The Taproot of Antisemitism

As I said in another thread, I generally agree with your stance of the war in Gaza and Israel's role in it, but I'm leary of this idea of attacking or even invading Iran.
Fine, but anyone declaring that Israel's actions are justified because "Israel has a right to defend itself" is wrong because Israel is not defending itself. The iDF would need to be invading Iran for Israel to be defending itself. If Israel doesn't want to invade Iran, great, they aren't somehow required ... but they don't get to pick a convenient group of Arab Semites to eradicate instead.
Having a flaming cross is a Scottish Christian custom. It makes the cross visible from further away.

The Russian Pogroms were a Christian persecution of Jews. The Holocaust was another Christian persecution of Jews, but there were at least some borderline non-Christians involved in that one.

you are incredibly ignorant.....I see no reason to respond to your stupid shit.....
Anyone who has read Christian Bible will no doubt be alarmed by the demonization of the Jewish people that served for many centuries to enforce antisemitic acts and attitudes practiced throughout Christendom. Historically, countless Christian massacres, persecutions and the omnipotent antisemitic attitudes purveyed by preachers and popes alike were defended as following naturally from Christian scripture that, above all else, blamed the Jews for murdering Jesus.

Norman A. Beck lists about 450 examples of explicitly antisemitic verses throughout the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) and the Acts of the Apostles. Jews are referred to as vipers and poisonous snakes, hard-hearted and hypocrites, thieves and robbers, and the blind guiding the blind. We are told that they reject the commandments, reject God’s purpose, and plotted on multiple occasions to kill Jesus, which the New Testament says they eventually did. The Gospel according to John makes these assertions: God’s word and God’s love are not with the Jews; none of the Jews do what is written in the Torah; they know neither Jesus nor the father; and they are descendants of their own father, who is not God but Satan.
WHENEVER UNNAMED Jews appear in the New Testament, they do so almost always as villains.

The scholar William Nicholls put it more plainly: “No uncritical reader of the New Testament could easily come away with any but the most negative opinion of Jews.”
Guno צְבִי;5856257 said:
In her controversial study of the theological roots of antisemitism, ‘Faith and Fratricide’ (1974), the Roman theologian Rosemary Ruether argues that parts of the New Testament were intended by their authors to turn Christians against Jews. She asks pointedly, 'Is it possible to say, "Jesus is the Messiah" without, implicitly or explicitly, saying at the same time "and the Jews be damned"?' (p. 246) James Parkes, the Anglican clergyman who ranks as a doyen in the field of Christian-Jewish relations, stated categorically that after more than fifty years studying the topic he was convinced that it is dishonest to refuse to face the fact that the basic root of modern antisemitism lies squarely in the New Testament.
Were you bullied a lot as a kid?