The thing I'm finding most troubling about Obama


The Force is With Me
As an African-American who has been alive longer than African-Americans have been relatively free in America, I'm naturally I'm proud and entusiastic about an African-American that I could support being this close to the presidency. Although, Obama simply being African-American doesn't necessarily mean that I could support him. Had he been Powell, Rice, Harold Ford, or John Lewis, I'd be voting for someone else. But Obama is antiwar, intelligent, reflective, articulate, has roots in issues I think most important, and he's run a brilliant campaign. Brilliant does not imply perfect, but he needed to run a brilliant campaign to defeat the Clintons, the most formidable opponent he's going to face in this election season.

But what I'm finding most troubling is his penchant to overreact. He's starting to appear like his course of actions and even what he believes can be dictated by the very forces he opposes. Talk about him not wearing a flag pin and he'll change course and put it on. Talk about him being a muslim and he'll go to AIPAC and give a speech like he was Benjamin Netanyahu .. then keep scarf-wearing women away from the stage. Talk about him having dialouge with leaders we don't like and he'll waffle on his position. Talk about him not going to Iraq and he'll schedule a visit to Iraq. Talk about him being weak and he'll start making Bushesque "dead or alive" statements about Bin Laden. Talk about his wife and he'll hide her and "make her over." Talk about his pastor, associates, or even those within his own campaign and he'll dump them.

This may not be all be his fault, and his pastor definately needed to be dumped, but there is a pattern emerging that I find troubling. I also recognize that he has to do what he has to do to become the president. But hopefully he's not going to govern this way. If the right can say BOO and make him jump, that doesn't bode well for Iran, Afghanistan, or Iraq.

If he can be bullied, bluffed, or badgered into taking positions that are counter to what drives the Obama movement, there are going to be an awful lot of disappointed, dis-spirited and de-energized Americans who rode him into office on a horse named Change.

It remains to be seen, but it bears watching.
As an African-American who has been alive longer than African-Americans have been relatively free in America, I'm naturally I'm proud and entusiastic about an African-American that I could support being this close to the presidency. Although, Obama simply being African-American doesn't necessarily mean that I could support him. Had he been Powell, Rice, Harold Ford, or John Lewis, I'd be voting for someone else. But Obama is antiwar, intelligent, reflective, articulate, has roots in issues I think most important, and he's run a brilliant campaign. Brilliant does not imply perfect, but he needed to run a brilliant campaign to defeat the Clintons, the most formidable opponent he's going to face in this election season.

But what I'm finding most troubling is his penchant to overreact. He's starting to appear like his course of actions and even what he believes can be dictated by the very forces he opposes. Talk about him not wearing a flag pin and he'll change course and put it on. Talk about him being a muslim and he'll go to AIPAC and give a speech like he was Benjamin Netanyahu .. then keep scarf-wearing women away from the stage. Talk about him having dialouge with leaders we don't like and he'll waffle on his position. Talk about him not going to Iraq and he'll schedule a visit to Iraq. Talk about him being weak and he'll start making Bushesque "dead or alive" statements about Bin Laden. Talk about his wife and he'll hide her and "make her over." Talk about his pastor, associates, or even those within his own campaign and he'll dump them.

This may not be all be his fault, and his pastor definately needed to be dumped, but there is a pattern emerging that I find troubling. I also recognize that he has to do what he has to do to become the president. But hopefully he's not going to govern this way. If the right can say BOO and make him jump, that doesn't bode well for Iran, Afghanistan, or Iraq.

If he can be bullied, bluffed, or badgered into taking positions that are counter to what drives the Obama movement, there are going to be an awful lot of disappointed, dis-spirited and de-energized Americans who rode him into office on a horse named Change.

It remains to be seen, but it bears watching.

Originally Obama was running his campaign with his own people. Now he is bringing in more and more of the campaign advisors from other candidate's staff and from the long standing political base of the DNC.

The best thing about Obama was his fresh approach and fresh views. But by surrounding himself with the staffers and advisors who have been there so long, is he killing his fresh view?
He has got to make clear that the smear shit is not true.

He has to counter the crap directly.

The flag pin thing was responded to correctly in my mind. He did not wear it for a long time even though the easy thing would have been to just put one on.

He instead said ti was not a valid issue in a campaign. Once it was a dead issue and was not going to have any traction he put it on.

He set the framework for "I will wear it when I want to wear it not when you tell me I have to".
Yeah, I have noticed, but I’m not too alarmed yet, because I think that the bar for a black man to be elected is a lot higher, and there are certain things he has to do in order to keep the republican machine, who is so good at this, from turning him into a black panther weatherman who is going to screw your white daughters and bomb police headquarters. Though we’ve moved forward a lot, that could still happen in this country. I think it’s getting harder and harder every year though.

And I have seen strength in him as well. So, I agree it bears watching, but I’m not too worried yet.

You know what is funniest, in an infuriating way? The same freaking squeakers who will be on message boards whining about the Muslims who were kept out of the photo op, would be the first ones squeaking if they had been in it. So, to them, I say; shut up.
Spare us the're gonna vote for him without reservation.....if he dropped dead today, you'd still vote for him tomorrow....
I know I'm on the bandwagon here, but that speech he made on race in Philly is all I need to know from Obama about the state of his political courage.

All of the stuff you listed is "handler" stuff, BAC. It's stuff he was told to do to put as quick an end to potential controversy as possible. While I hate it when politicians let themselves be "over-handled", a la Gore in 2000, I understand why they would react this way. The big lesson of '04 was "don't wait 3 weeks to respond to potential controversy," so they're trying to squelch all of this little stuff as quickly as possible. There is a big difference between making a change about a flag pin or visit to Iraq, and changing principle on something.
He has got to make clear that the smear shit is not true.

He has to counter the crap directly.

The flag pin thing was responded to correctly in my mind. He did not wear it for a long time even though the easy thing would have been to just put one on.

He instead said ti was not a valid issue in a campaign. Once it was a dead issue and was not going to have any traction he put it on.

He set the framework for "I will wear it when I want to wear it not when you tell me I have to".

I agree with this .. but my concern is the pattern and perception that is emerging.
Spare us the're gonna vote for him without reservation.....if he dropped dead today, you'd still vote for him tomorrow....

Damned straight (except for the dead part). I can't wait to vote for Obama, and for him to win. I have absolutely no reservations about it whatsoever.
dont forget first he is a politician and you should never love nor follow like sheep ANY politicians. Its always a matter of choosing the lesser of 2 evils when your voting and obama is no exception.
Yeah, I have noticed, but I’m not too alarmed yet, because I think that the bar for a black man to be elected is a lot higher, and there are certain things he has to do in order to keep the republican machine, who is so good at this, from turning him into a black panther weatherman who is going to screw your white daughters and bomb police headquarters. Though we’ve moved forward a lot, that could still happen in this country. I think it’s getting harder and harder every year though.

And I have seen strength in him as well. So, I agree it bears watching, but I’m not too worried yet.

You know what is funniest, in an infuriating way? The same freaking squeakers who will be on message boards whining about the Muslims who were kept out of the photo op, would be the first ones squeaking if they had been in it. So, to them, I say; shut up.

I agree with you 100% and I acknowledged that he's doing what he feels he must .. but the perception will become the reality if he doesn't take notice.

His AIPAC speech and his Bushesque "And if I'm president, and we have the opportunity to capture him (Bin Laden), we may not be able to capture him alive" .. is troubling. Save that macho-bullshit for McCain.
dont forget first he is a politician and you should never love nor follow like sheep ANY politicians. Its always a matter of choosing the lesser of 2 evils when your voting and obama is no exception.

Okay. Thanks for the head's up on that.
He will have to macho it a little. Its sad but true. This is why I think someone like Clarke would be good, Richard or Wesley
Not like you, who can’t wait to vote for someone who already is dead.

Was that supposed to make me smile ?

Darla, let me tell you something you really need to know about me; nobody hates left wingers more than me. Ask around. I have zero in common with you pukes, so don’t go looking for common ground or thinking that I would be voting for Obama because I get pissed off about some of the things I read. You're a joke. I work my angst out by writing. Right here, where I can be more open, for instance, saying things like, I hate liberal, left wing pukes. (Sound familiar?):321:

I don't believe that's the question here .. in fact, if we were sheeple, we wouldn't be questioning at all.

Of course. Chapdog's reaction was, once again, befuddling.

Sometimes, I think Chap is the real deal, but others, he seems like a classic concern troll....
Spare us the're gonna vote for him without reservation.....if he dropped dead today, you'd still vote for him tomorrow....

I keep forgetting that children are in the room .. who can't wait to display their Cartman intellect and dumb enough to believe it to be profound.