a thing for majorettes Beefy ;)

women that like to play with long round hard things with a knob on the end are HOT!
the point is that republican voters, tend to prefer to have a stepford wife be a first lady.

let's not pretend that one thing that pissed them off about hillary in 1992, was that she wasn't simply going to be organizing white house christmas parties, and baking cookies.

BTW: I think its cool that Paul's wife was one of those twirling girls. :p
the point is that republican voters, tend to prefer to have a stepford wife be a first lady.

there is absolutely no evidence for this. You have no evidence that republicans voted for a candidate BECAUSE their wives were stay at home moms, and voted against candidates because the wives had other careers. Another attempt at facetiousness and intellectual dishonesty from cypress.. what a surprise.
there is absolutely no evidence for this. You have no evidence that republicans voted for a candidate BECAUSE their wives were stay at home moms, and voted against candidates because the wives had other careers. Another attempt at facetiousness and intellectual dishonesty from cypress.. what a surprise.

another obsessive post, from a college punk that is obsessed with me. And as others have noted, on a disturbing level.

The Grind lie: That I said republicans VOTE based on spouses.

The actual TRUTH: I said, republican voters tend to PREFER stepford wives as first ladies.
if you are saying that republicans tend to PREFER stepford wives you are are implying that republicans VOTE based on this attribute. What... do people not vote based on what they prefer cypress?
Cypress has no Kids. You think some chick is going to risk a having a little rug rat with a mullette like that.
if you are saying that republicans tend to PREFER stepford wives you are are implying that republicans VOTE based on this attribute. What... do people not vote based on what they prefer cypress?

Don't be such a dumbass.

I PREFER that a president have good table manners. And not chew his food like a cow, like bush did at the european summit. I made fun of it, but I never suggested that table manners are a reason people VOTE.

Case in point number one:

Moms4Mitt website -- a Mitt Romney website:

Rachel Blue of the Sun City Republican Club said that focus on (Ann Romney's) role as a wife, mother and grandmother is what the U.S. needs in its next first lady.

"If you want a real woman in the White House," she said, "Ann Romney is your best option."

Learn to read grind. Many "values voters" prefer a first lady, who fits the stereotypical role model of a traditional wife.

And stop obsessing about me. The only time you post to me, is when you think you got some lame ass example of me "lying". Your obsession with following in the footsteps of Dano, is lame and retarded. Don't respond to me, unless you decide to be honest and substantive. Give up your little "gotcha" games.
Don't be such a dumbass.

I PREFER that a president have good table manners. And not chew his food like a cow, like bush did at the european summit. I made fun of it, but I never suggested that table manners are a reason people VOTE.

This is an absurd analogy. You were clearly making an insinuation that "republican VOTERS" PREFER to have a stay at home mom first lady. Ask: What does someone that votes... that prefers something in a candidate... tend to do?

Learn to read grind. Many "values voters" prefer a first lady, who fits the stereotypical role model of a traditional wife.

Ok you do realize you are admitting right here what I just accused you of doing. correct?

And stop obsessing about me. The only time you post to me, is when you think you got some lame ass example of me "lying". Your obsession with following in the footsteps of Dano, is lame and retarded. Don't respond to me, unless you decide to be honest and substantive. Give up your little "gotcha" games.

Don't talk about honesty cypress, you are the most intellectually dishonest member on this board.
The backgrounds and professions of the spouses of the presidentional candidates. From wiki, and other sources.

Notice any difference, between Democratic spouses, and Republican spouses?

Says to me that democrats value money over family. They would rather make money than be there for their children.
Don't talk about honesty cypress, you are the most intellectually dishonest member on this board.

Grind, Cypress is the biggest douchebag on this website...

I just owned him yesterday when he claimed HE said that Edwards voters will go for Clinton rather than Obama....

I cut and pasted the exact words he used from DailyKos....He plagarized it entirely and said it was his "own" opinion...

This is an absurd analogy. You were clearly making an insinuation that "republican VOTERS" PREFER to have a stay at home mom first lady. Ask: What does someone that votes... that prefers something in a candidate... tend to do?

Ok you do realize you are admitting right here what I just accused you of doing. correct?

Don't talk about honesty cypress, you are the most intellectually dishonest member on this board.


Let's replay that:

Cypress: Republicans tend to prefer a traditional first lady.

Grind: LIAR!

She's (Laura Bush) a great asset because she puts a human face on an administration that desperately needs a compassionate face," said Kati Marton, author of Hidden Power: Presidential Marriages that Shaped Our History, which studies the role of first ladies from Woodrow Wilson to the current White House. "She is . . . the ideal Republican wife, very traditional, very unthreatening," she says of Mrs. Bush. "Always looks just perfect."

Moms4Mitt website -- a Mitt Romney website:

Rachel Blue of the Sun City Republican Club said that focus on (Ann Romney's) role as a wife, mother and grandmother is what the U.S. needs in its next first lady.

"If you want a real woman in the White House," she said, "Ann Romney is your best option."

"She (Laura Bush) is the most traditional first lady we have had since Beth Truman," Ms. Marton says. "She is much more traditional than her mother-in-law, Barbara, who was much feistier and whose opinions were well-known."

Men in particular prefer Mrs. Bush's traditional-style wife to Mrs. Heinz Kerry's independent woman. An astonishing 76 per cent of men over 30 years of age had a favourable view of Mrs. Bush. Only 44 per cent thought well of Mrs. Heinz Kerry. "Mrs. Heinz Kerry is a lightning rod for men. There's no doubt about it," says Carroll Doherty, an editor at the Pew Research Center.

First ladies are expected to conform to certain socially contructed expectations. In an opinion poll conducted in 1995, the vast majority of respondents held unfavorable views of "non-traditional" first ladies (Burrel, 1997, "Public Opinion, the First Ladyship and Hillary Clinton")

You're obsessive Grind. You've spent so much time sucking Dano's cock, that you obsess on sniffing out posts were I allegedly "lied".

I bet you were one of the obsessive hacks, that thought I "lied" in a stupid JPP poll.

Grind, Cypress is the biggest douchebag on this website...

I just owned him yesterday when he claimed HE said that Edwards voters will go for Clinton rather than Obama....

I cut and pasted the exact words he used from DailyKos....He plagarized it entirely and said it was his "own" opinion...


Link us up dick stench.