The Taproot of Antisemitism

The Greek prefix "anti" has been in use since around 900 BC.

Tele- is a Greek prefix too... So does that mean the Greeks had televisions?

The word "antisemitic" means "against the Semitic" and "anti-Semite."

You have confused etymology with definition. You are correct about the etymology, but incorrect about the definition. What antisemitic means is anti-Jewish.

Next you will be telling us that killing a woman is not manslaughter. Or that we should not park on a driveway, or drive on a parkway.
Tele- is a Greek prefix too...
Yes, it means "from afar" or "from a long distance."

So does that mean the Greeks had televisions?
This will probably win the Stupidest Question of the Week contest.

The word "television" means "vision from afar" or "vision from a long distance." If Tranquillus in Exile were to assert that it only has one meaning, i.e. "vision from distant Jews" then I would call boooolsch't, and I would hope you would do so as well.

What antisemitic means is anti-Jewish.
Nope. You have confused etymology with political aspirations to hijack a particular word. The word antisemitic means anti-Semite. Next you will be telling us that a mailbox means specifically a box for only the electric bill.
Christians were killing millions of Jews relatively recently, and in numbers greater than the Muslims.
Israelis started killing Arab Semite noncombatants in Gaza very recently, and in greater numbers than the Muslims.
Israelis started killing Arab Semite noncombatants in Gaza very recently, and in greater numbers than the Muslims.

Muslims sure have killed a lot of Arabs over the years... Far more than have been killed by Israel (the only modern Jewish state). For instance, the Syrian War, the Iran-Iraq War, etc.
sorry, but your lies have been rejected......please submit an alternate form of payment....

In giving thanks so that Islam human reproduction pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary son of Allah immaculate Jesus the Christ conception wasn't enough for those suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farmers E Pluribus Unum.....HA MAS !
In giving thanks so that Islam human reproduction pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary son of Allah immaculate Jesus the Christ conception wasn't enough for those suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farmers E Pluribus Unum.....

I've considered that from time to time, I will admit,
but I haven't smoked a joint while plastered on alcohol and oxycodone for many years.

Keep doing what you do, Salty.
It takes many perspectives to make a forum,
and we all appreciate it.
I've considered that from time to time, I will admit,
but I haven't smoked a joint while plastered on alcohol and oxycodone for many years.

Keep doing what you do, Salty.
It takes many perspectives to make a forum,
and we all appreciate it.

Maybe McHeil's Navy of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists Christiananality pedophilia Islam human reproduction pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary son of Allah immaculate Jesus the Christ conception Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom pedophilia granted Christian nation SCOTUS standing is appreciated more as suicidal super ego HA MAS ! patriot act national religion under color of law.....
All the accusations against Jews in the past or present come down to justifications for attacking us. In the old days, we poisoned wells and ate Christian babies; now we relentlessly persecute innocent Palestinians and control the world's wealth. The worst crimes any country can be guilty of in today's world are apartheid and genocide; therefore, Jews must be guilty of apartheid and genocide.
sorry, but your lies have been rejected

The Black Hundreds were a Russian ultra-nationalist, antisemitic movement who played a major part in the anti-Jewish pogroms circa 1900.

Here are some of the Black Hundreds holding a procession. Note all the crosses.


Most of the Jews who fled the Russian pogroms but failed to make it as far as Britain or America were later exterminated in the Nazi Holocaust, but some wound up in Palestine. Where should they go next?
The Black Hundreds were a Russian ultra-nationalist, antisemitic movement who played a major part in the anti-Jewish pogroms circa 1900.

Here are some of the Black Hundreds holding a procession. Note all the crosses.

sure....the KKK carried lots of crosses too.......then they set fire to them on people's lawns......not something Christians do.....
Guno צְבִי;5856253 said:
Although Christians are ready to scour patristic texts for the slightest trace of anti-Judaism, there is a reluctance to subject the New Testament to the same critique. While the works of the fathers may justly be regarded as the source of much of the persecution suffered by Jews at the hands of Gentiles, such a charge cannot be levelled at the Scriptures. Many biblical scholars are adamant that there is no connection between the prejudicial statements about Jews and Judaism found in the New Testament and the barbarian of Hitler. They refuse to believe that what has been termed the 'theological antisemitism' of the Christian era has any basis in the Bible and deny any possible link between biblical teaching and Nazi anti-Jewish policy.

They refuse to believe, for instance, that the hard sayings about the Pharisees attributed to Jesus in Matthew 23, the pointed remarks of Paul about the inferiority of Judaism, and the phrase 'His blood be upon us and upon our children', which, according to Matthew 27:26, was on the lips of the crowd of onlookers at Calvary, could in any way have augmented the sufferings of the Jews over the past two thousand years. They do not concede that one of the most belligerent references to Jews in all Christian Scripture, found in 1 Thessalonians 12:16 where the author states that they are the deserved recipients of God's wrath, may have been taken by countless generations of Christians as licence to harass and even murder their Jewish neighbours. They dismiss the antisemitic potential in Jesus' scathing description of his Jewish audience in John 8:44 as the children of the devil, and in John the Divine's reference to the 'synagogue of Satan' in Revelation 2:9.

But this standpoint has not gone unchallenged. Jewish theologians in particular have been vocal in their disagreement. Eliezer Berkovitz, for example, claims that 'Christianity's New Testament has been the most dangerous antisemitic tract in history. Its hatred-charged diatribes against the Pharisees and the Jews have poisoned the hearts and minds of millions and millions of Christians for almost two millennia. Without it Hitler's Mein Kampf could never have been written'.

It's the leftist commies, brah. By and large, it is. Right Now.
Guno צְבִי;5863100 said:
All the accusations against Jews in the past or present come down to justifications for attacking us.
Nope. All the self-righteous cries of victimhood from Jews in the past or present come down to shamelessly playing the victim while committing genocide and other war crimes.

Guno צְבִי;5863100 said:
In the old days, we poisoned wells and ate Christian babies;
In decades past, Israelis perpetrated the same atrocities behind racist HATRED. Nothing has changed.

Guno צְבִי;5863100 said:
... now we relentlessly persecute innocent Palestinians and control the world's wealth.
The first part is correct. The second part might be correct as well, I don't know, but if "you" do control the world's wealth then that makes you smart, not killers. It's the first part, the Jewish HATRED of Arab Semites, that is on full display by Israel. Thousand of innocent Palestinian civilian noncombatant Arab Semites are dead who were alive at the beginning of October, all at the hands of the IDF who should have been attacking Iran but who decided to let their HATRED win out over their need to defend Israel.

The worst crimes any country can be guilty of in today's world is genocide; therefore, Israelis shouldn't be perpetrating the Arab Holocaust that they are.
Thousand of innocent Palestinian civilian noncombatant Arab Semites are dead who were alive at the beginning of October, all at the hands of the IDF who should have been attacking Iran but who decided to let their HATRED win out over their need to defend Israel.

As I said in another thread, I generally agree with your stance of the war in Gaza and Israel's role in it, but I'm leary of this idea of attacking or even invading Iran. Even if it's true that Iran played a key role in the Hamas attack of October 7th, I strongly suspect that attacking or even invading Iran would only make things worse. I think trying to find a more just solution to the Palestinian situation would work out a lot better.
sure....the KKK carried lots of crosses too.......then they set fire to them on people's lawns......not something Christians do.....

Having a flaming cross is a Scottish Christian custom. It makes the cross visible from further away.

The Russian Pogroms were a Christian persecution of Jews. The Holocaust was another Christian persecution of Jews, but there were at least some borderline non-Christians involved in that one.
OK, I'll accept your theory that the word was coined to specifically mean "anti-Jew,"
but if it was, it should have been challenged at the outset.

My experience is that those who are careless in the delivery of a thought
are equally careless with the content of the thought as well.

It happens with a lot of our words here in the States. When is the last time we heard someone who was very, very happy say, “I’m so gay!” Eventually the word will not mean “happy” at all in common vernacular. From the evidences you and the others have put on here it appears the same transition has happened with the word “Semite.”