The Trump tape is "gold" for prosecutors

Well first of all none of you nitwits give a shit about what he did or didn't do with the documents. This is nothing but political theater. The goal of this is not a conviction but to make sure trump doesn't ever run again. You care about a conviction not because he did anything wrong but because you hope people see him as a "convict" and won't vote for him. That was the impeachment angle. You simply wanted to be able to say "twice impeached". THATS the ONLY reason you idiots did it.

Next, whether you like it or not trump is a former president of the United States of America. Now I know you dont care about what I am going to say next but thats because you're a mindless leftist. To the your trainers however what I say next does matter. Once you idiots open this can of worms and start harassing presidents you may not like what falls out of the tree when you shake it. I know to you trump is more evil than Satan but that's what your trainers have spoon fed you to believe. They have been very effective by the way. The things is there is stuff that happens at levels way above you and me that not even your trainers want known to the world but that could ooze out in an investigation. It's in no ones best interest to convict an ex president. And if you think your trainers give a shit about, "no one is above the law" you're a bigger idiot than I imagined. They ALL think they are above the law and since they make the law, convince me it's not true.

Still waiting for a reason that Donald will walk. Have you noticed that at no time has he denied that the tape was real, that he denied saying what he did. He endangered our national security and you just dont give a shit.
Hard to call anything a witch hunt when the prosecution has tapes, emails, text messages, phone messages and of course about 80 people to testify. Then of course there will be much more that we haven't learned yet.
So what will the trump defense be?????

How should I know?

I’m not part of his legal team

I would assume during pretrial proceedings that they will prove he had a legal right to them and ask for a dismissal
Still waiting for a reason that Donald will walk. Have you noticed that at no time has he denied that the tape was real, that he denied saying what he did. He endangered our national security and you just dont give a shit.

No he didn’t

You guys say this lie so much it’s becoming part of your liberal brains

But just for shits and giggles why don’t you tell us exactly what he showed off that endangered our national security
No he didn’t

You guys say this lie so much it’s becoming part of your liberal brains

But just for shits and giggles why don’t you tell us exactly what he showed off that endangered our national security

Fuckwad, take the word of the prosecutors. You know that trump never denied anything.
This is a Trump appointed judge, you do remember how she ruled in that special master debacle?!! This judge is a concern for me and others too, with no trial experience and she is not going to recuse herself either?!!
The trial is being held in deep Red trump country. It only takes one MAGAmoron on the jury to cause a mistrial.

Even with a conviction, we don't really believe that this judge will sentence trump to...anything. Do we?
I don't think kenneth is rooting for trump. He's just pointing out Judge Cannon is a trumptard nutjob - which she is.
FF is an attack dog. She lashes out at friendlies all the time.

I often wonder if she bothers to read the posts?
Bring ‘em on

Doesn’t change the fact that Trump was legally allowed to have those documents

80 people testifying doesn’t change the law
Whereas you are delusional, this judge will not sentence trump to any meaningful penalty when he's convicted.

Which still doesn't detract from the fact that you are delusional.

Specifically, the PRA:

Establishes public ownership of all Presidential records and defines the term Presidential records.
Requires that Vice-Presidential records be treated in the same way as Presidential records.
Places the responsibility for the custody and management of incumbent Presidential records with the President.

Doesn’t get more clear than that
You are a moron.

Your link:

  • Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.
Lol, except you didn’t post the most pertinent part
automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.”Establishes public ownership of all Presidential records and defines the term Presidential records.
LOL. I should have read one more post
Will your head explode when he's convicted, Yak? Will you make your head explode?
They'll laugh off the conviction the way they laughed off the impeachment.

Because there will be no penalty handed down by this incompetent judge.
Like the Republican witch hunt over Benghazi, the Democrats do overreach, but, like Benghazi, where there's smoke, there's fire.

In the case of Benghazi, the Republicans chose to go after Hillary instead of Obama. It was Obama's op, not Hillary's. The only thing I can figure is that, since Obama was elected and a lame duck, that they'd go after the next most likely Democratic replacement, Ms. HRC.

I don't approve of "witch hunts", politically motivated prosecution, but I always approve of going after criminals regardless of their political affiliations. Trump is a well known crook, liar and he risked national security for personal ego. I expect our nation to prosecute him to the full extent of the law.
It's been a number of years, but I don't remember any 'OP'.

Going from memory:

Stevens was stationed in Tripoli. He chose to go to Benghazi against the strong urging of his security detail. In fact, they guaranteed him that he would die if he went.

Stevens was an extremely dedicated ambassador who literally loved to walk among the people. He chose to go because he felt that it was important to do so. There were no orders for him to go to Benghazi.
Trump cannot win. There are 84 witnesses. There are audio tapes of him talking about the documents and saying they are classified. He also says a lie, that if he was still in office he could declassify them. He never learned how things work. He has no shot to be found innocent.
Trump should be given time in jail. The tiers of justice exist, but he has done such terrible things and in public that no judge should let him walk.
They'll laugh off the conviction the way they laughed off the impeachment.

Because there will be no penalty handed down by this incompetent judge.

Disagreed on all three points; They'll shit themselves like liberal Clinton fans after losing the election, there will be penalties and the judge, while competent will hand down a lighter than usual sentence.
It's been a number of years, but I don't remember any 'OP'.

Going from memory:

Stevens was stationed in Tripoli. He chose to go to Benghazi against the strong urging of his security detail. In fact, they guaranteed him that he would die if he went.

Stevens was an extremely dedicated ambassador who literally loved to walk among the people. He chose to go because he felt that it was important to do so. There were no orders for him to go to Benghazi.

The CIA was pulling guns out of Libya and giving them to the rebels in Syria. That's the entire purpose of the CIA annex in a hostile city and why there was an ambassador at a consulate in a hostile city on the anniversary of 9/11. Ambassadors have two bosses; State and POTUS. Stevens was diplomatic eyes and ears for the WH overseeing the operation, a black op. Hillary was clueless about it.

FWIW, I support the idea, but, given the circumstances, considered the security too light.
The trial is being held in deep Red trump country. It only takes one MAGAmoron on the jury to cause a mistrial.

Even with a conviction, we don't really believe that this judge will sentence trump to...anything. Do we?

Other cases await trump

Even in this crime spree of doc stealing he can be charged in Bedsminster