The Summer Switch

Biden will probably be re-elected by people who KNOW that he's not very good
but also know that he's running against Trump.

This election isn't about electing a great president.

That option won't be available,
probably until AOC is ready.

This election is only about keeping the pigfucking orangutan away from the oval office.

Maybe Biden will grow a pair in his second term,
knowing he won't be running again,
and will finally round up the trumpanzees as he should have done by now.

How long can we let them slither around freely, contaminating everything that they touch?

This earth may still be inhabitable for humans for maybe two or three more generations...
four at the absolute max.

Do we really want our species' last hurrah to include trumpanzees?

Biden has done a good job in difficult times.
Biden gets protested everywhere he goes. He's afraid to go to East Palestine because the toxins may kill him. Half his 2020 voters can't stand him. There's zero chance he gets reelected. Biden will go down in history as the most hated potus ever.

I have said it before, and I will say it again. Biden went to the funeral of every person who died from the East Palestine derailment. It is a proven fact.
Biden has done a good job in difficult times.

Biden has done what his supporters expect of him, which isn't much.

Moderates believe that radical problems are addressable with moderate solutions,
and will thus be the cause of the republic to fail.

The right isn't afraid to go batshit crazy to get what they want
but the left just clutches its pearls like a gaggle of old ladies.

Just stay the course, but the course is presently a swirl down history's toilet drain.
Biden has done what his supporters expect of him, which isn't much.

Moderates believe that radical problems are addressable with moderate solutions,
and will thus be the cause of the republic to fail.

The right isn't afraid to go batshit crazy to get what they want
but the left just clutches its pearls like a gaggle of old ladies.

Just stay the course, but the course is presently a swirl down history's toilet drain.

Biden stopped the recession the economists were predicting. He cut our inflation rate better than any other industrial nation. He has restored America's international relations. He has done a lot. He got a badly needed infrastructure bill passed.
I did not want Biden to run last time, but I figured his stuttering gaffes are far better than the goofball Trump's real plans.
And barring a major health problem, Biden is running in November
US Navy: "There aint nuth'n that can't be fixed with enough duct tape."
US Army: "There aint nuth'n that can't be fixed with enough 550 cord."
US Air Force: "There aint no problem that can't be fixed by adding more bandwidth."
DNC: "There aint nuth'n that can't be fixed with a good stolen election."
I figured his stuttering gaffes are far better than the goofball Trump's real plans.

I fully agree. Trump is a true monster,
and everybody who doesn't recognize that is a fucking idiot.

I also know that I'm Trump's age, which is younger than Biden,
and there's no way that I'd have any business working any job at all,
never mind POTUS.

I retired from my job twenty-two years ago, at age fifty-five, and never once felt that that was too soon.
I got to really enjoy good retirement years well before I was the relic that I am now.

Dubya Bush,
Bill Clinton,
and I are all the same age, or at least born in the same year.

Clinton was elected in 1992!!!!!
Biden is older still than all of us, and he's running in 2024.

Neither of the likely candidates are young enough to be greeters at Walmart,
and they want to be POTUS.

And we're all fine with that.
I don't get it.
The days are getting longer. We are headed towards summer... And another disappointment for alt right "predictions."
It's February - I'm thinking you may be as senile as Joe Bribem.

December 21st is the shortest day, so in February days are getting longer.

More importantly, it is more than a year after any successful campaign has ever gotten started. It is months after the deadline for most of the nominating contests. The rules could be changed, but it would require 56 different sets of rules to change at a speed never before even contemplated.

If you are going to do a conspiracy, why make it the most complex conspiracy possible? And why make it a very public conspiracy easily caught? Why do all this when it was not necessary?
December 21st is the shortest day, so in February days are getting longer.

More importantly, it is more than a year after any successful campaign has ever gotten started. It is months after the deadline for most of the nominating contests. The rules could be changed, but it would require 56 different sets of rules to change at a speed never before even contemplated.

If you are going to do a conspiracy, why make it the most complex conspiracy possible? And why make it a very public conspiracy easily caught? Why do all this when it was not necessary?

If you think this is summer - you have no more mental acuity than Xi's man Joe.

We now know HOW your party will switch Joe out. They will strategically wait until Summer to give Trump less time to mount an effective campaign against Big Mike, or whoever they put in.

Karl Rove says "NO WAY" it will be Michelle, so it probably is her. The old fucker lies about everything.